n2o4 0.0.0

Idiomatic, safe Rust bindings to cFE and OSAL APIs (placeholder for off-crates.io project)
  • Coverage
  • 100%
    1 out of 1 items documented0 out of 0 items with examples
  • Size
  • Source code size: 13.46 kB This is the summed size of all the files inside the crates.io package for this release.
  • Documentation size: 79.04 kB This is the summed size of all files generated by rustdoc for all configured targets
  • Links
  • BlackCAT-CubeSat/n2o4
    17 1 6
  • crates.io
  • Dependencies
  • Versions
  • Owners
  • zec github:blackcat-cubesat:fsw

Placeholder n2o4 crate

n2o4 is a Rust crate that provides safe, Rustic bindings to the APIs of cFE and OSAL, the libraries of the Core Flight System (cFS).

WARNING: This is not the actual n2o4 crate!

The actual n2o4 crate is not currently published on crates.io due to having a fairly tight binding with the cFS build system (and extensions thereof), such that building this crate outside the context of a cFS project doesn't make any sense.

You can find the functioning n2o4 crate, and how to use it, here:
