mysqlbinlog-network 1.0.1

mysqlbinlog from MySQL instance failed to build mysqlbinlog-network-1.0.1
Please check the build logs for more information.
See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure builds.
If you believe this is' fault, open an issue.
Visit the last successful build: mysqlbinlog-network-1.0.9


This create offers:

  • Get MySql5.7+/8.0+ Binlog-Event From Mysql Instance


  • macOS, Windows and Linux support;
  • Mysql Gtid Support;
  • mysql 5.7+/mysql 8.0+ Event Support;


Put the desired version of the crate into the dependencies section of your Cargo.toml:

mysqlbinglog_network = "*"


use mysqlbinlog_network::client::sync::{OffsetConfig, Runner};

fn main() {
    // Use crate[mysql] opt url to connect source
    // ServerID is unique,
    let mut runner = Runner::new("mysql://root:123456@", 1111).unwrap();
        .start_sync(OffsetConfig {
            // pos: Some(("binlog.000002".to_string(), 34834)),
            pos: None,
            gtid: Some("0575a804-6403-11ea-8d3d-e454e8d4a4fe:1-1467870".into()),
    loop {
        let e = runner.get_event().unwrap();

[src/] e = Event {
        header: EventHeader {
        timestamp: 0,
        event_type: RotateEvent,
        server_id: 2,
        event_size: 43,
        log_pos: 0,
        flags: 32,
    event: Some(
        RotateEvent {
            pos: 4,
            next_log_name: "mysql-bin.000132",
[src/] e = Event {
        header: EventHeader {
        timestamp: 1625022967,
        event_type: FormatDescriptionEvent,
        server_id: 2,
        event_size: 119,
        log_pos: 123,
        flags: 0,
    event: Some(
        FormatDescriptionEvent {
            binlog_version: 4,
            server_version: "5.7.29-log",
            create_timestamp: 0,
            common_header_len: 19,
            checksum_algorithm: CRC32,
[src/] e = Event {
            header: EventHeader {
            timestamp: 1625022967,
            event_type: PreviousGtidsLogEvent,
            server_id: 2,
            event_size: 71,
            log_pos: 194,
            flags: 128,
        event: None,
[src/] e = Event {
        header: EventHeader {
            timestamp: 0,
            event_type: HeartbeatLogEvent,
            server_id: 2,
            event_size: 39,
            log_pos: 4178350,
            flags: 0,
        event: None,
[src/] e = Event {
        header: EventHeader {
        timestamp: 1625047157,
        event_type: GtidLogEvent,
        server_id: 2,
        event_size: 65,
        log_pos: 4178415,
        flags: 0,
    event: Some(
            GtidLogEvent {
                flags: 0,
                uuid: 0575a804-6403-11ea-8d3d-e454e8d4a4fe,
                coordinate: 1467870,
                last_committed: Some(
                sequence_number: Some(

API Documentation

Please refer to the [crate docs].


Event support
Unknown - []
StartEventV3 - [x]
QueryEvent - [x]
StopEvent - [x]
RotateEvent - [x]
IntvarEvent - []
LoadEvent - []
SlaveEvent - []
CreateFileEvent - []
AppendBlockEvent - []
ExecLoadEvent - []
DeleteFileEvent - []
NewLoadEvent - []
RandEvent - []
UserVarEvent - []
FormatDescriptionEvent - [x]
XidEvent - [x]
BeginLoadQueryEvent - [x]
ExecuteLoadQueryEvent - [x]
TableMapEvent - [x]
PreGaWriteRowsEvent - []
PreGaUpdateRowsEvent - []
PreGaDeleteRowsEvent - []
WriteRowsEventV1 - [x]
UpdateRowsEventV1 - [x]
DeleteRowsEventV1 - [x]
IncidentEvent - []
HeartbeatLogEvent - [x]
IgnorableLogEvent - []
RowsQueryLogEvent - [x]
WriteRowsEventV2 - [x]
UpdateRowsEventV2 - [x]
DeleteRowsEventV2 - [x]
GtidLogEvent - [x]
AnonymousGtidLogEvent - []
PreviousGtidsLogEvent - []
OtherUnknown(u8) - []

Not support Means Event Will Not Parse!But Event Header Will Can Tell It!


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Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.