mysql_common 0.19.2

MySql protocol primitives
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# mysql_common

This crate is an implementation of basic MySql protocol primitives.

This crate:
* defines basic MySql constants;
* implements necessary functionality for MySql `cached_sha2_password` and
  `mysql_native_password` authentication plugins;
* implements helper traits for MySql protocol IO;
* implements support of named parameters for prepared statements;
* implements parsers for a subset of MySql protocol packets;
* defines rust representation of MySql protocol value and row;
* implements conversion between MySql values and rust types, between MySql rows and tuples
  of rust types.

### Supported rust types

Crate offers conversion from/to MySql values for following types (please see MySql documentation
on supported ranges for numeric types). Following table refers to MySql protocol types
(see `Value` struct) and not to MySql column types. Please see [MySql documentation][1] for
column and protocol type correspondence:

| Type                            | Notes                                                     |
| ------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------   |
| `{i,u}8..{i,u}128`, `{i,u}size` | MySql int/uint will be converted, bytes will be parsed.<br>⚠️ Note that range of `{i,u}128` is greater than supported by MySql integer types but it'll be serialized anyway (as decimal bytes string). |
| `bool`                          | MySql int {`0`, `1`} or bytes {`"0x30"`, `"0x31"`}        |
| `Vec<u8>`                       | MySql bytes                                               |
| `String`                        | MySql bytes parsed as utf8                                |
| `Duration` (`std` and `time`)   | MySql time or bytes parsed as MySql time string           |
| `time::Timespec`                | MySql date or bytes parsed as MySql date string           |
| `chrono::NaiveTime`             | MySql date or bytes parsed as MySql date string           |
| `chrono::NaiveDate`             | MySql date or bytes parsed as MySql date string           |
| `chrono::NaiveDateTime`         | MySql date or bytes parsed as MySql date string           |
| `uuid::Uuid`                    | MySql bytes parsed using `Uuid::from_slice`               |
| `serde_json::Value`             | MySql bytes parsed using `serde_json::from_str`           |
| `mysql_common::Deserialized<T : DeserializeOwned>` | MySql bytes parsed using `serde_json::from_str` |
| `Option<T: FromValue>`          | Must be used for nullable columns to avoid errors         |
| `decimal::Decimal`              | MySql int, uint or bytes parsed using `Decimal::from_str`.<br>⚠️ Note that this type doesn't support full range of MySql `DECIMAL` type. |
| `bigdecimal::BigDecimal`        | MySql int, uint, floats or bytes parsed using `BigDecimal::parse_bytes`.<br>⚠️ Note that range of this type is greater than supported by MySql `DECIMAL` type but it'll be serialized anyway. |
| `num_bigint::{BigInt, BigUint}  | MySql int, uint or bytes parsed using `_::parse_bytes`.<br>⚠️ Note that range of this type is greater than supported by MySql integer types but it'll be serialized anyway (as decimal bytes string). |


## License

Licensed under either of
 * Apache License, Version 2.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE]LICENSE-APACHE or
at your option.

## Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any
additional terms or conditions.