mqttrs 0.3.0

Mqtt protocol encoding and decoding
# Rust Mqtt Encoding & Decoding  [![]]LICENSE [![]]*/mqttrs/

`Mqttrs` is a [Rust]( crate (library) to write [MQTT
protocol]( clients and servers.

It is a codec-only library with [very few dependencies](Cargo.toml) and a [straightworward and
composable API](*/mqttrs/), usable with rust's standard library or with async
frameworks like [tokio]( It is strict when decoding (e.g. returns an error when
encountering reserved values) and encoding (the API makes it impossible to generate an illegal

`Mqttrs` currently requires [Rust >= 1.39]( and supports
[MQTT 3.1.1]( Support for [MQTT
5]( is planned for a future version.

## Usage

Add `mqttrs = "0.3"` and `bytes = "0.5"` to your `Cargo.toml`.

use mqttrs::*;
use bytes::BytesMut;

// Allocate write buffer.
let mut buf = BytesMut::with_capacity(1024);

// Encode an MQTT Connect packet.
let pkt = Packet::Connect(Connect { protocol: Protocol::MQTT311,
                                    keep_alive: 30,
                                    client_id: "doc_client".into(),
                                    clean_session: true,
                                    last_will: None,
                                    username: None,
                                    password: None });
assert!(encode(&pkt, &mut buf).is_ok());
assert_eq!(&buf[14..], "doc_client".as_bytes());
let mut encoded = buf.clone();

// Decode one packet. The buffer will advance to the next packet.
assert_eq!(Ok(Some(pkt)), decode(&mut buf));

// Example decode failures.
let mut incomplete = encoded.split_to(10);
assert_eq!(Ok(None), decode(&mut incomplete));
let mut garbage = BytesMut::from(&[0u8,0,0,0] as &[u8]);
assert_eq!(Err(Error::InvalidHeader), decode(&mut garbage));

## Optional [serde] support.

Use  `mqttrs = { version = "0.3", features = [ "derive" ] }` in your `Cargo.toml`.

Enabling this features adds `#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]` to some `mqttrs` types. This
simplifies storing those structs in a database or file, typically to implement session support (qos,

This doesn't add mqtt as a serde data format; you still need to use the `mqttrs::{decode,encode}`

## Optional `#[no_std]` support.

Use `mqttrs = { version = "0.3", default-features = false }` in your `Cargo.toml` to remove the
default `std` feature.

Disabling this feature comes with the cost of not implementing the `std::error::Error` trait,
as well as not supporting `std::io` read and write. This allows usage in embedded devices
where the standard library is not available.