mqttrs 0.3.0

Mqtt protocol encoding and decoding
# 0.3 (2020-03-23)

## API changes

* Added opt-in serde support to facilitate session and ack management (storing subscriptions and
  pids to disk or database). The actual encode()/decode() APIs are unchanged.
* Upgrated bytes dependency to 0.5. This brings growable buffers and a nicer API, [amongst other
* Implemented `Default for Pid`, `From<u16> for Pid`, and `TryFrom<Pid> for u16`. The `try_from()`
  method already existed but now comes from the `std::convert::TryFrom` trait.
* `encode()` now takes anything that implements the `BufMut` trait, not just a `ByteMut` struct. For
  technical reasons, `decode()` still takes `BytesMut`.
* Added option to opt-out of std library, allowing usage in `#[no_std]` projects, at the only cost
  of giving up the `Error` trait from std as well as `std::io` integration.

## Bugfixes

* Fix off-by one error when adding to a Pid wraps over.

## Other changes

* The minimum rust version is now 1.39.
* Improved `Pid` docs.

# 0.2 (2019-10-25)

This is a fairly large release with API fixes and improvements, bug fixes, and much better test
coverage and documentation.

## API changes

* We now return a dedicated error type instead of abusing `std::io::Error`.
* `PacketIdentifier` was renamed to `Pid`. It now avoids the illegal value 0, wraps around automatically, and can be hashed.
* `Publish.qos` and `` have been merged together, avoiding accidental illegal combinations.
* `Connect.password` and `Connect.will.payload` can now contain binary data.
* The `Protocol` enum doesn't carry extra data anymore.
* All public structs/enum/functions are now (re)exported from the crate root, and the rest has been made private.
* The letter-casing of packet types is more consistent.
* Packet subtypes can be converted to `Packet` using `.into()`.

## Other changes

* Much improved documentation. See it with `cargo doc --open`.
* More thorough unittesting, including exhaustive and random value ranges testing.
* Lots of corner-case bugfixes, particularly when decoding partial or corrupted data.
* The minimum rust version is now 1.32.
* Raised `mqttrs`'s bus factor to 2 ;)

# 0.1.4 (2019-09-16)

* Fix issue #8: Decoding an incomplete packet still consumes bytes from the buffer.