mproxy-client 0.1.8

MPROXY: UDP Client. Stream local data to logging servers via UDP

MPROXY: Multicast Network Dispatcher and Proxy

Streams data over the network.


This repo includes four packages: Forward-proxy, reverse-proxy, UDP client, and UDP server. Proxies allow conversion between TCP and UDP, so these blocks can be combined together for complete interoperability with existing networks. A primary feature is compatability with UDP Multicast for intermediate routing and reverse-proxy, enabling dead simple group communication across complex one-to-many or many-to-many data streams, and resulting in scalable reverse-proxy. Packages can be run either from the command line or included as a library.

  • Simple to use full networking stack
    • Send, proxy, reverse-proxy, and receive to/from multiple endpoints simultaneously
  • Fast
    • Can be deployed in less than 5 minutes
    • 500+ Mbps read/transfer/write speed (UDP)
    • Stateless multithreaded concurrency
  • Minimal
    • Zero configuration, logging, or caching
    • Tiny memory footprint, compiled binary sizes ~350KB
    • Less than 1500 LOC
  • Leverage benefits of UDP
    • Simple stream aggregation
    • Performant proxy and reverse proxy
    • UDP multicasting for scalable reverse-proxy

Quick Start

Get started with a simple client/server network. Install the command line tools with cargo, and start a UDP listen server on port 9920.

cargo install mproxy-client mproxy-server
mproxy-server --listen-addr "localhost:9920" --path "streamoutput.log" --tee

Then send some bytes from the client to the server. The path option "-" tells the client to read input from stdin. A filepath, descriptor, or handle may also be used.

mproxy-client --path "-" --server-addr "localhost:9920"
> Hello world!

You should now see your message appear in streamoutput.log (and also to stdout if --tee is used)


  • Windows/Linux/Mac
  • IPv4/IPv6
  • UDP
    • via forward and reverse proxy
    • Partial client-side TLS support provided by rustls (requires feature tls enabled in mproxy-forward)


See the documentation for installing and operation instructions