mpd 0.0.6

A client library for MPD (music player daemon), like libmpdclient but in Rust
//! The module defines song structs and methods.

use time::{strptime, Duration, Tm};
use rustc_serialize::{Encodable, Encoder};

use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::fmt;

use error::{Error, ParseError};
use convert::FromIter;

/// Song ID
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Eq, Ord, Default, RustcEncodable)]
pub struct Id(pub u32);

impl fmt::Display for Id {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {

/// Song place in the queue
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Default, RustcEncodable)]
pub struct QueuePlace {
    /// song ID
    pub id: Id,
    /// absolute zero-based song position
    pub pos: u32,
    /// song priority, if present, defaults to 0
    pub prio: u8

/// Song range
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Range(pub Duration, pub Option<Duration>);

impl Encodable for Range {
    fn encode<S: Encoder>(&self, e: &mut S) -> Result<(), S::Error> {
        e.emit_tuple(2, |e|
            e.emit_tuple_arg(0, |e| e.emit_i64(self.0.num_seconds())).and_then(|_|
            e.emit_tuple_arg(1, |e| e.emit_option(|e||d| e.emit_option_some(|e| d.num_seconds().encode(e))).unwrap_or_else(|| e.emit_option_none())))))

impl Default for Range {
    fn default() -> Range {
        Range(Duration::seconds(0), None)

impl fmt::Display for Range {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
            .and_then(|_| f.write_str(":"))
            .and_then(|_||v| v.num_seconds().fmt(f)).unwrap_or(Ok(())))

impl FromStr for Range {
    type Err = ParseError;
    fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Range, ParseError> {
        let mut splits = s.split('-').flat_map(|v| v.parse().into_iter());
        match (, {
            (Some(s), Some(e)) => Ok(Range(Duration::seconds(s), Some(Duration::seconds(e)))),
            (None, Some(e)) => Ok(Range(Duration::zero(), Some(Duration::seconds(e)))),
            (Some(s), None) => Ok(Range(Duration::seconds(s), None)),
            (None, None) => Ok(Range(Duration::zero(), None)),

/// Song data
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Default)]
pub struct Song {
    /// filename
    pub file: String,
    /// name (for streams)
    pub name: Option<String>,
    /// last modification time
    pub last_mod: Option<Tm>,
    /// duration (in seconds resolution)
    pub duration: Option<Duration>,
    /// place in the queue (if queued for playback)
    pub place: Option<QueuePlace>,
    /// range to play (if queued for playback and range was set)
    pub range: Option<Range>,
    /// arbitrary tags, like album, artist etc
    pub tags: BTreeMap<String, String>,

impl Encodable for Song {
    fn encode<S: Encoder>(&self, e: &mut S) -> Result<(), S::Error> {
        e.emit_struct("Song", 7, |e|
            e.emit_struct_field("file", 0, |e| self.file.encode(e)).and_then(|_|
            e.emit_struct_field("name", 1, |e||_|
            e.emit_struct_field("last_mod", 2, |e| e.emit_option(
                    |e| self.last_mod.as_ref().map(|m| e.emit_option_some(|e| m.to_timespec().sec.encode(e))).unwrap_or_else(|| e.emit_option_none())))).and_then(|_|
            e.emit_struct_field("duration", 3, |e| e.emit_option(
                    |e| self.duration.as_ref().map(|d| e.emit_option_some(|e| d.num_seconds().encode(e))).unwrap_or_else(|| e.emit_option_none())
            e.emit_struct_field("place", 4, |e||_|
            e.emit_struct_field("range", 5, |e| self.range.encode(e))).and_then(|_|
            e.emit_struct_field("tags", 6, |e| self.tags.encode(e))))

impl FromIter for Song {
    /// build song from map
    fn from_iter<I: Iterator<Item=Result<(String, String), Error>>>(iter: I) -> Result<Song, Error> {
        let mut result = Song::default();

        for res in iter {
            let line = try!(res);
            match &*line.0 {
                "file" => result.file = line.1.to_owned(),
                "Last-Modified" => result.last_mod = try!(strptime(&*line.1, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z").map_err(ParseError::BadTime).map(Some)),
                "Name" => = Some(line.1.to_owned()),
                "Time" => result.duration = Some(Duration::seconds(try!(line.1.parse()))),
                "Range" => result.range = Some(try!(line.1.parse())),
                "Id" => match {
                    None => = Some(QueuePlace { id: Id(try!(line.1.parse())), pos: 0, prio: 0 }),
                    Some(ref mut place) => = Id(try!(line.1.parse())),
                "Pos" => match {
                    None => = Some(QueuePlace { pos: try!(line.1.parse()), id: Id(0), prio: 0 }),
                    Some(ref mut place) => place.pos = try!(line.1.parse()),
                "Prio" => match {
                    None => = Some(QueuePlace { prio: try!(line.1.parse()), id: Id(0), pos: 0 }),
                    Some(ref mut place) => place.prio = try!(line.1.parse()),
                _ => { result.tags.insert(line.0, line.1); }
