movingai 1.3.0

MovingAI Benchmark Map/Scen File Parser
use crate::map2d::MovingAiMap;
use crate::map2d::SceneRecord;

/// Contains all the parser functions.
use std::fs::File;
use std::io;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::path;

/// Parse a MovingAI `.map` file.
/// # Arguments
///  * `path` represents the path to the file location.
/// # Returns
///  It returns the parsed map as a `MovingAiMap` or an `Err`.
/// # Panics
///  For the time, it panics if the map format it is not correct.
///  TODO: Catch all these errors and encode them into `Result`.
/// # Errors
///  Return errors if it is not possible to open the specified file.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::path::Path;
/// use movingai::parser::parse_map_file;
/// let map = parse_map_file(Path::new("./tests/")).unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn parse_map_file(path: &path::Path) -> io::Result<MovingAiMap> {
    let mut file = File::open(path)?;
    let mut contents = String::new();
    file.read_to_string(&mut contents)?;


/// Parse a string representing a MovingAI `.map`.
/// # Arguments
///  * `contents` a string in the `.map` format.
/// # Returns
///  It returns the parsed map as a `MovingAiMap` or an `Err`.
/// # Panics
///  For the time, it panics if the map format it is not correct.
///  TODO: Catch all these errors and encode them into `Result`.
/// # Errors
///  Return errors if it is not possible to open the specified file.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::path::Path;
/// use movingai::parser::parse_map;
/// let map = parse_map("type octile\nheight 1\nwidth 1\nmap\nT").unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn parse_map(contents: &str) -> io::Result<MovingAiMap> {
    let mut height: usize = 0;
    let mut width: usize = 0;
    let mut map_type: String = String::from("empty");
    let mut map: Vec<char> = Vec::new();

    let mut parse_map = false;
    for line in contents.lines() {
        if parse_map {
            for c in line.chars() {
        if line.trim() == "map" {
            parse_map = true;
        } else {
            let param: Vec<&str> = line.split(' ').collect();
            if param.len() == 2 {
                let key = param[0];
                let value = param[1];
                if key == "type" {
                    map_type = String::from(value);
                } else if key == "height" {
                    height = value.parse::<usize>().expect("Error parsing map height.");
                } else if key == "width" {
                    width = value.parse::<usize>().expect("Error parsing map width.");
    Ok(MovingAiMap::new(map_type, height, width, map))

/// Parse a MovingAI `.scen` file.
/// # Arguments
///  * `path` represents the path to the file location.
/// # Returns
///  It returns the parsed map as a `Vec<SceneRecord>` or an `Err`.
/// # Panics
///  For the time, it panics if the map format it is not correct.
/// # Errors
///  Return errors if it is not possible to open the specified file.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::path::Path;
/// use movingai::parser::parse_scen_file;
/// let scen = parse_scen_file(Path::new("./tests/")).unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn parse_scen_file(path: &path::Path) -> io::Result<Vec<SceneRecord>> {
    let mut file = File::open(path)?;
    let mut contents = String::new();
    file.read_to_string(&mut contents)?;


/// Parse a string representing a MovingAI `.scen`.
/// # Arguments
///  * `contents` the string representing the `.scen` file.
/// # Returns
///  It returns the parsed map as a `Vec<SceneRecord>` or an `Err`.
/// # Panics
///  For the time, it panics if the map format it is not correct.
/// # Errors
///  Return errors if it is not possible to open the specified file.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::path::Path;
/// use movingai::parser::parse_scen;
/// let scen = parse_scen("version 1\n0	maps/dao/	49	49	1	11	1	12	1").unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn parse_scen(contents: &str) -> io::Result<Vec<SceneRecord>> {
    let mut table: Vec<SceneRecord> = Vec::new();

    for line in contents.lines() {
        if line.starts_with("version") {
        if line.is_empty() {
        let record: Vec<&str> = line.split('\t').collect();
        table.push(SceneRecord {
            bucket: record[0]
                .expect("Error parsing bucket size."),
            map_file: String::from(record[1]),
            map_width: record[2]
                .expect("Error parsing map width."),
            map_height: record[3]
                .expect("Error parsing map height."),
            start_pos: (
                record[4].parse::<usize>().expect("Error parsing start x."),
                record[5].parse::<usize>().expect("Error parsing start y."),
            goal_pos: (
                record[6].parse::<usize>().expect("Error parsing goal x"),
                record[7].parse::<usize>().expect("Error parsing goal y"),
            optimal_length: record[8]
                .expect("Erro parsing optimal length."),
