mononym 0.1.0

Type-level named values with partial dependent type support in Rust

 Mononym is a library for creating unique type-level names for each value
 in Rust. The core type `Named<Name, T>` represents a named value of type
 `T` with a unique type `Name` as its name. Mononym guarantees that there
 can be no two values with the same name. With that, the `Name` type
 serves as a unique representation of a Rust value at the type level.

 Mononym enables the use of the design pattern
 [Ghosts of Departed Proofs]( in Rust.
 It provides macros that simplify the definition of
 [dependent pairs](
 and proof objects in Rust. Although there is still limited support for
 a full dependently-typed programming in Rust, Mononym helps us move a
 small step toward that direction by making it possible to refer to
 values in types.

 See [`docs::implementation`] for how `mononym` implements unique name
 generation in Rust.

The main implementation for named data types.
pub mod named;

pub mod proof;

pub mod macros;

pub use named::{

pub mod docs
   This is a rustdoc-only module providing in depth documentation
   on the library.

  pub mod implementation
    #![doc = include_str!("../docs/")]

extern crate alloc;

mod test;