Struct mongodb::coll::Collection [] [src]

pub struct Collection {
    pub db: Database,
    pub namespace: String,
    // some fields omitted

Interfaces with a MongoDB collection.


db: Database

A reference to the database that spawned this collection.

namespace: String

The namespace of this collection, formatted as db_name.coll_name.


impl Collection

fn new(db: Database, name: &str, create: bool, read_preference: Option<ReadPreference>, write_concern: Option<WriteConcern>) -> Collection

Creates a collection representation with optional read and write controls.

If create is specified, the collection will be explicitly created in the database.

fn get_req_id(&self) -> i32

Returns a unique operational request id.

fn name(&self) -> String

Extracts the collection name from the namespace. If the namespace is invalid, this method will panic.

fn drop(&self) -> Result<()>

Permanently deletes the collection from the database.

fn aggregate(&self, pipeline: Vec<Document>, options: Option<AggregateOptions>) -> Result<Cursor>

Runs an aggregation framework pipeline.

fn count(&self, filter: Option<Document>, options: Option<CountOptions>) -> Result<i64>

Gets the number of documents matching the filter.

fn distinct(&self, field_name: &str, filter: Option<Document>, options: Option<DistinctOptions>) -> Result<Vec<Bson>>

Finds the distinct values for a specified field across a single collection.

fn find(&self, filter: Option<Document>, options: Option<FindOptions>) -> Result<Cursor>

Returns a list of documents within the collection that match the filter.

fn find_one(&self, filter: Option<Document>, options: Option<FindOptions>) -> Result<Option<Document>>

Returns the first document within the collection that matches the filter, or None.

fn find_one_with_command_type(&self, filter: Option<Document>, options: Option<FindOptions>, cmd_type: CommandType) -> Result<Option<Document>>

fn find_one_and_delete(&self, filter: Document, options: Option<FindOneAndDeleteOptions>) -> Result<Option<Document>>

Finds a single document and deletes it, returning the original.

fn find_one_and_replace(&self, filter: Document, replacement: Document, options: Option<FindOneAndUpdateOptions>) -> Result<Option<Document>>

Finds a single document and replaces it, returning either the original or replaced document.

fn find_one_and_update(&self, filter: Document, update: Document, options: Option<FindOneAndUpdateOptions>) -> Result<Option<Document>>

Finds a single document and updates it, returning either the original or updated document.

fn get_ordered_batches(requests: VecDeque<WriteModel>) -> Vec<Batch>

fn bulk_write(&self, requests: Vec<WriteModel>, ordered: bool) -> BulkWriteResult

Sends a batch of writes to the server at the same time.

fn insert_one(&self, doc: Document, write_concern: Option<WriteConcern>) -> Result<InsertOneResult>

Inserts the provided document. If the document is missing an identifier, the driver should generate one.

fn insert_many(&self, docs: Vec<Document>, options: Option<InsertManyOptions>) -> Result<InsertManyResult>

Inserts the provided documents. If any documents are missing an identifier, the driver should generate them.

fn delete_one(&self, filter: Document, write_concern: Option<WriteConcern>) -> Result<DeleteResult>

Deletes a single document.

fn delete_many(&self, filter: Document, write_concern: Option<WriteConcern>) -> Result<DeleteResult>

Deletes multiple documents.

fn replace_one(&self, filter: Document, replacement: Document, options: Option<ReplaceOptions>) -> Result<UpdateResult>

Replaces a single document.

fn update_one(&self, filter: Document, update: Document, options: Option<UpdateOptions>) -> Result<UpdateResult>

Updates a single document.

fn update_many(&self, filter: Document, update: Document, options: Option<UpdateOptions>) -> Result<UpdateResult>

Updates multiple documents.

fn create_index(&self, keys: Document, options: Option<IndexOptions>) -> Result<String>

Create a single index.

fn create_index_model(&self, model: IndexModel) -> Result<String>

Create a single index with an IndexModel.

fn create_indexes(&self, models: Vec<IndexModel>) -> Result<Vec<String>>

Create multiple indexes.

fn drop_index(&self, keys: Document, options: Option<IndexOptions>) -> Result<()>

Drop an index.

fn drop_index_string(&self, name: String) -> Result<()>

Drop an index by name.

fn drop_index_model(&self, model: IndexModel) -> Result<()>

Drop an index by IndexModel.

fn drop_indexes(&self) -> Result<()>

Drop all indexes in the collection.

fn list_indexes(&self) -> Result<Cursor>

List all indexes in the collection.