modular-bitfield 0.1.1

Bitfields for structs that allow for modular use of enums.

Modular Bitfields for Rust

This crate implements the #[bitfield] macros introduced and specified in David Tolnay's procedural macro workshop.

Check out his workshop and learn from it!

Thanks go to David Tolnay for designing the specification for the macros implemented in modular_bitfield.


use modular_bitfield::prelude::*;

// Works with aliases - just for the showcase.
type Vitamin = B12;

/// Bitfield struct with 32 bits in total.
pub struct Example {
    a: bool,         // Uses 1 bit
    b: B9,           // Uses 9 bits
    c: Vitamin,      // Uses 12 bits, works with aliases.
    #[bits = 3]      // Optional, asserts at compiletime that `DeliveryMode` uses 3 bits.
    d: DeliveryMode, // Uses 3 bits
    e: B7,           // Uses 7 bits

/// Enums that derive from `BitfieldSpecifier`
/// can also be used within bitfield structs
/// as shown above.
#[derive(BitfieldSpecifier, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum DeliveryMode {
    Init = 0,

fn it_works() {
    let mut example = Example::new();

    // Assert that everything is inizialized to 0.
    assert_eq!(example.get_a(), false);
    assert_eq!(example.get_b(), 0);
    assert_eq!(example.get_c(), 0);
    assert_eq!(example.get_d(), DeliveryMode::Init);
    assert_eq!(example.get_e(), 0);

    // Modify the bitfields.
    example.set_b(0b111_1111_u8); // Uses `u8`
    example.set_c(42_u16);        // Uses `u16`
    example.set_e(1);             // Uses `u8`

    // Assert the previous modifications.
    assert_eq!(example.get_a(), true);
    assert_eq!(example.get_b(), 0b111_1111_u8);
    assert_eq!(example.get_c(), 42_u16);
    assert_eq!(example.get_d(), DeliveryMode::Startup);
    assert_eq!(example.get_c(), 1_u8);


  • Safety: Macro embraced enums and structs are checked for valid structure during compilation time.
  • Speed: Generated code is as fast as handwritten code.
  • Modularity: Enums can be used modular within bitfield structs.


Below are some benchmarks between the hand-written code and the macro-generated code for some example getters and setters that cover a decent variety of use cases.

We can conclude that the macro-generated code is as fast as hand-written code would be. Please file a PR if you see a way to improve either side.

  • cargo bench to run the benchmarks
  • cargo test --benches to run the benchmark tests
generated::get_a   ... bench:          99 ns/iter (+/- 4)
generated::get_b   ... bench:          98 ns/iter (+/- 4)
generated::get_c   ... bench:          98 ns/iter (+/- 14)
generated::get_d   ... bench:          97 ns/iter (+/- 2)
generated::get_e   ... bench:          99 ns/iter (+/- 2)
generated::set_a   ... bench:         481 ns/iter (+/- 19)
generated::set_b   ... bench:         627 ns/iter (+/- 37)
generated::set_c   ... bench:         507 ns/iter (+/- 35)
generated::set_d   ... bench:         622 ns/iter (+/- 24)
generated::set_e   ... bench:         459 ns/iter (+/- 16)

handwritten::get_a ... bench:          99 ns/iter (+/- 3)
handwritten::get_b ... bench:         102 ns/iter (+/- 14)
handwritten::get_c ... bench:         102 ns/iter (+/- 8)
handwritten::get_d ... bench:         100 ns/iter (+/- 20)
handwritten::get_e ... bench:          98 ns/iter (+/- 6)
handwritten::set_a ... bench:         582 ns/iter (+/- 20)
handwritten::set_b ... bench:         614 ns/iter (+/- 35)
handwritten::set_c ... bench:         533 ns/iter (+/- 18)
handwritten::set_d ... bench:         606 ns/iter (+/- 21)
handwritten::set_e ... bench:         456 ns/iter (+/- 21)

Future Plans

  • Add no_std support behind crate feature.
  • Add u128 support behind crate feature.
    • No default because it might explode compilation times.
  • Implement non-powers-of-two enums. (Specs from workshop.)
  • Implement codegen for tuple structs
    • Example struct Example(B1, B7, B8) with getters
      • get_0 and set_0 for B1
      • get_1 and set_1 for B7
      • get_2 and set_2 for B8
  • Implement safe try_set_* for bitfield structs as checked setters that won't panic upon out of bounds input.
  • Implement unsafe set_*_unchecked for bitfield struct to allow users to avoid bounds checking.
