modeling 0.1.2

Modeling is a tools to analysis different languages by Ctags
# Modeling

> Modeling is a tools to analysis different languages by Ctags


1. generate to opt
2. call `ctags` with opt
3. analysis ctags logs
4. output resulse

language support:

 - [x] Java
 - [x] Cpp
 - [x] TypeScript
 - [x] Golang
 - [x] Rust (basic)

## Usage

let vec = analysis_by_dir("_fixtures/ctags/source/animal.ts");
let result = PlantUmlRender::render(&vec);

println!("{}", result);

output sample:


class Animal {
  + string name
  + string constructor()

class Horse extends Animal {

class Snake extends Animal {


Process finished with exit code 0


ctags analysis based on []( with MIT, see in [src](plugins/coco_struct_analysis/src)

ctags parser rewrite from Golang's []( with Apache License.

@ 2020~2021 This code is distributed under the MIT license. See `LICENSE` in this directory.