mockall 0.9.1

A powerful mock object library for Rust.
// vim: tw=80
//! A generic mock object with a method that has only lifetime generic
//! parameters, and a where clause that bounds a generic type not used by the
//! method.
//! Mockall must not emit the where clause for the method's Expectation.

use mockall::*;
//use std::task::Context;

struct Foo<T: 'static, V: 'static>((T, V));
trait MyTrait {
    type Item;

    fn myfunc(&self, cx: &NonStatic) -> Self::Item;
pub struct NonStatic<'ns>(&'ns i32);

impl<T: 'static, V: 'static> MyTrait for Foo<T, V> where T: Clone {
    type Item = V;

    fn myfunc<'a>(&self, _cx: &NonStatic<'a>) -> V { unimplemented!() }

fn return_const() {
    let mut mock = MockFoo::<u32, u32>::new();
    let x = 5i32;
    let ns = NonStatic(&x);
    assert_eq!(42u32, mock.myfunc(&ns));