mockall 0.9.1

A powerful mock object library for Rust.
// vim: tw=80

use mockall::*;

mod ffi {
    extern "C" {
        pub(super) fn foo(x: u32) -> i64;
        // Every should_panic method needs to operate on a separate method so it
        // doesn't poison other tests
        pub(super) fn foo1(x: u32) -> i64;

// Ensure we can still use the original mocked function
fn normal_usage() {
    unsafe {

#[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", should_panic(
        expected = "mock_ffi::foo1(5): No matching expectation found"
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "nightly"), should_panic(
        expected = "mock_ffi::foo1(?): No matching expectation found"
fn with_no_matches() {
    let ctx = mock_ffi::foo1_context();
    unsafe{ mock_ffi::foo1(5) };

fn returning() {
    let ctx = mock_ffi::foo_context();
    assert_eq!(42, unsafe{mock_ffi::foo(42)});