mmtk 0.16.0

MMTk is a framework for the design and implementation of high-performance and portable memory managers.
use crate::scheduler::affinity::{get_total_num_cpus, CoreId};
use crate::util::constants::DEFAULT_STRESS_FACTOR;
use crate::util::constants::LOG_BYTES_IN_MBYTE;
use std::default::Default;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::str::FromStr;
use strum_macros::EnumString;

#[derive(Copy, Clone, EnumString, Debug)]
pub enum NurseryZeroingOptions {

#[derive(Copy, Clone, EnumString, Debug)]
pub enum PlanSelector {

/// MMTk option for perf events
/// The format is
/// ```
/// <event> ::= <event-name> "," <pid> "," <cpu>
/// <events> ::= <event> ";" <events> | <event> | ""
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct PerfEventOptions {
    pub events: Vec<(String, i32, i32)>,

impl PerfEventOptions {
    fn parse_perf_events(events: &str) -> Result<Vec<(String, i32, i32)>, String> {
            .filter(|e| !e.is_empty())
            .map(|e| {
                let e: Vec<&str> = e.split(',').into_iter().collect();
                if e.len() != 3 {
                    Err("Please supply (event name, pid, cpu)".into())
                } else {
                    let event_name = e[0].into();
                    let pid = e[1]
                        .map_err(|_| String::from("Failed to parse cpu"))?;
                    let cpu = e[2]
                        .map_err(|_| String::from("Failed to parse cpu"))?;
                    Ok((event_name, pid, cpu))

impl FromStr for PerfEventOptions {
    type Err = String;

    fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
        PerfEventOptions::parse_perf_events(s).map(|events| PerfEventOptions { events })

/// The default nursery space size.
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
pub const NURSERY_SIZE: usize = (1 << 20) << LOG_BYTES_IN_MBYTE;
/// The default min nursery size. This does not affect the actual space we create as nursery. It is
/// only used in the GC trigger check.
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
/// The default max nursery size. This does not affect the actual space we create as nursery. It is
/// only used in the GC trigger check.
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
pub const DEFAULT_MAX_NURSERY: usize = (1 << 20) << LOG_BYTES_IN_MBYTE;

/// The default nursery space size.
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
pub const NURSERY_SIZE: usize = 32 << LOG_BYTES_IN_MBYTE;
/// The default min nursery size. This does not affect the actual space we create as nursery. It is
/// only used in the GC trigger check.
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
/// The default max nursery size. This does not affect the actual space we create as nursery. It is
/// only used in the GC trigger check.
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
pub const DEFAULT_MAX_NURSERY: usize = 32 << LOG_BYTES_IN_MBYTE;

fn always_valid<T>(_: &T) -> bool {

/// An MMTk option of a given type.
/// This type allows us to store some metadata for the option. To get the value of an option,
/// you can simply dereference it (for example, *options.threads).
pub struct MMTKOption<T: Debug + Clone> {
    /// The actual value for the option
    value: T,
    /// The validator to ensure the value is valid.
    validator: fn(&T) -> bool,
    /// Can we set this option through env vars?
    from_env_var: bool,
    /// Can we set this option through command line options/API?
    from_command_line: bool,

impl<T: Debug + Clone> MMTKOption<T> {
    /// Create a new MMTKOption
    pub fn new(
        value: T,
        validator: fn(&T) -> bool,
        from_env_var: bool,
        from_command_line: bool,
    ) -> Self {
        // FIXME: We should enable the following check to make sure the initial value is valid.
        // However, we cannot enable it now. For options like perf events, the validator checks
        // if the perf event feature is enabled. So when the perf event features are not enabled,
        // the validator will fail whatever value we try to set (including the initial value).
        // Ideally, we conditionally compile options based on the feature. But options! macro
        // does not allow attributes in it, so we cannot conditionally compile options.
        // let is_valid = validator(&value);
        // assert!(
        //     is_valid,
        //     "Unable to create MMTKOption: initial value {:?} is invalid",
        //     value
        // );
        MMTKOption {

    /// Set the option to the given value. Returns true if the value is valid, and we set the option to the value.
    pub fn set(&mut self, value: T) -> bool {
        if (self.validator)(&value) {
            self.value = value;
            return true;

// Dereference an option to get its value.
impl<T: Debug + Clone> std::ops::Deref for MMTKOption<T> {
    type Target = T;

    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {

macro_rules! options {
    // Verify whether we can set an option through env var or command line.
    (@verify_set_from($self: expr, $key: expr, $verify_field: ident, $($name: ident),*)) => {
        match $key {
            $(stringify!($name) => { assert!($self.$name.$verify_field, "cannot set option {} (not {})", $key, stringify!($verify_field)) }),*
            _ => panic!("Invalid Options key: {}", $key)

    ($($name:ident: $type:ty[env_var: $env_var:expr, command_line: $command_line:expr][$validator:expr] = $default:expr),*,) => [
        options!($($name: $type[env_var: $env_var, command_line: $command_line, mutable: $mutable][$validator] = $default),*);
    ($($name:ident: $type:ty[env_var: $env_var:expr, command_line: $command_line:expr][$validator:expr] = $default:expr),*) => [
        pub struct Options {
            $(pub $name: MMTKOption<$type>),*
        impl Options {
            /// Set an option from env var
            pub fn set_from_env_var(&mut self, s: &str, val: &str) -> bool {
                options!(@verify_set_from(self, s, from_env_var, $($name),*));
                self.set_inner(s, val)

            /// Set an option from command line
            pub fn set_from_command_line(&mut self, s: &str, val: &str) -> bool {
                options!(@verify_set_from(self, s, from_command_line, $($name),*));
                self.set_inner(s, val)

            /// Bulk process options. Returns true if all the options are processed successfully.
            /// This method returns false if the option string is invalid, or if it includes any invalid option.
            /// Arguments:
            /// * `options`: a string that is key value pairs separated by white spaces, e.g. "threads=1 stress_factor=4096"
            pub fn set_bulk_from_command_line(&mut self, options: &str) -> bool {
                for opt in options.split_ascii_whitespace() {
                    let kv_pair: Vec<&str> = opt.split('=').collect();
                    if kv_pair.len() != 2 {
                        return false;

                    let key = kv_pair[0];
                    let val = kv_pair[1];
                    if !self.set_from_command_line(key, val) {
                        return false;


            /// Set an option and run its validator for its value.
            fn set_inner(&mut self, s: &str, val: &str) -> bool {
                match s {
                    // Parse the given value from str (by env vars or by calling process()) to the right type
                    $(stringify!($name) => if let Ok(typed_val) = val.parse::<$type>() {
                        let is_set = self.$name.set(typed_val);
                        if !is_set {
                            eprintln!("Warn: unable to set {}={:?}. Invalid value. Default value will be used.", s, val);
                    } else {
                        eprintln!("Warn: unable to set {}={:?}. Can't parse value. Default value will be used.", s, val);
                    _ => panic!("Invalid Options key: {}", s)
        impl Default for Options {
            fn default() -> Self {
                let mut options = Options {
                    $($name: MMTKOption::new($default, $validator, $env_var,$command_line)),*

                // If we have env vars that start with MMTK_ and match any option (such as MMTK_STRESS_FACTOR),
                // we set the option to its value (if it is a valid value). Otherwise, use the default value.
                const PREFIX: &str = "MMTK_";
                for (key, val) in std::env::vars() {
                    // strip the prefix, and get the lower case string
                    if let Some(rest_of_key) = key.strip_prefix(PREFIX) {
                        let lowercase: &str = &rest_of_key.to_lowercase();
                        match lowercase {
                            $(stringify!($name) => { options.set_from_env_var(lowercase, &val); },)*
                            _ => {}
                return options;

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
/// AffinityKind describes how to set the affinity of GC threads. Note that we currently assume
/// that each GC thread is equivalent to an OS or hardware thread.
pub enum AffinityKind {
    /// Delegate thread affinity to the OS scheduler
    /// Assign thread affinities over a list of cores in a round robin fashion. Note that if number
    /// of threads > number of cores specified, then multiple threads will be assigned the same
    /// core.
    // XXX: Maybe using a u128 bitvector with each bit representing a core is more performant?

impl AffinityKind {
    /// Returns an AffinityKind or String containing error. Expects the list of cores to be
    /// formatted as numbers separated by commas, including ranges. There should be no spaces
    /// between the cores in the list. For example: 0,5,8-11 specifies that the cores 0,5,8,9,10,11
    /// should be used for pinning threads. Performs de-duplication of specified cores. Note that
    /// the core list is sorted as a side-effect whenever a new core is added to the set.
    fn parse_cpulist(cpulist: &str) -> Result<AffinityKind, String> {
        let mut cpuset = vec![];

        if cpulist.is_empty() {
            return Ok(AffinityKind::OsDefault);

        // Split on ',' first and then split on '-' if there is a range
        for split in cpulist.split(',') {
            if !split.contains('-') {
                if !split.is_empty() {
                    if let Ok(core) = split.parse::<u16>() {
            } else {
                // Contains a range
                let range: Vec<&str> = split.split('-').collect();
                if range.len() == 2 {
                    if let Ok(start) = range[0].parse::<u16>() {
                        if let Ok(end) = range[1].parse::<u16>() {
                            if start >= end {
                                return Err(
                                    "Starting core id in range should be less than the end"

                            for cpu in start..=end {


            return Err("Core ids have been incorrectly specified".to_string());


    /// Return true if the affinity is either OsDefault or the cores in the list do not exceed the
    /// maximum number of cores allocated to the program. Assumes core ids on the system are
    /// 0-indexed.
    pub fn validate(&self) -> bool {
        let num_cpu = get_total_num_cpus();

        if let AffinityKind::RoundRobin(cpuset) = self {
            for cpu in cpuset {
                if cpu >= &num_cpu {
                    return false;


impl FromStr for AffinityKind {
    type Err = String;

    fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {

#[derive(Copy, Clone, EnumString, Debug)]
/// Different nursery types.
pub enum NurseryKind {
    /// A Bounded nursery has different upper and lower bounds. The size only controls the upper
    /// bound. Hence, it is considered to be a "variable size" nursery. By default, a Bounded
    /// nursery has a lower bound of 2 MB and an upper bound of 32 MB for 32-bit systems and 1 TB
    /// for 64-bit systems.
    /// A Fixed nursery has the same upper and lower bounds. The size controls both the upper and
    /// lower bounds. Note that this is considered less performant than a Bounded nursery since a
    /// Fixed nursery size can be too restrictive and cause more GCs.

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
/// An option that provides a min/max interface to MMTk and a Bounded/Fixed interface to the
/// user/VM.
pub struct NurserySize {
    /// The nursery type
    pub kind: NurseryKind,
    /// Minimum nursery size (in bytes)
    pub min: usize,
    /// Maximum nursery size (in bytes)
    pub max: usize,

impl NurserySize {
    pub fn new(kind: NurseryKind, value: usize) -> Self {
        match kind {
            NurseryKind::Bounded => NurserySize {
                min: DEFAULT_MIN_NURSERY,
                max: value,
            NurseryKind::Fixed => NurserySize {
                min: value,
                max: value,

    /// Returns a NurserySize or String containing error. Expects nursery size to be formatted as
    /// "<NurseryKind>:<size in bytes>". For example, "Fixed:8192" creates a Fixed nursery of size
    /// 8192 bytes.
    pub fn parse(s: &str) -> Result<NurserySize, String> {
        let ns: Vec<&str> = s.split(':').into_iter().collect();
        let kind = ns[0].parse::<NurseryKind>().map_err(|_| {
            String::from("Please specify one of \"Bounded\" or \"Fixed\" nursery type")
        let value = ns[1]
            .map_err(|_| String::from("Failed to parse size"))?;
        Ok(NurserySize::new(kind, value))

impl FromStr for NurserySize {
    type Err = String;

    fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {

impl Options {
    /// Return upper bound of the nursery size (in number of bytes)
    pub fn get_max_nursery(&self) -> usize {

    /// Return lower bound of the nursery size (in number of bytes)
    pub fn get_min_nursery(&self) -> usize {

// Currently we allow all the options to be set by env var for the sake of convenience.
// At some point, we may disallow this and all the options can only be set by command line.
options! {
    // The plan to use.
    plan:                  PlanSelector         [env_var: true, command_line: true] [always_valid] = PlanSelector::NoGC,
    // Number of GC worker threads. (There is always one GC controller thread.)
    // FIXME: Currently we create GCWorkScheduler when MMTK is created, which is usually static.
    // To allow this as a command-line option, we need to refactor the creation fo the `MMTK` instance.
    // See:
    threads:               usize                [env_var: true, command_line: true] [|v: &usize| *v > 0]    = num_cpus::get(),
    // Heap size. Default to 512MB.
    // TODO: We should have a default heap size related to the max physical memory.
    heap_size:             usize                [env_var: true, command_line: true] [|v: &usize| *v > 0]    = 512 << 20,
    // Enable an optimization that only scans the part of the stack that has changed since the last GC (not supported)
    use_short_stack_scans: bool                 [env_var: true, command_line: true]  [always_valid] = false,
    // Enable a return barrier (not supported)
    use_return_barrier:    bool                 [env_var: true, command_line: true]  [always_valid] = false,
    // Should we eagerly finish sweeping at the start of a collection? (not supported)
    eager_complete_sweep:  bool                 [env_var: true, command_line: true]  [always_valid] = false,
    // Should we ignore GCs requested by the user (e.g. java.lang.System.gc)?
    ignore_system_gc:      bool                 [env_var: true, command_line: true]  [always_valid] = false,
    // FIXME: This is not a good way to have conflicting options -- we should refactor this
    // The nursery size for generational plans. It can be one of Bounded or Fixed. The size for a
    // Bounded nursery only controls the upper bound, whereas the size for a Fixed nursery controls
    // both the upper and lower bounds. The nursery size can be set like "Fixed:8192", for example,
    // to have a Fixed nursery size of 8192 bytes
    nursery:               NurserySize          [env_var: true, command_line: true]  [|v: &NurserySize| v.min > 0 && v.max > 0 && v.max >= v.min]
        = NurserySize { kind: NurseryKind::Bounded, min: DEFAULT_MIN_NURSERY, max: DEFAULT_MAX_NURSERY },
    // Should a major GC be performed when a system GC is required?
    full_heap_system_gc:   bool                 [env_var: true, command_line: true]  [always_valid] = false,
    // Should we shrink/grow the heap to adjust to application working set? (not supported)
    variable_size_heap:    bool                 [env_var: true, command_line: true]  [always_valid] = true,
    // Should finalization be disabled?
    no_finalizer:          bool                 [env_var: true, command_line: true]  [always_valid] = false,
    // Should reference type processing be disabled?
    // If reference type processing is disabled, no weak reference processing work is scheduled,
    // and we expect a binding to treat weak references as strong references.
    // We disable weak reference processing by default, as we are still working on it. This will be changed to `false`
    // once weak reference processing is implemented properly.
    no_reference_types:    bool                 [env_var: true, command_line: true]  [always_valid] = true,
    // The zeroing approach to use for new object allocations. Affects each plan differently. (not supported)
    nursery_zeroing:       NurseryZeroingOptions[env_var: true, command_line: true]  [always_valid] = NurseryZeroingOptions::Temporal,
    // How frequent (every X bytes) should we do a stress GC?
    stress_factor:         usize                [env_var: true, command_line: true]  [always_valid] = DEFAULT_STRESS_FACTOR,
    // How frequent (every X bytes) should we run analysis (a STW event that collects data)
    analysis_factor:       usize                [env_var: true, command_line: true]  [always_valid] = DEFAULT_STRESS_FACTOR,
    // Precise stress test. Trigger stress GCs exactly at X bytes if this is true. This is usually used to test the GC correctness
    // and will significantly slow down the mutator performance. If this is false, stress GCs will only be triggered when an allocation reaches
    // the slow path. This means we may have allocated more than X bytes or fewer than X bytes when we actually trigger a stress GC.
    // But this should have no obvious mutator overhead, and can be used to test GC performance along with a larger stress
    // factor (e.g. tens of metabytes).
    precise_stress:        bool                 [env_var: true, command_line: true]  [always_valid] = true,
    // The size of vmspace.
    // FIXME: This value is set for JikesRVM. We need a proper way to set options.
    //   We need to set these values programmatically in VM specific code.
    vm_space_size:         usize                [env_var: true, command_line: true] [|v: &usize| *v > 0]    = 0x7cc_cccc,
    // Perf events to measure
    // Semicolons are used to separate events
    // Each event is in the format of event_name,pid,cpu (see man perf_event_open for what pid and cpu mean).
    // For example, PERF_COUNT_HW_CPU_CYCLES,0,-1 measures the CPU cycles for the current process on all the CPU cores.
    // Measuring perf events for work packets. NOTE that be VERY CAREFUL when using this option, as this may greatly slowdown GC performance.
    // TODO: Ideally this option should only be included when the features 'perf_counter' and 'work_packet_stats' are enabled. The current macro does not allow us to do this.
    work_perf_events:       PerfEventOptions     [env_var: true, command_line: true] [|_| cfg!(all(feature = "perf_counter", feature = "work_packet_stats"))] = PerfEventOptions {events: vec![]},
    // Measuring perf events for GC and mutators
    // TODO: Ideally this option should only be included when the features 'perf_counter' are enabled. The current macro does not allow us to do this.
    phase_perf_events:      PerfEventOptions     [env_var: true, command_line: true] [|_| cfg!(feature = "perf_counter")] = PerfEventOptions {events: vec![]},
    // Set how to bind affinity to the GC Workers. Default thread affinity delegates to the OS
    // scheduler. If a list of cores are specified, cores are allocated to threads in a round-robin
    // fashion. The core ids should match the ones reported by /proc/cpuinfo. Core ids are
    // separated by commas and may include ranges. There should be no spaces in the core list. For
    // example: 0,5,8-11 specifies that cores 0,5,8,9,10,11 should be used for pinning threads.
    // Note that in the case the program has only been allocated a certain number of cores using
    // `taskset`, the core ids in the list should be specified by their perceived index as using
    // `taskset` will essentially re-label the core ids. For example, running the program with
    // `MMTK_THREAD_AFFINITY="0-4" taskset -c 6-12 <program>` means that the cores 6,7,8,9,10 will
    // be used to pin threads even though we specified the core ids "0,1,2,3,4".
    // `MMTK_THREAD_AFFINITY="12" taskset -c 6-12 <program>` will not work, on the other hand, as
    // there is no core with (perceived) id 12.
    // XXX: This option is currently only supported on Linux.
    thread_affinity:        AffinityKind         [env_var: true, command_line: true] [|v: &AffinityKind| v.validate()] = AffinityKind::OsDefault

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::util::constants::DEFAULT_STRESS_FACTOR;
    use crate::util::options::Options;
    use crate::util::test_util::{serial_test, with_cleanup};

    fn no_env_var() {
        serial_test(|| {
            let options = Options::default();
            assert_eq!(*options.stress_factor, DEFAULT_STRESS_FACTOR);

    fn with_valid_env_var() {
        serial_test(|| {
                || {
                    std::env::set_var("MMTK_STRESS_FACTOR", "4096");

                    let options = Options::default();
                    assert_eq!(*options.stress_factor, 4096);
                || {

    fn with_multiple_valid_env_vars() {
        serial_test(|| {
                || {
                    std::env::set_var("MMTK_STRESS_FACTOR", "4096");
                    std::env::set_var("MMTK_NO_FINALIZER", "true");

                    let options = Options::default();
                    assert_eq!(*options.stress_factor, 4096);
                || {

    fn with_invalid_env_var_value() {
        serial_test(|| {
                || {
                    // invalid value, we cannot parse the value, so use the default value
                    std::env::set_var("MMTK_STRESS_FACTOR", "abc");

                    let options = Options::default();
                    assert_eq!(*options.stress_factor, DEFAULT_STRESS_FACTOR);
                || {

    fn with_invalid_env_var_key() {
        serial_test(|| {
                || {
                    // invalid value, we cannot parse the value, so use the default value
                    std::env::set_var("MMTK_ABC", "42");

                    let options = Options::default();
                    assert_eq!(*options.stress_factor, DEFAULT_STRESS_FACTOR);
                || {

    fn test_str_option_default() {
        serial_test(|| {
            let options = Options::default();
                PerfEventOptions { events: vec![] }

    #[cfg(all(feature = "perf_counter", feature = "work_packet_stats"))]
    fn test_work_perf_events_option_from_env_var() {
        serial_test(|| {
                || {
                    std::env::set_var("MMTK_WORK_PERF_EVENTS", "PERF_COUNT_HW_CPU_CYCLES,0,-1");

                    let options = Options::default();
                        PerfEventOptions {
                            events: vec![("PERF_COUNT_HW_CPU_CYCLES".into(), 0, -1)]
                || {

    #[cfg(all(feature = "perf_counter", feature = "work_packet_stats"))]
    fn test_invalid_work_perf_events_option_from_env_var() {
        serial_test(|| {
                || {
                    // The option needs to start with "hello", otherwise it is invalid.
                    std::env::set_var("MMTK_WORK_PERF_EVENTS", "PERF_COUNT_HW_CPU_CYCLES");

                    let options = Options::default();
                    // invalid value from env var, use default.
                        PerfEventOptions { events: vec![] }
                || {

    #[cfg(not(feature = "perf_counter"))]
    fn test_phase_perf_events_option_without_feature() {
        serial_test(|| {
                || {
                    // We did not enable the perf_counter feature. The option will be invalid anyway, and will be set to empty.
                    std::env::set_var("MMTK_PHASE_PERF_EVENTS", "PERF_COUNT_HW_CPU_CYCLES,0,-1");

                    let options = Options::default();
                    // invalid value from env var, use default.
                        PerfEventOptions { events: vec![] }
                || {

    fn test_thread_affinity_invalid_option() {
        serial_test(|| {
                || {
                    std::env::set_var("MMTK_THREAD_AFFINITY", "0-");

                    let options = Options::default();
                    // invalid value from env var, use default.
                    assert_eq!(*options.thread_affinity, AffinityKind::OsDefault);
                || {

    fn test_thread_affinity_single_core() {
        serial_test(|| {
                || {
                    std::env::set_var("MMTK_THREAD_AFFINITY", "0");

                    let options = Options::default();
                || {

    fn test_thread_affinity_generate_core_list() {
        serial_test(|| {
                || {
                    let mut vec = vec![0_u16];
                    let mut cpu_list = String::new();
                    let num_cpus = get_total_num_cpus();

                    for cpu in 1..num_cpus {
                        cpu_list.push_str(format!(",{}", cpu).as_str());
                        vec.push(cpu as u16);

                    std::env::set_var("MMTK_THREAD_AFFINITY", cpu_list);
                    let options = Options::default();
                    assert_eq!(*options.thread_affinity, AffinityKind::RoundRobin(vec));
                || {

    fn test_thread_affinity_single_range() {
        serial_test(|| {
            let affinity = "0-1".parse::<AffinityKind>();
            assert_eq!(affinity, Ok(AffinityKind::RoundRobin(vec![0_u16, 1_u16])));

    fn test_thread_affinity_complex_core_list() {
        serial_test(|| {
            let affinity = "0,1-2,4".parse::<AffinityKind>();
                Ok(AffinityKind::RoundRobin(vec![0_u16, 1_u16, 2_u16, 4_u16]))

    fn test_thread_affinity_space_in_core_list() {
        serial_test(|| {
            let affinity = "0,1-2,4, 6".parse::<AffinityKind>();
                Err("Core ids have been incorrectly specified".to_string())

    fn test_thread_affinity_bad_core_list() {
        serial_test(|| {
            let affinity = "0,1-2,4,".parse::<AffinityKind>();
                Err("Core ids have been incorrectly specified".to_string())

    fn test_thread_affinity_range_start_greater_than_end() {
        serial_test(|| {
            let affinity = "1-0".parse::<AffinityKind>();
                Err("Starting core id in range should be less than the end".to_string())

    fn test_thread_affinity_bad_range_option() {
        serial_test(|| {
            let affinity = "0-1-4".parse::<AffinityKind>();
                Err("Core ids have been incorrectly specified".to_string())

    fn test_process_valid() {
        serial_test(|| {
            let mut options = Options::default();
            let success = options.set_from_command_line("no_finalizer", "true");

    fn test_process_invalid() {
        serial_test(|| {
            let mut options = Options::default();
            let default_no_finalizer = *options.no_finalizer;
            let success = options.set_from_command_line("no_finalizer", "100");
            assert_eq!(*options.no_finalizer, default_no_finalizer);

    fn test_process_bulk_empty() {
        serial_test(|| {
            let mut options = Options::default();
            let success = options.set_bulk_from_command_line("");

    fn test_process_bulk_valid() {
        serial_test(|| {
            let mut options = Options::default();
            let success = options.set_bulk_from_command_line("no_finalizer=true stress_factor=42");
            assert_eq!(*options.stress_factor, 42);

    fn test_process_bulk_invalid() {
        serial_test(|| {
            let mut options = Options::default();
            let success = options.set_bulk_from_command_line("no_finalizer=true stress_factor=a");

    fn test_set_typed_option_valid() {
        serial_test(|| {
            let mut options = Options::default();
            let success = options.no_finalizer.set(true);

    fn test_set_typed_option_invalid() {
        serial_test(|| {
            let mut options = Options::default();
            let threads = *options.threads;
            let success = options.threads.set(0);
            assert_eq!(*options.threads, threads);