mlx9061x 0.2.0

Platform-agnostic Rust driver for the MLX90614 and MLX90615 non-contact infrared thermometers.
//! This is a platform agnostic Rust driver for the MLX90614/MLX90615
//! infrared thermometers using the [`embedded-hal`] traits.
//! [`embedded-hal`]:
//! This driver allows you to:
//! - Read the last object temperature measurement. See: [`object1_temperature()`].
//! - Read the last ambient temperature measurement. See: [`ambient_temperature()`].
//! - Read the last raw IR measurement. See: [`raw_ir_channel1()`].
//! - Get/Set the emissivity. See: [`set_emissivity()`].
//! - Get the device ID. See: [`device_id()`].
//! - Set the device address. See: [`set_address()`].
//! - Put the device to sleep. See: [`sleep()`].
//! - Wake the device from sleep. See: [`wake_mlx90614()`].
//! [`object1_temperature()`]: struct.Mlx9061x.html#method.object1_temperature
//! [`ambient_temperature()`]: struct.Mlx9061x.html#method.ambient_temperature
//! [`raw_ir_channel1()`]: struct.Mlx9061x.html#method.raw_ir_channel1
//! [`set_emissivity()`]: struct.Mlx9061x.html#method.set_emissivity
//! [`device_id()`]: struct.Mlx9061x.html#method.device_id
//! [`set_address()`]: struct.Mlx9061x.html#method.set_address
//! [`sleep()`]: struct.Mlx9061x.html#method.sleep
//! <!-- TODO
//! [Introductory blog post](TODO)
//! -->
//! ## The devices
//! The MLX90614/MLX90615 are a infrared thermometers for non-contact temperature
//! measurements. Both the IR sensitive thermopile detector chip and the
//! signal conditioning ASSP are integrated in the same TO-39/TO-46 can.
//! Thanks to its low noise amplifier, 17-bit/16-bit ADC and powerful DSP unit,
//! a high accuracy and resolution of the thermometer is achieved.
//! Depending on the MLX90614 model they feature a single-zone or dual-zone thermopile.
//! The chips feature an 10-bit PWM and SMBus interface.
//! The readout resolution is 0.01°C (MLX90614) / 0.02°C (MLX90615).
//! This driver uses the SMBus interface.
//! Documentation:
//! - Datasheets: [MLX90614](, [MLX90615](
//! - [SMBus communication with MLX90614](
//! ## Usage examples (see also examples folder)
//! To use this driver, import this crate and an `embedded_hal` implementation,
//! then instantiate the device.
//! At least when interacting with the EEPROM it is necessary to insert delays.
//! This driver only adds the minimal amount of delays. i.e. only between two consecutive
//! operations inside a method.
//! *IMPORTANT*: Users are advised to wait enough time between operations.
//! Otherwise the device will not behave properly.
//! Please find additional examples using hardware in this repository: [driver-examples]
//! [driver-examples]:
//! ### Read the object 1 temperature with an MLX90614
//! Some models feature single-zone or dual-zone thermopiles.
//! ```no_run
//! use linux_embedded_hal::I2cdev;
//! use mlx9061x::{Mlx9061x, SlaveAddr};
//! let dev = I2cdev::new("/dev/i2c-1").unwrap();
//! let addr = SlaveAddr::default();
//! let mut sensor = Mlx9061x::new_mlx90614(dev, addr, 5).unwrap();
//! let obj_temp = sensor.object1_temperature().unwrap_or(-1.0);
//! println!("Object temperature: {:.2}ºC", obj_temp);
//! ```
//! ### Read the ambient temperature with an MLX90615
//! ```no_run
//! # use linux_embedded_hal::I2cdev;
//! # use mlx9061x::{Mlx9061x, SlaveAddr};
//! #
//! # let dev = I2cdev::new("/dev/i2c-1").unwrap();
//! let addr = SlaveAddr::default();
//! let mut sensor = Mlx9061x::new_mlx90615(dev, addr, 5).unwrap();
//! let temp = sensor.ambient_temperature().unwrap_or(-1.0);
//! println!("Ambient temperature: {:.2}ºC", temp);
//! ```
//! ### Get the device ID of an MLX90614
//! ```no_run
//! # use linux_embedded_hal::I2cdev;
//! # use mlx9061x::{Mlx9061x, SlaveAddr};
//! #
//! # let dev = I2cdev::new("/dev/i2c-1").unwrap();
//! # let addr = SlaveAddr::default();
//! let mut sensor = Mlx9061x::new_mlx90614(dev, addr, 5).unwrap();
//! let id = sensor.device_id().unwrap_or(0);
//! println!("ID: 0x{:x?}", id);
//! ```
//! ### Set the emissivity
//! This change will be permanently stored in the device EEPROM.
//! ```no_run
//! use linux_embedded_hal::{I2cdev, Delay};
//! use mlx9061x::{Mlx9061x, SlaveAddr};
//! let dev = I2cdev::new("/dev/i2c-1").unwrap();
//! let addr = SlaveAddr::default();
//! let mut sensor = Mlx9061x::new_mlx90614(dev, addr, 5).unwrap();
//! let mut delay = Delay{};
//! sensor.set_emissivity(0.8, &mut delay).unwrap();
//! ```
//! ### Change the device address
//! This change will be permanently stored in the device EEPROM.
//! ```no_run
//! use linux_embedded_hal::{I2cdev, Delay};
//! use mlx9061x::{Mlx9061x, SlaveAddr};
//! let dev = I2cdev::new("/dev/i2c-1").unwrap();
//! let addr = SlaveAddr::default();
//! let mut sensor = Mlx9061x::new_mlx90614(dev, addr, 5).unwrap();
//! let mut delay = Delay{};
//! sensor.set_address(SlaveAddr::Alternative(0x5C), &mut delay).unwrap();
//! ```
//! ### Put the device to sleep and wake it again
//! Note that the I2C pin construction/deconstruction depends on the HAL implementation.
//! ```no_run
//! # use embedded_hal::blocking::{delay::DelayMs, i2c};
//! # use embedded_hal::digital::v2::OutputPin;
//! # struct IoPin;
//! # impl OutputPin for IoPin {
//! #   type Error = ();
//! #   fn set_high(&mut self) -> Result<(), ()> { Ok(()) }
//! #   fn set_low(&mut self) -> Result<(), ()> { Ok(()) }
//! # }
//! #
//! # struct I2c1 {
//! #   scl: IoPin,
//! #   sda: IoPin
//! # }
//! # impl i2c::Write for I2c1 {
//! #   type Error = ();
//! #   fn write(&mut self, addr: u8, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), ()> { Ok(()) }
//! # }
//! # impl i2c::WriteRead for I2c1 {
//! #   type Error = ();
//! #   fn write_read(&mut self, addr: u8, data: &[u8], buf: &mut[u8]) -> Result<(), ()> { Ok(()) }
//! # }
//! #
//! # impl I2c1 {
//! #   fn new(scl: IoPin, sda: IoPin) -> Self {
//! #     I2c1 {
//! #       scl, sda
//! #     }
//! #   }
//! #   fn free(self) -> (IoPin, IoPin) {
//! #     (self.scl, self.sda)
//! #   }
//! # }
//! #
//! # struct Delay;
//! # impl DelayMs<u8> for Delay {
//! #   fn delay_ms(&mut self, _: u8) {}
//! # }
//! # let sda = IoPin;
//! # let scl = IoPin;
//! use mlx9061x::{Mlx9061x, SlaveAddr, wake_mlx90614};
//! let i2cdev = I2c1::new(scl, sda); // This depends on your HAL
//! let addr = SlaveAddr::default();
//! let mut sensor = Mlx9061x::new_mlx90614(i2cdev, addr, 5).unwrap();
//! // ...
//! sensor.sleep().unwrap();
//! // ...
//! // To wake the device, destroy it and get the SCL/SDA pins back
//! let i2cdev = sensor.destroy();
//! let (mut scl, mut sda) =; // This depends on your HAL
//! let mut delay = Delay{};
//! wake_mlx90614(&mut scl, &mut sda, &mut delay).unwrap();
//! // Now recreate the I2C device and sensor
//! let i2cdev = I2c1::new(scl, sda);
//! let mut sensor = Mlx9061x::new_mlx90614(i2cdev, addr, 5).unwrap();
//! // Then you can use the sensor as usual
//! ```

#![doc(html_root_url = "")]
#![deny(unsafe_code, missing_docs)]
// avoid suggestion about inclusive ranges containing floats

use core::marker::PhantomData;
mod mlx90614;
pub use crate::mlx90614::wake_mlx90614;
mod mlx90615;
pub use crate::mlx90615::wake_mlx90615;
mod types;
pub use crate::types::{ic, Error, SlaveAddr};
mod common;
mod register_access;

/// MLX90614/MLX90615 device driver
pub struct Mlx9061x<I2C, IC> {
    /// The concrete I²C device implementation.
    i2c: I2C,
    eeprom_write_delay_ms: u8,
    address: u8,
    _ic: PhantomData<IC>,