mktoc 4.0.0

Generate Table of Contents from Markdown files
# `mktoc`


<small>Graphic design is my passion ✨</small>


# Table of Contents
<!-- BEGIN mktoc {"min_depth":2, "max_depth":5} -->

- [About]#about
- [Installation]#installation
  - [Cargo]#cargo
  - [Binary]#binary
- [Usage]#usage
  - [Update Markdown file]#update-markdown-file
    - [Inline config]#inline-config
      - [`min_depth`]#min_depth
      - [`max_depth`]#max_depth
      - [`wrap_in_details`]#wrap_in_details
  - [Command line]#command-line
  - [Environment configuration]#environment-configuration
- [Auto-run with VSCode]#auto-run-with-vscode
- [Performance]#performance
- [Contributing]#contributing
  - [Where to start?]#where-to-start
  - [Tooling]#tooling
  - [Install dev build]#install-dev-build
- [License]#license
<!-- END mktoc -->

## About
[⬆️ Back to Top](#table-of-contents)

`mktoc` parses markdown files and generates a Table Of Content linking all headlines up to heading level 6 deep, or as specified by command line arguments, environment variables, or inline JSON config (see [Usage](#usage)).

## Installation
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`mktoc` can be installed using Cargo, the Rust package manager.

### Cargo

$ cargo install mktoc

$ cargo install --force mktoc

### Binary

Binaries for Linux and MacOS can be downloaded from the [release page](

Windows Binaries are not yet build automatically, see [#7](

## Usage

### Update Markdown file
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Add the following HTML comment into the Markdown file where the Table of Contents should be rendered.

<!-- BEGIN mktoc -->
<!-- END mktoc -->

Everything between those comments will be replaced!

#### Inline config
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Starting with version 3.0.0 it's possible to set values in-line which is great when collaborating with teams who may have individual settings.

<!-- BEGIN mktoc {"min_depth": 2, "max_depth": 4, "wrap_in_details": false} -->
<!-- END mktoc -- >

this is equal to running `mktoc -m 2 -M 4` or setting these environment variables `MKTOC_MIN_DEPTH=2` and `MKTOC_MAX_DEPTH=4`.

Inline config takes priority over environment or CLI arguments.

##### `min_depth`

The minumum depth to look for, defaults to 1 which is equal to `<h1>` or `#`.

##### `max_depth`

The maximum depth to look for, defaults to 6 which is equal to `<h6>` or `######`.

##### `wrap_in_details`

If set to true, the ToC will be wrapped in a `<details>` element.

### Command line
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Specify `--stdout` or `-s` to output generated content to `stdout` instead of overwriting file. By default the specified file will be overwritten.

$ mktoc -h
Generate Table of Contents from Markdown files

Usage: mktoc [OPTIONS] [FILE]

  [FILE]  [default:]

  -s, --stdout                 If set will output to stdout instead of replacing content in file
  -m, --min-depth <MIN_DEPTH>  Minimum heading level [env: MKTOC_MIN_DEPTH=] [default: 1]
  -M, --max-depth <MAX_DEPTH>  Maximum heading level [env: MKTOC_MAX_DEPTH=] [default: 6]
  -w, --wrap-in-details        Wrap ToC in details html element [env: MKTOC_WRAP_IN_DETAILS=]
  -h, --help                   Print help
  -V, --version                Print version

$ mktoc -s
$ mktoc -m 2 -M 4
$ mktoc

If no arguments are given the default or configured (via environment) values are

See `mktoc --help` for list of all arguments and flags.


mktoc [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [file]

-h, --help       Prints help information
-s, --stdout     If set will output to stdout instead of replacing content in file
-V, --version    Prints version information

-M, --max-depth <max-depth>    Maximum heading level [env: MKTOC_MAX_DEPTH=]  [default: 6]
-m, --min-depth <min-depth>    Minimum heading level [env: MKTOC_MIN_DEPTH=2]  [default: 1]

<file>     [default:]

### Environment configuration
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mktoc can be configured with environment variables, namely:

- `MKTOC_MIN_DEPTH` equal to `-m`
- `MKTOC_MAX_DEPTH` equal to `-M`

Place these variables in a shell environment file such as `~/.bashrc` or
`~/.zshrc`, then just run mktoc without `-m` and `-M`

# The following in ~/.bashrc|~/.zshrc configures mktoc to render headings from level 2 to
# level 4

$ mktoc

## Auto-run with VSCode
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For VSCode the [Run on save]( extension can be used to trigger mktoc.

Install the extension and then add the following config to workspace or user `settings.json`.

"emeraldwalk.runonsave": {
    "commands": [
            "match": "\\.md$",
            "cmd": "mktoc ${file}"

This will run the command for every markdown file on safe. If there is no mktoc comment in the Markdown file nothing happens.

## Performance
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`mktoc` is fast but can probably be even faster! Pull Requests and bug reports are appreciated!

## Contributing
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We love and welcome every form of contribution.

### Where to start?

Here are some good places to start:

* Issues with label [Good first issue]
* Issues with label [Documentation]
* Providing example implementations or usage demos

### Tooling

- [mktoc] is used for table of content generation in the (neat!)
- [criterion] for benchmarking

### Install dev build

Sometimes it's nice to install a specific version of mktoc, this can be done with the following command:

# install specific commit
cargo install --git --force --rev $COMMIT_ID
# install branch
cargo install --git --force --branch $BRANCH_NAME

## License
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MIT, see LICENSE file.