mktoc 4.0.0

Generate Table of Contents from Markdown files
# Changelog

## v4.0.0

- use Rust Edition 2021 (upgrade from 2018)

## v3.3.0

- refactor `make_toc` function for easier third-party integration [#13]

## v3.2.0

- add `-w` and `--wrap-in-details` option to cli [e75e288]
- small readme updated [e75e288]

## v3.1.0

- Replace structopts with clap [#10] by [@oylenshpeegul]
- wrap ToC in details block [#8] by [@KevinGimbel]
- Links in Headlines produce wrong output [#12] by [@KevinGimbel]

### Misc

- add more tests

## v3.0.0

- Implement JSON settings
- Add build for GitHub Binary releases