misskey 0.2.0

Asynchronous client for Misskey

Asynchronous client for Misskey.

We provide four components in this crate:

  • Clients that handles the connection between Misskey. As Misskey provides HTTP and WebSocket interfaces to interact with, we have [HttpClient] and [WebSocketClient] implementations correspondingly.
  • API bindings, including requests/responses of [endpoints][endpoint] and messages on [channels][streaming::channel].
  • Abstraction that connects API datatypes and client implementations: [Request][endpoint::Request], [ConnectChannelRequest][streaming::ConnectChannelRequest], etc.
  • High-level API for easier handling of various functionalities: [ClientExt] and others.


Create a note:

use misskey::prelude::*;
use misskey::HttpClient;

# #[tokio::main]
# async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let client = HttpClient::builder("https://your.instance.example/api/")

client.create_note("Hello, Misskey").await?;
# Ok(())
# }

Automatically follow-back:

use futures::stream::TryStreamExt;
use misskey::prelude::*;
use misskey::streaming::channel::main::MainStreamEvent;
use misskey::WebSocketClient;

# #[tokio::main]
# async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let client = WebSocketClient::builder("wss://your.instance.example/streaming")

// Connect to the main stream.
// The main stream is a channel that streams events about the connected account.
let mut stream = client.main_stream().await?;

// Wait for the next event in the main stream.
while let Some(event) = stream.try_next().await? {
match event {
// Check if the event is 'followed' and the user is not a bot
MainStreamEvent::Followed(user) if !user.is_bot => {
println!("followed from @{}", user.username);

// Follow back `user` if you haven't already.
if !client.is_following(&user).await? {
// other events are just ignored here
_ => {}
# Ok(())
# }

See the example directory for more examples.

Feature flags

  • http-client: Enables the HTTP client which is capable for uploading files. Enabled by default.
  • websocket-client: Enables the WebSocket client which is capable for streaming. Enabled by default.
  • tokio-runtime: Use the tokio v0.3 runtime in the WebSocket client. Enabled by default.
  • tokio02-runtime: Use the tokio v0.2 runtime in the WebSocket client.
  • async-std-runtime: Use the async-std runtime in the WebSocket client.
  • aid: Assume that the aid ID generation method is used in the targeted Misskey instance. Enabled by default.
  • meid: Assume that the meid ID generation method is used in the targeted Misskey instance.
  • ulid: Assume that the ulid ID generation method is used in the targeted Misskey instance.
  • objectid: Assume that the objectid ID generation method is used in the targeted Misskey instance.
  • and version flags, as described in version flags section.

Specifying Misskey version

We have a set of feature flags to specify the targeted Misskey version. The latest one (12-63-0) is enabled as a default. You can opt-in to compile for prior Misskey version by using default-features = false and the corresponding feature flag.

For example, to compile for Misskey v12.33.0 with WebSocket client on async-std runtime, add the following to your Cargo.toml file:

version = "0.2"
default-features = false
features = ["12-31-0", "websocket-client", "async-std-runtime", "aid"]
Feature Supported Misskey versions (inclusive) Tested Misskey version
12-63-0 v12.63.0 v12.63.0
12-62-2 v12.62.2 v12.62.2
12-62-0 v12.62.0 ~ v12.62.1 v12.62.0
12-61-0 v12.61.0 ~ v12.61.1 v12.61.0
12-60-0 v12.60.0 ~ v12.60.1 v12.60.0
12-58-0 v12.58.0 ~ v12.59.0 v12.58.0
12-57-0 v12.57.0 ~ v12.57.4 v12.57.1
12-55-0 v12.55.0 ~ v12.56.0 v12.55.0
12-51-0 v12.51.0 ~ v12.54.0 v12.51.0
12-49-0 v12.49.0 ~ v12.50.0 v12.49.0
12-48-0 v12.48.0 ~ v12.48.3 v12.48.0
12-47-0 v12.47.0 ~ v12.47.1 v12.47.1
12-42-0 v12.42.0 ~ v12.46.0 v12.42.0
12-39-0 v12.39.0 ~ v12.41.3 v12.39.0
12-37-0 v12.37.0 ~ v12.38.1 v12.37.0
12-31-0 v12.31.0 ~ v12.36.1 v12.31.0
12-29-0 v12.29.0 ~ v12.30.0 v12.29.0
12-28-0 v12.28.0 v12.28.0
12-27-0 v12.27.0 ~ v12.27.1 v12.27.0
12-19-0 v12.19.0 ~ v12.26.0 v12.20.0
12-13-0 v12.13.0 ~ v12.18.1 v12.13.0
12-10-0 v12.10.0 ~ v12.12.0 v12.10.0
12-9-0 v12.9.0 v12.9.0
12-8-0 v12.8.0 v12.8.0
12-5-0 v12.5.0 ~ v12.7.1 v12.5.0
(no version flag enabled) v12.0.0 ~ v12.4.1 v12.0.0