mio 0.7.4

Lightweight non-blocking IO
// You can run this example from the root of the mio repo:
// cargo run --example tcp_server --features="os-poll tcp"
use mio::event::Event;
use mio::net::{TcpListener, TcpStream};
use mio::{Events, Interest, Poll, Registry, Token};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::io::{self, Read, Write};
use std::str::from_utf8;

// Setup some tokens to allow us to identify which event is for which socket.
const SERVER: Token = Token(0);

// Some data we'll send over the connection.
const DATA: &[u8] = b"Hello world!\n";

fn main() -> io::Result<()> {

    // Create a poll instance.
    let mut poll = Poll::new()?;
    // Create storage for events.
    let mut events = Events::with_capacity(128);

    // Setup the TCP server socket.
    let addr = "".parse().unwrap();
    let mut server = TcpListener::bind(addr)?;

    // Register the server with poll we can receive events for it.
        .register(&mut server, SERVER, Interest::READABLE)?;

    // Map of `Token` -> `TcpStream`.
    let mut connections = HashMap::new();
    // Unique token for each incoming connection.
    let mut unique_token = Token(SERVER.0 + 1);

    println!("You can connect to the server using `nc`:");
    println!(" $ nc 9000");
    println!("You'll see our welcome message and anything you type we'll be printed here.");

    loop {
        poll.poll(&mut events, None)?;

        for event in events.iter() {
            match event.token() {
                SERVER => loop {
                    // Received an event for the TCP server socket, which
                    // indicates we can accept an connection.
                    let (mut connection, address) = match server.accept() {
                        Ok((connection, address)) => (connection, address),
                        Err(e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => {
                            // If we get a `WouldBlock` error we know our
                            // listener has no more incoming connections queued,
                            // so we can return to polling and wait for some
                            // more.
                        Err(e) => {
                            // If it was any other kind of error, something went
                            // wrong and we terminate with an error.
                            return Err(e);

                    println!("Accepted connection from: {}", address);

                    let token = next(&mut unique_token);
                        &mut connection,

                    connections.insert(token, connection);
                token => {
                    // Maybe received an event for a TCP connection.
                    let done = if let Some(connection) = connections.get_mut(&token) {
                        handle_connection_event(poll.registry(), connection, event)?
                    } else {
                        // Sporadic events happen, we can safely ignore them.
                    if done {

fn next(current: &mut Token) -> Token {
    let next = current.0;
    current.0 += 1;

/// Returns `true` if the connection is done.
fn handle_connection_event(
    registry: &Registry,
    connection: &mut TcpStream,
    event: &Event,
) -> io::Result<bool> {
    if event.is_writable() {
        // We can (maybe) write to the connection.
        match connection.write(DATA) {
            // We want to write the entire `DATA` buffer in a single go. If we
            // write less we'll return a short write error (same as
            // `io::Write::write_all` does).
            Ok(n) if n < DATA.len() => return Err(io::ErrorKind::WriteZero.into()),
            Ok(_) => {
                // After we've written something we'll reregister the connection
                // to only respond to readable events.
                registry.reregister(connection, event.token(), Interest::READABLE)?
            // Would block "errors" are the OS's way of saying that the
            // connection is not actually ready to perform this I/O operation.
            Err(ref err) if would_block(err) => {}
            // Got interrupted (how rude!), we'll try again.
            Err(ref err) if interrupted(err) => {
                return handle_connection_event(registry, connection, event)
            // Other errors we'll consider fatal.
            Err(err) => return Err(err),

    if event.is_readable() {
        let mut connection_closed = false;
        let mut received_data = Vec::with_capacity(4096);
        // We can (maybe) read from the connection.
        loop {
            let mut buf = [0; 256];
            match connection.read(&mut buf) {
                Ok(0) => {
                    // Reading 0 bytes means the other side has closed the
                    // connection or is done writing, then so are we.
                    connection_closed = true;
                Ok(n) => received_data.extend_from_slice(&buf[..n]),
                // Would block "errors" are the OS's way of saying that the
                // connection is not actually ready to perform this I/O operation.
                Err(ref err) if would_block(err) => break,
                Err(ref err) if interrupted(err) => continue,
                // Other errors we'll consider fatal.
                Err(err) => return Err(err),

        if let Ok(str_buf) = from_utf8(&received_data) {
            println!("Received data: {}", str_buf.trim_end());
        } else {
            println!("Received (none UTF-8) data: {:?}", &received_data);

        if connection_closed {
            println!("Connection closed");
            return Ok(true);


fn would_block(err: &io::Error) -> bool {
    err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock

fn interrupted(err: &io::Error) -> bool {
    err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::Interrupted