minus 5.1.0

An asynchronous paging library for Rust
//! Provides functions related to searching

use crate::error::MinusError;
use crate::PagerState;
use crossterm::{
    cursor::{self, MoveTo},
    event::{self, Event, KeyCode, KeyEvent, KeyModifiers},
    terminal::{Clear, ClearType},
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use regex::Regex;
use std::{convert::TryFrom, time::Duration};

static INVERT: Lazy<String> = Lazy::new(|| Attribute::Reverse.to_string());
static NORMAL: Lazy<String> = Lazy::new(|| Attribute::NoReverse.to_string());
static ANSI_REGEX: Lazy<Regex> = Lazy::new(|| {

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "search")))]
/// Defines modes in which the search can run
pub enum SearchMode {
    /// Find matches from or after the current page
    /// Find matches before the current page
    /// No search active

impl Default for SearchMode {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl PartialEq for SearchMode {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        core::mem::discriminant(self) == core::mem::discriminant(other)

/// Fetch the search query
/// The function will change the prompt to `/` for Forward search or `?` for Reverse search
/// It will then store the query in a String and return it when `Return` key is pressed
/// or return with a empty string if so match is found.
#[cfg(feature = "search")]
pub fn fetch_input(
    out: &mut impl std::io::Write,
    search_mode: SearchMode,
    rows: usize,
) -> Result<String, MinusError> {
    // Place the cursor at the beginning of very prompt line, clear
    // the prompt and show the cursor
        MoveTo(0, rows as u16),
        if search_mode == SearchMode::Forward {
        } else {
    let mut string = String::new();
    loop {
        if event::poll(Duration::from_millis(100)).map_err(|e| MinusError::HandleEvent(e.into()))? {
            match event::read().map_err(|e| MinusError::HandleEvent(e.into()))? {
                // If Esc is pressed, cancel the search
                Event::Key(KeyEvent {
                    code: KeyCode::Esc,
                    modifiers: KeyModifiers::NONE,
                }) => {
                    write!(out, "{}", cursor::Hide)?;
                    return Ok(String::new());
                // On backspace, pop the last character from the string
                Event::Key(KeyEvent {
                    code: KeyCode::Backspace,
                    modifiers: KeyModifiers::NONE,
                }) => {
                    // Update the line
                    write!(out, "\r{}/{}", Clear(ClearType::CurrentLine), string)?;
                Event::Key(KeyEvent {
                    code: KeyCode::Enter,
                    modifiers: KeyModifiers::NONE,
                }) => {
                    write!(out, "{}", cursor::Hide)?;
                    // Return the string when enter is pressed
                    return Ok(string);
                Event::Key(event) => {
                    // For any character key, without a modifier, append it to the
                    // string and update the line
                    if let KeyCode::Char(c) = event.code {
                        write!(out, "\r/{}", string)?;
                _ => continue,

/// Highlights the search match
/// The first return value returns the line that has all the search matches highlighted
/// The second tells whether a search match was actually found
pub fn highlight_line_matches(line: &str, query: &regex::Regex) -> (String, bool) {
    // Remove all ansi escapes so we can look through it as if it had none
    let stripped_str = ANSI_REGEX.replace_all(line, "");

    // if it doesn't match, don't even try. Just return.
    if !query.is_match(&stripped_str) {
        return (line.to_string(), false);

    // sum_width is used to calculate the total width of the ansi escapes
    // up to the point in the original string where it is being used
    let mut sum_width = 0;

    // find all ansi escapes in the original string, and map them
    // to a Vec<(usize, &str)> where
    //   .0 == the start index in the STRIPPED string
    //   .1 == the escape sequence itself
    let escapes = ANSI_REGEX
        .map(|escape| {
            let start = escape.start();
            let as_str = escape.as_str();
            let ret = (start - sum_width, as_str);
            sum_width += as_str.len();

    // The matches of the term you're looking for, so that you can easily determine where
    // the invert attributes will be placed
    let matches = query
        .flat_map(|c| [c.start(), c.end()])

    // Highlight all the instances of the search term in the stripped string
    // by inverting their background/foreground colors
    let mut inverted = query
        .replace_all(&stripped_str, |caps: &regex::Captures| {
            format!("{}{}{}", *INVERT, &caps[0], *NORMAL)

    // inserted_escs_len == the total length of the ascii escapes which have been re-inserted
    // into the stripped string at the point where it is being checked.
    let mut inserted_escs_len = 0;
    for esc in escapes {
        // Find how many invert|normal markers appear before this escape
        let match_count = matches.iter().take_while(|m| **m <= esc.0).count();

        if match_count % 2 == 1 {
            // if == 1, then it's either at the same spot as the start of an invert, or in the
            // middle of an invert. Either way we don't want to place it in.

        // find the number of invert strings and number of uninvert strings that have been
        // inserted up to this point in the string
        let num_invert = match_count / 2;
        let num_normal = match_count - num_invert;

        // calculate the index which this escape should be re-inserted at by adding
        // its position in the stripped string to the total length of the ansi escapes
        // (both highlighting and the ones from the original string).
        let pos =
            esc.0 + inserted_escs_len + (num_invert * INVERT.len()) + (num_normal * NORMAL.len());

        // insert the escape back in
        inverted.insert_str(pos, esc.1);

        // increment the length of the escapes inserted back in
        inserted_escs_len += esc.1.len();

    (inverted, true)

/// Set [`PagerState::search_mark`] to move to the next match
/// This function will continue looping untill it finds a match that is after the
/// [`PagerState::upper_mark`]
pub fn next_nth_match(ps: &mut PagerState, n: usize) {
    // Find the first match that's after the upper_mark, then set the mark to that match.
    // If we can't find one, just set it to the last match
    if let Some(nearest_idx) = ps.search_idx.iter().position(|i| *i > ps.upper_mark) {
        ps.search_mark = nearest_idx.saturating_add(n).saturating_sub(1);

        if ps.search_mark > ps.search_idx.len().saturating_sub(1) {
            ps.search_mark = ps.search_idx.len().saturating_sub(1);
    } else {
        ps.search_mark = ps.search_idx.len().saturating_sub(1);

    // And set the upper_mark to that match so that we scroll to it
    if let Some(idx) = ps.search_idx.iter().nth(ps.search_mark) {
        ps.upper_mark = *idx;

mod tests {
    use std::collections::BTreeSet;

    use super::{highlight_line_matches, next_nth_match, INVERT, NORMAL};
    use crate::PagerState;
    use crossterm::style::Attribute;
    use regex::Regex;

    // generic escape code
    const ESC: &str = "\x1b[34m";
    const NONE: &str = "\x1b[0m";

    fn test_next_match() {
        let mut pager = PagerState::new().unwrap();
        pager.search_mark = 0;
        // A sample index for mocking actual search index matches
        pager.search_idx = BTreeSet::from([2, 10, 15, 17, 50]);
        for i in &pager.search_idx.clone() {
            next_nth_match(&mut pager, 1);
            assert_eq!(pager.upper_mark, *i as usize);
            pager.search_mark += 1;

    fn test_highlight_matches() {
        let line = "Integer placerat tristique nisl. placerat non mollis, magna orci dolor, placerat at vulputate neque nulla lacinia eros.".to_string();
        let pat = Regex::new(r"\W\w+t\W").unwrap();
        let result = format!(
            "Integer{inverse} placerat {noinverse}tristique nisl.\
{inverse} placerat {noinverse}non mollis, magna orci dolor,\
{inverse} placerat {noinverse}at vulputate neque nulla lacinia \
            inverse = Attribute::Reverse,
            noinverse = Attribute::NoReverse

        assert_eq!(highlight_line_matches(&line, &pat).0, result);

    fn no_match() {
        let orig = "no match";
        let res = highlight_line_matches(orig, &Regex::new("test").unwrap());
        assert_eq!(res.0, orig.to_string());

    fn single_match_no_esc() {
        let res = highlight_line_matches("this is a test", &Regex::new(" a ").unwrap());
        assert_eq!(res.0, format!("this is{} a {}test", *INVERT, *NORMAL));

    fn multi_match_no_esc() {
        let res = highlight_line_matches("test another test", &Regex::new("test").unwrap());
            format!("{i}test{n} another {i}test{n}", i = *INVERT, n = *NORMAL)

    fn esc_outside_match() {
        let res = highlight_line_matches(
            &format!("{}color{} and test", ESC, NONE),
            format!("{}color{} and {}test{}", ESC, NONE, *INVERT, *NORMAL)

    fn esc_end_in_match() {
        let orig = format!("this {}is a te{}st", ESC, NONE);
        let res = highlight_line_matches(&orig, &Regex::new("test").unwrap());
            format!("this {}is a {}test{}", ESC, *INVERT, *NORMAL)

    fn esc_start_in_match() {
        let orig = format!("this is a te{}st again{}", ESC, NONE);
        let res = highlight_line_matches(&orig, &Regex::new("test").unwrap());
            format!("this is a {}test{} again{}", *INVERT, *NORMAL, NONE)

    fn esc_around_match() {
        let orig = format!("this is {}a test again{}", ESC, NONE);
        let res = highlight_line_matches(&orig, &Regex::new("test").unwrap());
            format!("this is {}a {}test{} again{}", ESC, *INVERT, *NORMAL, NONE)

    fn esc_within_match() {
        let orig = format!("this is a t{}es{}t again", ESC, NONE);
        let res = highlight_line_matches(&orig, &Regex::new("test").unwrap());
        assert_eq!(res.0, format!("this is a {}test{} again", *INVERT, *NORMAL));

    fn multi_escape_match() {
        let orig = format!(
            "this {e}is a te{n}st again {e}yeah{n} test",
            e = ESC,
            n = NONE
        let res = highlight_line_matches(&orig, &Regex::new("test").unwrap());
                "this {e}is a {i}test{n} again {e}yeah{nn} {i}test{n}",
                e = ESC,
                i = *INVERT,
                n = *NORMAL,
                nn = NONE