Crate minus

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minus is an asynchronous terminal paging library written in Rust.

What is a Pager?

A pager is a program that lets you view and scroll through large amounts of text using a keyboard in a TTY where no mouse support is available.

Nowadays most people use a graphical terminals where mouse support is present but they aren’t as reliable as a pager. For example they may not support proper text searching or line numbering, plus quick navigation using keyboard is pretty much non-existent. Hence programs like git, man etc still use a pager program to display large text outputs.

Examples of some popular pager include more and its successor less.

The problem with traditional pagers

First, traditional pagers like more or less weren’t made for integrating into other applications. They were meant to be standalone binaries that are executed directly by the users.

Applications leveraged these pagers by calling them as external programs and passing the data through the standard input. This method worked for Unix and other Unix-like OSs like Linux and MacOS because they already came with any of these pagers installed But it wasn’t this easy on Windows, it required shipping the pager binary along with the applications. Since these programs were originally designed for Unix and Unix-like OSs, distributing these binaries meant shipping an entire environment like MinGW or Cygwin so that these can run properly on Windows.

Recently, some libraries have emerged to solve this issue. They are compiled along with your application and give you a single binary to distribute. The problem with them is that they require you to feed the entire data to the pager before the pager can run, this meant that there will be no output on the terminal until the entire data isn’t loaded by the application and passed on to the pager.

These could cause long delays before output to the terminal if the data comes from a very large file or is being downloaded from the internet.

Enter minus

As above described, minus is an asynchronous terminal paging library for Rust. It allows not just data but also configuration to be fed into itself while it is running.

minus achieves this by leveraging Rust’s amazing concurrency support and no data race guarantees

minus can be used with any async runtime like tokio, async-std or native threads if you prefer that. If you want to display only static data, you don’t even need to depend on any of the above

What is a Pager?

A pager is a program that lets you view and scroll through large amounts of text using a keyboard in a TTY where no mouse support is available.

Nowadays most people use a graphical terminals where mouse support is present but they aren’t as reliable as a pager. For example they may not support proper text searching or line numbering, plus quick navigation using keyboard is pretty much non-existent. Hence programs like git, man etc still use a pager program to display large text outputs.


Add minus as a dependency in your Cargo.toml file and enable features as you like.

  • If you only want a pager to display static data, enable the static_output feature
  • If you want a pager to display dynamic data and be configurable at runtime, enable the dynamic_output feature
  • If you want search support inside the pager, you need to enable the search feature
version = "^5.0"
features = [



use minus::{dynamic_paging, MinusError, Pager};
use std::{
    thread::{spawn, sleep},

fn main() -> Result<(), MinusError> {
    // Initialize the pager
    let mut pager = Pager::new();
    // Run the pager in a separate thread
    let pager2 = pager.clone();
    let pager_thread = spawn(move || dynamic_paging(pager2));

    for i in 0..=100_u32 {
        writeln!(pager, "{}", i);


use minus::{dynamic_paging, MinusError, Pager};
use std::time::Duration;
use std::fmt::Write;
use tokio::{join, task::spawn_blocking, time::sleep};

async fn main() -> Result<(), MinusError> {
    // Initialize the pager
    let mut pager = Pager::new();
    // Asynchronously send data to the pager
    let increment = async {
        let mut pager = pager.clone();
        for i in 0..=100_u32 {
            writeln!(pager, "{}", i);
        Result::<_, MinusError>::Ok(())
    // spawn_blocking(dynamic_paging(...)) creates a separate thread managed by the tokio
    // runtime and runs the async_paging inside it
    let pager = pager.clone();
    let (res1, res2) = join!(spawn_blocking(move || dynamic_paging(pager)), increment);
    // .unwrap() unwraps any error while creating the tokio task
    //  The ? mark unpacks any error that might have occured while the
    // pager is running

Static output

use std::fmt::Write;
use minus::{MinusError, Pager, page_all};

fn main() -> Result<(), MinusError> {
    // Initialize a default static configuration
    let mut output = Pager::new();
    // Push numbers blockingly
    for i in 0..=30 {
        writeln!(output, "{}", i)?;
    // Run the pager
    // Return Ok result

If there are more rows in the terminal than the number of lines in the given data, minus will simply print the data and quit. This only works in static //! paging since asynchronous paging could still receive more data that makes it pass the limit.

Standard actions

Here is the list of default key/mouse actions handled by minus.

A [n] key means that you can preceed the key by a integer.

Ctrl+C/qQuit the pager
[n] Arrow Up/kScroll up by n number of line(s). If n is omitted, scroll up by 1 line
[n] Arrow Down/jScroll down by n number of line(s). If n is omitted, scroll down by 1 line
Page UpScroll up by entire page
Page DownScroll down by entire page
[n] EnterScroll down by n number of line(s). If n is omitted, scroll by 1 line. If there are prompt messages, this will clear them
SpaceScroll down by one page
Ctrl+U/uScroll up by half a screen
Ctrl+D/dScroll down by half a screen
gGo to the very top of the output
[n] GGo to the very bottom of the output. If n is present, goes to that line
Mouse scroll UpScroll up by 5 lines
Mouse scroll DownScroll down by 5 lines
Ctrl+LToggle line numbers if not forced enabled/disabled
/Start forward search
?Start backward search
EscCancel search input
nGo to the next search match
pGo to the next previous match

End-applications are free to change these bindings to better suit their needs.


pub use error::MinusError;


Provides error types that are used in various places
Provides the InputClassifier trait, which can be used to customize the default keybindings of minus


A pager acts as a middleman for communication between the main application and the user with the core functions of minus
Holds all information and configuration about the pager during its un time.


Behaviour that happens when the pager is exitted
Enum indicating whether to display the line numbers or not.
Defines modes in which the search can run


Starts a asynchronously running pager
Display static information to the screen

Type Definitions

A convenient type for Vec<Box<dyn FnMut() + Send + Sync + 'static>>