minus 4.0.0-alpha4

An asynchronous paging library for Rust
# How to contribute
First of all, we want to thank you for taking the time to contribute to this project. 

## Writing some code!
Contributing to a project on Github is pretty straight forward. If this is you're first time, these are the steps you should take.

- Fork this repo.
- Read the code available and change the part you don't like! Your change should not break the existing code.

If you're adding a new functionality, start from the branch **main**. It would be a better practice to create a new branch and work in there.

When you're done, submit a pull request for one of the maintainers to check it out. We would let you know if there is any problem or any changes that should be considered.

## Tests
Run all of the examples and make sure they print out correct output. If they don't, recheck the code you've written

## Documentation
Every chunk of code has some comments above it. If you write some new code or change some part of the existing code, you should write comments to explain it. 

## License
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all code written to this project is dual licensed under the MIT and Apache license 2.0