millennium 1.0.0-beta.3

Create consistent, light, & secure apps that work on all platforms, using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
// Copyright 2022
//           2019-2021 Tauri Programme within The Commons Conservancy
//                     []
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.


//! Types and functions related to Inter Procedure Call(IPC).
//! This module includes utilities to send messages to the JS layer of the
//! webview.

use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_json::value::RawValue;
pub use serialize_to_javascript::Options as SerializeOptions;
use serialize_to_javascript::Serialized;

/// The `Callback` type is the return value of the `transformCallback`
/// JavaScript function.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct CallbackFn(pub usize);

/// The information about this is quite limited. On Chrome/Edge and Firefox, [the maximum string size is approximately 1 GB](
/// [From MDN:](
/// ECMAScript 2016 (ed. 7) established a maximum length of 2^53 - 1 elements.
/// Previously, no maximum length was specified.
/// In Firefox, strings have a maximum length of 2\*\*30 - 2 (~1GB). In versions
/// prior to Firefox 65, the maximum length was 2\*\*28 - 1 (~256MB).
const MAX_JSON_STR_LEN: usize = usize::pow(2, 30) - 2;

/// Minimum size JSON needs to be in order to convert it to JSON.parse with
/// [`format_json`].
// TODO: this number should be benchmarked and checked for optimal range, I set
// 10 KiB arbitrarily we don't want to lose the gained object parsing time to
// extra allocations preparing it
const MIN_JSON_PARSE_LEN: usize = 10_240;

/// Transforms & escapes a JSON value.
/// If it's an object or array, JSON.parse('{json}') is used, with the '{json}'
/// string properly escaped. The return value of this function can be safely
/// used on [`eval`](crate::Window#method.eval) calls.
/// Single quotes chosen because double quotes are already used in JSON. With
/// single quotes, we only need to escape strings that include backslashes or
/// single quotes. If we used double quotes, then there would be no cases that a
/// string doesn't need escaping.
/// The function takes a closure to handle the escaped string in order to avoid
/// unnecessary allocations.
/// # Safety
/// The ability to safely escape JSON into a JSON.parse('{json}') relies
/// entirely on 2 things.
/// 1. `serde_json`'s ability to correctly escape and format json into a string.
/// 2. JavaScript engines not accepting anything except another unescaped,
/// literal single quote character to end a string that was opened with it.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use millennium::api::ipc::{serialize_js_with, SerializeOptions};
/// #[derive(serde::Serialize)]
/// struct Foo {
/// 	bar: String
/// }
/// let foo = Foo { bar: "x".repeat(20_000).into() };
/// let value =
/// 	serialize_js_with(&foo, SerializeOptions::default(), |v| format!("console.log({})", v))
/// 		.unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(value, format!("console.log(JSON.parse('{{\"bar\":\"{}\"}}'))",;
/// ```
pub fn serialize_js_with<T: Serialize, F: FnOnce(&str) -> String>(value: &T, options: SerializeOptions, cb: F) -> crate::api::Result<String> {
	// get a raw &str representation of a serialized json value.
	let string = serde_json::to_string(value)?;
	let raw = RawValue::from_string(string)?;

	// from here we know json.len() > 1 because an empty string is not a valid json
	// value.
	let json = raw.get();
	let first = json.as_bytes()[0];

	if first == b'"' {
		assert!(json.len() < MAX_JSON_STR_LEN, "passing a string larger than the max JavaScript literal string size")

	let return_val = if json.len() > MIN_JSON_PARSE_LEN && (first == b'{' || first == b'[') {
		let serialized = Serialized::new(&raw, &options).into_string();
		// only use JSON.parse('{arg}') for arrays and objects less than the limit
		// smaller literals do not benefit from being parsed from json
		if serialized.len() < MAX_JSON_STR_LEN { cb(&serialized) } else { cb(json) }
	} else {


/// Transforms & escapes a JSON value.
/// This is a convenience function for [`serialize_js_with`], simply allocating
/// the result to a String.
/// For usage in functions where performance is more important than code
/// readability, see [`serialize_js_with`].
/// # Examples
/// ```rust,no_run
/// use millennium::{api::ipc::serialize_js, Manager};
/// use serde::Serialize;
/// #[derive(Serialize)]
/// struct Foo {
/// 	bar: String
/// }
/// #[derive(Serialize)]
/// struct Bar {
/// 	baz: u32
/// }
/// millennium::Builder::default().setup(|app| {
/// 	let window = app.get_window("main").unwrap();
/// 	window.eval(&format!(
/// 		"console.log({}, {})",
/// 		serialize_js(&Foo { bar: "bar".to_string() }).unwrap(),
/// 		serialize_js(&Bar { baz: 0 }).unwrap()
/// 	))?;
/// 	Ok(())
/// });
/// ```
pub fn serialize_js<T: Serialize>(value: &T) -> crate::api::Result<String> {
	serialize_js_with(value, Default::default(), |v| v.into())

/// Formats a function name and argument to be evaluated as callback.
/// This will serialize primitive JSON types (e.g. booleans, strings, numbers,
/// etc.) as JavaScript literals, but will serialize arrays and objects whose
/// serialized JSON string is smaller than 1 GB and larger than 10 KiB with
/// `JSON.parse('...')`. See [json-parse-benchmark](
/// # Examples
/// - With string literals:
/// ```
/// use millennium::api::ipc::{format_callback, CallbackFn};
/// // callback with a string argument
/// let cb = format_callback(CallbackFn(12345), &"the string response").unwrap();
/// assert!(cb.contains(r#"window['_12345']("the string response")"#));
/// ```
/// - With types implement [`serde::Serialize`]:
/// ```
/// use millennium::api::ipc::{format_callback, CallbackFn};
/// use serde::Serialize;
/// // callback with large JSON argument
/// #[derive(Serialize)]
/// struct MyResponse {
/// 	value: String
/// }
/// let cb = format_callback(
/// 	CallbackFn(6789),
/// 	&MyResponse {
/// 		value: String::from_utf8(vec![b'X'; 10_240]).unwrap()
/// 	}
/// )
/// .expect("failed to serialize");
/// assert!(cb.contains(r#"window['_6789'](JSON.parse('{"value":"XXXXXXXXX"#));
/// ```
pub fn format_callback<T: Serialize>(function_name: CallbackFn, arg: &T) -> crate::api::Result<String> {
	serialize_js_with(arg, Default::default(), |arg| {
		if (window['_{fn}']) {{
		}} else {{
			console.warn('[Millennium] Couldn\'t find callback id {fn} in window. This happens when the app is reloaded while Rust is running an asynchronous operation.');
			fn = function_name.0,
			arg = arg

/// Formats a Result type to its Promise response.
/// Useful for Promises handling.
/// If the Result `is_ok()`, the callback will be the `success_callback`
/// function name and the argument will be the Ok value. If the Result
/// `is_err()`, the callback will be the `error_callback` function name and the
/// argument will be the Err value.
/// * `result` the Result to check
/// * `success_callback` the function name of the Ok callback. Usually the `resolve` of the JS Promise.
/// * `error_callback` the function name of the Err callback. Usually the `reject` of the JS Promise.
/// Note that the callback strings are automatically generated by the `invoke`
/// helper.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use millennium::api::ipc::{format_callback_result, CallbackFn};
/// let res: Result<u8, &str> = Ok(5);
/// let cb = format_callback_result(res, CallbackFn(145), CallbackFn(0)).expect("failed to format");
/// assert!(cb.contains(r#"window['_145'](5)"#));
/// let res: Result<&str, &str> = Err("error message here");
/// let cb = format_callback_result(res, CallbackFn(2), CallbackFn(1)).expect("failed to format");
/// assert!(cb.contains(r#"window['_1']("error message here")"#));
/// ```
// TODO: better example to explain
pub fn format_callback_result<T: Serialize, E: Serialize>(
	result: Result<T, E>,
	success_callback: CallbackFn,
	error_callback: CallbackFn
) -> crate::api::Result<String> {
	match result {
		Ok(res) => format_callback(success_callback, &res),
		Err(err) => format_callback(error_callback, &err)

mod test {
	use quickcheck::{Arbitrary, Gen};
	use quickcheck_macros::quickcheck;

	use crate::api::ipc::*;

	impl Arbitrary for CallbackFn {
		fn arbitrary(g: &mut Gen) -> CallbackFn {

	fn test_serialize_js() {
		assert_eq!(serialize_js(&()).unwrap(), "null");
		assert_eq!(serialize_js(&5i32).unwrap(), "5");

		struct JsonObj {
			value: String

		let raw_str = "T".repeat(MIN_JSON_PARSE_LEN);
		assert_eq!(serialize_js(&raw_str).unwrap(), format!("\"{}\"", raw_str));

		assert_eq!(serialize_js(&JsonObj { value: raw_str.clone() }).unwrap(), format!("JSON.parse('{{\"value\":\"{}\"}}')", raw_str));

		assert_eq!(serialize_js(&JsonObj { value: format!("\"{}\"", raw_str) }).unwrap(), format!("JSON.parse('{{\"value\":\"\\\\\"{}\\\\\"\"}}')", raw_str));

		let dangerous_json =
			RawValue::from_string(r#"{"test":"don\\πŸš€πŸ±β€πŸ‘€\\'t forget to escape me!πŸš€πŸ±β€πŸ‘€","teπŸš€πŸ±β€πŸ‘€st2":"don't forget to escape me!","test3":"\\πŸš€πŸ±β€πŸ‘€\\\\'''\\\\πŸš€πŸ±β€πŸ‘€\\\\πŸš€πŸ±β€πŸ‘€\\'''''"}"#.into())

		let definitely_escaped_dangerous_json = format!("JSON.parse('{}')", dangerous_json.get().replace('\\', "\\\\").replace('\'', "\\'"));
		let escape_single_quoted_json_test = serialize_to_javascript::Serialized::new(&dangerous_json, &Default::default()).into_string();

		let result = r#"JSON.parse('{"test":"don\\\\πŸš€πŸ±β€πŸ‘€\\\\\'t forget to escape me!πŸš€πŸ±β€πŸ‘€","teπŸš€πŸ±β€πŸ‘€st2":"don\'t forget to escape me!","test3":"\\\\πŸš€πŸ±β€πŸ‘€\\\\\\\\\'\'\'\\\\\\\\πŸš€πŸ±β€πŸ‘€\\\\\\\\πŸš€πŸ±β€πŸ‘€\\\\\'\'\'\'\'"}')"#;
		assert_eq!(definitely_escaped_dangerous_json, result);
		assert_eq!(escape_single_quoted_json_test, result);

	// check abritrary strings in the format callback function
	fn qc_formating(f: CallbackFn, a: String) -> bool {
		// call format callback
		let fc = format_callback(f, &a).unwrap();
		fc.contains(&format!(r#"window['_{}'](JSON.parse('{}'))"#, f.0, serde_json::Value::String(a.clone()),))
			|| fc.contains(&format!(r#"window['_{}']({})"#, f.0, serde_json::Value::String(a),))

	// check arbitrary strings in format_callback_result
	fn qc_format_res(result: Result<String, String>, c: CallbackFn, ec: CallbackFn) -> bool {
		let resp = format_callback_result(result.clone(), c, ec).expect("failed to format callback result");
		let (function, value) = match result {
			Ok(v) => (c, v),
			Err(e) => (ec, e)

		resp.contains(&format!(r#"window['_{}']({})"#, function.0, serde_json::Value::String(value),))