millennium 1.0.0-beta.3

Create consistent, light, & secure apps that work on all platforms, using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
// Copyright 2022
//           2019-2021 Tauri Programme within The Commons Conservancy
//                     []
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.


//! Use native message and file open/save dialogs.
//! This module exposes non-blocking APIs on its root, relying on callback
//! closures to give results back. This is particularly useful when running
//! dialogs from the main thread. When using on asynchronous contexts such as
//! async commands, the [`blocking`] APIs are recommended.

pub use nonblocking::*;

#[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))]
macro_rules! run_dialog {
	($e:expr, $h: ident) => {{
		std::thread::spawn(move || {
			let response = $e;

#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
macro_rules! run_dialog {
	($e:expr, $h: ident) => {{
		std::thread::spawn(move || {
			let context = glib::MainContext::default();
			context.invoke_with_priority(glib::PRIORITY_HIGH, move || {
				let response = $e;

#[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))]
macro_rules! run_file_dialog {
	($e:expr, $h: ident) => {{
		std::thread::spawn(move || {
			let response = crate::async_runtime::block_on($e);

#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
macro_rules! run_file_dialog {
	($e:expr, $h: ident) => {{
		std::thread::spawn(move || {
			let context = glib::MainContext::default();
			context.invoke_with_priority(glib::PRIORITY_HIGH, move || {
				let response = $e;

macro_rules! run_dialog_sync {
	($e:expr) => {{
		let (tx, rx) = sync_channel(0);
		let cb = move |response| {
		run_file_dialog!($e, cb);

macro_rules! file_dialog_builder {
	() => {
		#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
		type FileDialog = rfd::FileDialog;
		#[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))]
		type FileDialog = rfd::AsyncFileDialog;

		/// The file dialog builder.
		/// Constructs file picker dialogs that can select single/multiple files or
		/// directories.
		#[derive(Debug, Default)]
		pub struct FileDialogBuilder(FileDialog);

		impl FileDialogBuilder {
			/// Gets the default file dialog builder.
			pub fn new() -> Self {

			/// Add file extension filter. Takes in the name of the filter, and list of
			/// extensions
			pub fn add_filter(mut self, name: impl AsRef<str>, extensions: &[&str]) -> Self {
				self.0 = self.0.add_filter(name.as_ref(), extensions);

			/// Set starting directory of the dialog.
			pub fn set_directory<P: AsRef<Path>>(mut self, directory: P) -> Self {
				self.0 = self.0.set_directory(directory);

			/// Set starting file name of the dialog.
			pub fn set_file_name(mut self, file_name: &str) -> Self {
				self.0 = self.0.set_file_name(file_name);

			/// Sets the parent window of the dialog.
			pub fn set_parent<W: raw_window_handle::HasRawWindowHandle>(mut self, parent: &W) -> Self {
				self.0 = self.0.set_parent(parent);

			/// Set the title of the dialog.
			pub fn set_title(mut self, title: &str) -> Self {
				self.0 = self.0.set_title(title);

macro_rules! message_dialog_builder {
	() => {
		/// A builder for message dialogs.
		pub struct MessageDialogBuilder(rfd::MessageDialog);

		impl MessageDialogBuilder {
			/// Creates a new message dialog builder.
			pub fn new(title: impl AsRef<str>, message: impl AsRef<str>) -> Self {
				let title = title.as_ref().to_string();
				let message = message.as_ref().to_string();

			/// Set parent windows explicitly (optional)
			/// ## Platform-specific
			/// - **Linux**: Unsupported.
			pub fn parent<W: raw_window_handle::HasRawWindowHandle>(mut self, parent: &W) -> Self {
				self.0 = self.0.set_parent(parent);

			/// Set the set of buttons to display.
			pub fn buttons(mut self, buttons: MessageDialogButtons) -> Self {
				self.0 = self.0.set_buttons(buttons.into());

			/// Set the type of dialog.
			pub fn kind(mut self, kind: MessageDialogKind) -> Self {
				self.0 = self.0.set_level(kind.into());

/// Options for action buttons on message dialogs.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum MessageDialogButtons {
	/// A single "OK" button.
	/// "OK" and "Cancel" buttons.
	/// "Yes" and "No" buttons.

impl From<MessageDialogButtons> for rfd::MessageButtons {
	fn from(kind: MessageDialogButtons) -> Self {
		match kind {
			MessageDialogButtons::Ok => rfd::MessageButtons::Ok,
			MessageDialogButtons::OkCancel => rfd::MessageButtons::OkCancel,
			MessageDialogButtons::YesNo => rfd::MessageButtons::YesNo

/// Types of message dialogs.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum MessageDialogKind {
	/// Informational dialog.
	/// Warning dialog.
	/// Error dialog.

impl From<MessageDialogKind> for rfd::MessageLevel {
	fn from(kind: MessageDialogKind) -> Self {
		match kind {
			MessageDialogKind::Info => rfd::MessageLevel::Info,
			MessageDialogKind::Warning => rfd::MessageLevel::Warning,
			MessageDialogKind::Error => rfd::MessageLevel::Error

/// Blocking interfaces for the dialog APIs.
/// The blocking APIs will block the current thread to execute instead of
/// relying on callback closures, which makes them easier to use.
/// **NOTE:** You cannot block the main thread when executing the dialog APIs,
/// so you must use the [`crate::api::dialog`] methods instead. Examples of main
/// thread context are the [`crate::App::run`] closure and non-async commmands.
pub mod blocking {
	use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
	use std::sync::mpsc::sync_channel;

	use super::{MessageDialogButtons, MessageDialogKind};
	use crate::{Runtime, Window};


	impl FileDialogBuilder {
		/// Shows the dialog to select a single file.
		/// This is a blocking operation,
		/// and should *NOT* be used when running on the main thread context.
		/// # Examples
		/// ```rust,no_run
		/// use millennium::api::dialog::blocking::FileDialogBuilder;
		/// #[millennium::command]
		/// fn my_command() {
		/// 	let file_path = FileDialogBuilder::new().pick_file();
		/// 	// do something with the optional file path here
		/// 	// the file path is `None` if the user closed the dialog
		/// }
		/// ```
		pub fn pick_file(self) -> Option<PathBuf> {
			let response = run_dialog_sync!(self.0.pick_file());
			#[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))]
			let response =|p| p.path().to_path_buf());

		/// Shows the dialog to select multiple files.
		/// This is a blocking operation,
		/// and should *NOT* be used when running on the main thread context.
		/// # Examples
		/// ```rust,no_run
		/// use millennium::api::dialog::blocking::FileDialogBuilder;
		/// #[millennium::command]
		/// fn my_command() {
		/// 	let file_path = FileDialogBuilder::new().pick_files();
		/// 	// do something with the optional file paths here
		/// 	// the file paths value is `None` if the user closed the dialog
		/// }
		/// ```
		pub fn pick_files(self) -> Option<Vec<PathBuf>> {
			let response = run_dialog_sync!(self.0.pick_files());
			#[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))]
			let response =|paths| paths.into_iter().map(|p| p.path().to_path_buf()).collect());

		/// Shows the dialog to select a single folder.
		/// This is a blocking operation,
		/// and should *NOT* be used when running on the main thread context.
		/// # Examples
		/// ```rust,no_run
		/// use millennium::api::dialog::blocking::FileDialogBuilder;
		/// #[millennium::command]
		/// fn my_command() {
		/// 	let folder_path = FileDialogBuilder::new().pick_folder();
		/// 	// do something with the optional folder path here
		/// 	// the folder path is `None` if the user closed the dialog
		/// }
		/// ```
		pub fn pick_folder(self) -> Option<PathBuf> {
			let response = run_dialog_sync!(self.0.pick_folder());
			#[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))]
			let response =|p| p.path().to_path_buf());

		/// Shows the dialog to select multiple folders.
		/// This is a blocking operation and should *NOT* be used when running on the main thread context.
		/// # Examples
		/// ```rust,no_run
		/// use millennium::api::dialog::blocking::FileDialogBuilder;
		/// #[millennium::command]
		/// fn my_command() {
		/// 	let folder_paths = FileDialogBuilder::new().pick_folders();
		/// 	// do something with the optional folder paths here
		/// 	// the folder paths value is `None` if the user closed the dialog
		/// }
		/// ```
		pub fn pick_folders(self) -> Option<Vec<PathBuf>> {
			let response = run_dialog_sync!(self.0.pick_folders());
			#[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))]
			let response =|paths| paths.into_iter().map(|p| p.path().to_path_buf()).collect());

		/// Shows the dialog to save a file.
		/// This is a blocking operation,
		/// and should *NOT* be used when running on the main thread context.
		/// # Examples
		/// ```rust,no_run
		/// use millennium::api::dialog::blocking::FileDialogBuilder;
		/// #[millennium::command]
		/// fn my_command() {
		/// 	let file_path = FileDialogBuilder::new().save_file();
		/// 	// do something with the optional file path here
		/// 	// the file path is `None` if the user closed the dialog
		/// }
		/// ```
		pub fn save_file(self) -> Option<PathBuf> {
			let response = run_dialog_sync!(self.0.save_file());
			#[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))]
			let response =|p| p.path().to_path_buf());

	impl MessageDialogBuilder {
		/// Shows a message dialog.
		/// - In an "OK" dialog, it will return `true` when `OK` was pressed.
		/// - In an "OK"/"Cancel" dialog, it will return `true` when `OK` was pressed.
		/// - In an "Yes"/"No" dialog, it will return `true` when `Yes` was pressed.
		pub fn show(self) -> bool {
			let (tx, rx) = sync_channel(1);
			let f = move |response| {
			run_dialog!(, f);

	/// Displays a dialog with a message and an optional title with a "yes" and
	/// a "no" button and wait for it to be closed.
	/// This is a blocking operation,
	/// and should *NOT* be used when running on the main thread context.
	/// # Examples
	/// ```rust,no_run
	/// use millennium::api::dialog::blocking::ask;
	/// # let app = millennium::Builder::default().build(millennium::generate_context!("test/fixture/.millenniumrc")).unwrap();
	/// # let window = millennium::Manager::get_window(&app, "main").unwrap();
	/// let answer = ask(Some(&window), "Millennium", "Is Millennium awesome?");
	/// // do something with `answer`
	/// ```
	pub fn ask<R: Runtime>(parent_window: Option<&Window<R>>, title: impl AsRef<str>, message: impl AsRef<str>) -> bool {
		run_message_dialog(parent_window, title, message, rfd::MessageButtons::YesNo)

	/// Displays a dialog with a message and an optional title with an "ok" and
	/// a "cancel" button and wait for it to be closed.
	/// This is a blocking operation,
	/// and should *NOT* be used when running on the main thread context.
	/// # Examples
	/// ```rust,no_run
	/// use millennium::api::dialog::blocking::confirm;
	/// # let app = millennium::Builder::default().build(millennium::generate_context!("test/fixture/.millenniumrc")).unwrap();
	/// # let window = millennium::Manager::get_window(&app, "main").unwrap();
	/// let answer = confirm(Some(&window), "Millennium", "Are you sure?");
	/// // do something with `answer`
	/// ```
	pub fn confirm<R: Runtime>(parent_window: Option<&Window<R>>, title: impl AsRef<str>, message: impl AsRef<str>) -> bool {
		run_message_dialog(parent_window, title, message, rfd::MessageButtons::OkCancel)

	/// Displays a message dialog and wait for it to be closed.
	/// This is a blocking operation,
	/// and should *NOT* be used when running on the main thread context.
	/// # Examples
	/// ```rust,no_run
	/// use millennium::api::dialog::blocking::message;
	/// # let app = millennium::Builder::default().build(millennium::generate_context!("test/fixture/.millenniumrc")).unwrap();
	/// # let window = millennium::Manager::get_window(&app, "main").unwrap();
	/// message(Some(&window), "Millennium", "Millennium is awesome!");
	/// ```
	pub fn message<R: Runtime>(parent_window: Option<&Window<R>>, title: impl AsRef<str>, message: impl AsRef<str>) {
		let _ = run_message_dialog(parent_window, title, message, rfd::MessageButtons::Ok);

	fn run_message_dialog<R: Runtime>(
		parent_window: Option<&Window<R>>,
		title: impl AsRef<str>,
		message: impl AsRef<str>,
		buttons: rfd::MessageButtons
	) -> bool {
		let (tx, rx) = sync_channel(1);
		super::nonblocking::run_message_dialog(parent_window, title, message, buttons, MessageDialogKind::Info, move |response| {

mod nonblocking {
	use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};

	use super::{MessageDialogButtons, MessageDialogKind};
	use crate::{Runtime, Window};


	impl FileDialogBuilder {
		/// Shows the dialog to select a single file.
		/// This is not a blocking operation,
		/// and should be used when running on the main thread to avoid
		/// deadlocks with the event loop.
		/// For usage in other contexts such as commands, prefer
		/// [`Self::pick_file`].
		/// # Examples
		/// ```rust,no_run
		/// use millennium::api::dialog::FileDialogBuilder;
		/// millennium::Builder::default()
		/// 	.build(millennium::generate_context!("test/fixture/.millenniumrc"))
		/// 	.expect("failed to build Millennium app")
		/// 	.run(|_app, _event| {
		/// 		FileDialogBuilder::new().pick_file(|file_path| {
		/// 			// do something with the optional file path here
		/// 			// the file path is `None` if the user closed the dialog
		/// 		})
		/// 	})
		/// ```
		pub fn pick_file<F: FnOnce(Option<PathBuf>) + Send + 'static>(self, f: F) {
			#[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))]
			let f = |path: Option<rfd::FileHandle>| f(|p| p.path().to_path_buf()));
			run_file_dialog!(self.0.pick_file(), f)

		/// Shows the dialog to select multiple files.
		/// This is not a blocking operation,
		/// and should be used when running on the main thread to avoid
		/// deadlocks with the event loop.
		/// # Examples
		/// ```rust,no_run
		/// use millennium::api::dialog::FileDialogBuilder;
		/// millennium::Builder::default()
		/// 	.build(millennium::generate_context!("test/fixture/.millenniumrc"))
		/// 	.expect("failed to build Millennium app")
		/// 	.run(|_app, _event| {
		/// 		FileDialogBuilder::new().pick_files(|file_paths| {
		/// 			// do something with the optional file paths here
		/// 			// the file paths value is `None` if the user closed the dialog
		/// 		})
		/// 	})
		/// ```
		pub fn pick_files<F: FnOnce(Option<Vec<PathBuf>>) + Send + 'static>(self, f: F) {
			#[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))]
			let f = |paths: Option<Vec<rfd::FileHandle>>| f(|list| list.into_iter().map(|p| p.path().to_path_buf()).collect()));
			run_file_dialog!(self.0.pick_files(), f)

		/// Shows the dialog to select a single folder.
		/// This is not a blocking operation,
		/// and should be used when running on the main thread to avoid
		/// deadlocks with the event loop.
		/// # Examples
		/// ```rust,no_run
		/// use millennium::api::dialog::FileDialogBuilder;
		/// millennium::Builder::default()
		/// 	.build(millennium::generate_context!("test/fixture/.millenniumrc"))
		/// 	.expect("failed to build Millennium app")
		/// 	.run(|_app, _event| {
		/// 		FileDialogBuilder::new().pick_folder(|folder_path| {
		/// 			// do something with the optional folder path here
		/// 			// the folder path is `None` if the user closed the dialog
		/// 		})
		/// 	})
		/// ```
		pub fn pick_folder<F: FnOnce(Option<PathBuf>) + Send + 'static>(self, f: F) {
			#[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))]
			let f = |path: Option<rfd::FileHandle>| f(|p| p.path().to_path_buf()));
			run_file_dialog!(self.0.pick_folder(), f)

		/// Shows the dialog to select multiple folders.
		/// This is not a blocking operation,
		/// and should be used when running on the main thread to avoid deadlocks with the event loop.
		/// # Examples
		/// ```rust,no_run
		/// use millennium::api::dialog::FileDialogBuilder;
		/// millennium::Builder::default()
		/// 	.build(millennium::generate_context!("test/fixture/.millenniumrc"))
		/// 	.expect("failed to build millennium app")
		/// 	.run(|_app, _event| {
		/// 		FileDialogBuilder::new().pick_folders(|file_paths| {
		/// 			// do something with the optional folder paths here
		/// 			// the folder paths value is `None` if the user closed the dialog
		/// 		})
		/// 	})
		/// ```
		pub fn pick_folders<F: FnOnce(Option<Vec<PathBuf>>) + Send + 'static>(self, f: F) {
			#[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))]
			let f = |paths: Option<Vec<rfd::FileHandle>>| f(|list| list.into_iter().map(|p| p.path().to_path_buf()).collect()));
			run_file_dialog!(self.0.pick_folders(), f)

		/// Shows the dialog to save a file.
		/// This is not a blocking operation,
		/// and should be used when running on the main thread to avoid
		/// deadlocks with the event loop.
		/// # Examples
		/// ```rust,no_run
		/// use millennium::api::dialog::FileDialogBuilder;
		/// millennium::Builder::default()
		/// 	.build(millennium::generate_context!("test/fixture/.millenniumrc"))
		/// 	.expect("failed to build Millennium app")
		/// 	.run(|_app, _event| {
		/// 		FileDialogBuilder::new().save_file(|file_path| {
		/// 			// do something with the optional file path here
		/// 			// the file path is `None` if the user closed the dialog
		/// 		})
		/// 	})
		/// ```
		pub fn save_file<F: FnOnce(Option<PathBuf>) + Send + 'static>(self, f: F) {
			#[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))]
			let f = |path: Option<rfd::FileHandle>| f(|p| p.path().to_path_buf()));
			run_file_dialog!(self.0.save_file(), f)

	impl MessageDialogBuilder {
		/// Shows a message dialog.
		/// - In an "OK" dialog, it will return `true` when `OK` was pressed.
		/// - In an "OK"/"Cancel" dialog, it will return `true` when `OK` was pressed.
		/// - In an "Yes"/"No" dialog, it will return `true` when `Yes` was pressed.
		pub fn show<F: FnOnce(bool) + Send + 'static>(self, f: F) {
			run_dialog!(, f);

	/// Displays a non-blocking dialog with a message and an optional title with
	/// a "yes" and a "no" button.
	/// This is not a blocking operation,
	/// and should be used when running on the main thread to avoid deadlocks
	/// with the event loop.
	/// # Examples
	/// ```rust,no_run
	/// use millennium::api::dialog::ask;
	/// # let app = millennium::Builder::default().build(millennium::generate_context!("test/fixture/.millenniumrc")).unwrap();
	/// # let window = millennium::Manager::get_window(&app, "main").unwrap();
	/// ask(Some(&window), "Millennium", "Is Millennium awesome?", |answer| {
	/// 	// do something with `answer`
	/// });
	/// ```
	pub fn ask<R: Runtime, F: FnOnce(bool) + Send + 'static>(parent_window: Option<&Window<R>>, title: impl AsRef<str>, message: impl AsRef<str>, f: F) {
		run_message_dialog(parent_window, title, message, rfd::MessageButtons::YesNo, MessageDialogKind::Info, f)

	/// Displays a non-blocking dialog with a message and an optional title with
	/// an "ok" and a "cancel" button.
	/// This is not a blocking operation,
	/// and should be used when running on the main thread to avoid deadlocks
	/// with the event loop.
	/// # Examples
	/// ```rust,no_run
	/// use millennium::api::dialog::confirm;
	/// # let app = millennium::Builder::default().build(millennium::generate_context!("test/fixture/.millenniumrc")).unwrap();
	/// # let window = millennium::Manager::get_window(&app, "main").unwrap();
	/// confirm(Some(&window), "Millennium", "Are you sure?", |answer| {
	/// 	// do something with `answer`
	/// });
	/// ```
	pub fn confirm<R: Runtime, F: FnOnce(bool) + Send + 'static>(parent_window: Option<&Window<R>>, title: impl AsRef<str>, message: impl AsRef<str>, f: F) {
		run_message_dialog(parent_window, title, message, rfd::MessageButtons::OkCancel, MessageDialogKind::Info, f)

	/// Displays a non-blocking message dialog.
	/// This is not a blocking operation,
	/// and should be used when running on the main thread to avoid deadlocks
	/// with the event loop.
	/// # Examples
	/// ```rust,no_run
	/// use millennium::api::dialog::message;
	/// # let app = millennium::Builder::default().build(millennium::generate_context!("test/fixture/.millenniumrc")).unwrap();
	/// # let window = millennium::Manager::get_window(&app, "main").unwrap();
	/// message(Some(&window), "Millennium", "Millennium is awesome!");
	/// ```
	pub fn message<R: Runtime>(parent_window: Option<&Window<R>>, title: impl AsRef<str>, message: impl AsRef<str>) {
		run_message_dialog(parent_window, title, message, rfd::MessageButtons::Ok, MessageDialogKind::Info, |_| {})

	pub(crate) fn run_message_dialog<R: Runtime, F: FnOnce(bool) + Send + 'static>(
		parent_window: Option<&Window<R>>,
		title: impl AsRef<str>,
		message: impl AsRef<str>,
		buttons: rfd::MessageButtons,
		level: MessageDialogKind,
		f: F
	) {
		let title = title.as_ref().to_string();
		let message = message.as_ref().to_string();
		let mut builder = rfd::MessageDialog::new()

		#[cfg(any(windows, target_os = "macos"))]
			if let Some(window) = parent_window {
				builder = builder.set_parent(window);

		run_dialog!(, f)