migrant 0.9.2

Simple migration manager for postgres, sqlite
migrant-0.9.2 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: migrant-0.6.0

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Basic migration manager powered by migrant_lib

Currently supports:

  • postgres
  • sqlite

migrant will manage all migrations that live under <project-dir>/migrations/ where project-dir is .../<project-dir>/.migrant.toml. The default migration location can be modified in your .migrant.toml file ("migration_location"). If the directory doesn't exist, it will be created the first time you create a new migration. migrant stores all applied migrations in a database table named __migrant_migrations


By default migrant will build without any features, falling back to using each database's cli commands (psql & sqlite3). The postgres and rusqlite database driver libraries can be activated with the postgresql and sqlite features. Both of these drivers require their dev libraries (postgresql: libpq-dev, sqlite: libsqlite3-dev). The binary releases are built with all features.

See releases for binaries, or

# install without features
# use cli commands for all db interaction
cargo install migrant

# install with `postgres`
cargo install migrant --features postgresql

# install with `rusqlite`
cargo install migrant --features sqlite

# all
cargo install migrant --features 'postgresql sqlite'

Simple Usage

migrant init [--type <database-type>, --location <project-dir>, --no-confirm] - Initialize project by creating a .migrant.toml file with db info/credentials. When run interactively (without --no-confirm), setup will be run automatically.

migrant setup - Verify database info/credentials and setup a __migrant_migrations table if missing.

migrant new initial - Generate new up & down files with the tag initial under the specified migration_location.

migrant list - Display all available .sql files and mark those applied.

migrant apply [--down, --all, --force, --fake] - Apply the next available migration[s].

migrant shell - Open a repl

migrant which-config - Display the full path of the .migrant.toml file being used

migrant connect-string - Display either the connection-string generated from config-params or the database-path for sqlite

Usage as a library

See migrant_lib and examples