migrant 0.1.0

Simple Postgres migration manager

Basic migration manager

Build Status

Currently supports:

  • postgres

Running migrant --new new-tag creates up & down files under resources/migrations with the tag new-tag

Migrant expects a .migrant file at the base of your project (be sure to .gitignore it). Run migrant --init to generate a fresh .migrant settings file.

Migrant 0.1.0
James K. <james.kominick@gmail.com>
Postgres migration manager

    migrant [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -d, --down       Moves down (applies .down.sql) one migration
        --fake       Updates the .meta file as if the specified migration was applied
        --force      Applies the migration and treats it as if it were successful
    -h, --help       Prints help information
        --init       Initialize project
    -l, --list       List status of applied and available migrations
    -s, --shell      Open a repl connection
    -u, --up         Moves up (applies .up.sql) one migration
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -n, --new <MIGRATION_TAG>    Creates a new migrations folder with up&down templates