miden-processor 0.3.0

Miden VM processor
use super::{
        tests::{build_trace_from_block, build_trace_from_ops},
        LookupTableRow, Trace, NUM_RAND_ROWS,
use crate::decoder::{build_op_group, BlockHashTableRow, BlockStackTableRow, OpGroupTableRow};
use rand_utils::rand_array;
use vm_core::{
    decoder::{P1_COL_IDX, P2_COL_IDX, P3_COL_IDX},
    FieldElement, Operation, AUX_TRACE_RAND_ELEMENTS, ONE, ZERO,

// ================================================================================================

fn decoder_p1_span_with_respan() {
    let (ops, _) = build_span_with_respan_ops();
    let mut trace = build_trace_from_ops(ops, &[]);
    let alphas = rand_array::<Felt, AUX_TRACE_RAND_ELEMENTS>();
    let aux_columns = trace.build_aux_segment(&[], &alphas).unwrap();
    let p1 = aux_columns.get_column(P1_COL_IDX);

    let row_values = [
        BlockStackTableRow::new_test(ONE, ZERO, false).to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),
        BlockStackTableRow::new_test(Felt::new(9), ZERO, false)
            .to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),

    // make sure the first entry is ONE
    assert_eq!(ONE, p1[0]);

    // when SPAN operation is executed, entry for span block is added to the table
    let expected_value = row_values[0];
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[1]);

    // for the next 8 cycles (as we execute user ops), the table is not affected
    for i in 2..10 {
        assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[i]);

    // when RESPAN is executed, the first entry is replaced with a new entry
    let expected_value = expected_value * row_values[0].inv() * row_values[1];
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[10]);

    // for the next 11 cycles (as we execute user ops), the table is not affected
    for i in 11..22 {
        assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[i]);

    // at cycle 22, the END operation is executed and the table is cleared
    let expected_value = expected_value * row_values[1].inv();
    assert_eq!(expected_value, ONE);
    for i in 22..(p1.len() - NUM_RAND_ROWS) {
        assert_eq!(ONE, p1[i]);

fn decoder_p1_join() {
    let span1 = CodeBlock::new_span(vec![Operation::Mul]);
    let span2 = CodeBlock::new_span(vec![Operation::Add]);
    let program = CodeBlock::new_join([span1, span2]);

    let mut trace = build_trace_from_block(&program, &[]);
    let alphas = rand_array::<Felt, AUX_TRACE_RAND_ELEMENTS>();
    let aux_columns = trace.build_aux_segment(&[], &alphas).unwrap();
    let p1 = aux_columns.get_column(P1_COL_IDX);

    let a_9 = Felt::new(9);
    let a_17 = Felt::new(17);
    let row_values = [
        BlockStackTableRow::new_test(ONE, ZERO, false).to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),
        BlockStackTableRow::new_test(a_9, ONE, false).to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),
        BlockStackTableRow::new_test(a_17, ONE, false).to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),

    // make sure the first entry is ONE
    assert_eq!(ONE, p1[0]);

    // when JOIN operation is executed, entry for the JOIN block is added to the table
    let mut expected_value = row_values[0];
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[1]);

    // when the first SPAN is executed, its entry is added to the table
    expected_value *= row_values[1];
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[2]);

    // when the user op is executed, the table is not affected
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[3]);

    // when the first SPAN block ends, its entry is removed from the table
    expected_value *= row_values[1].inv();
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[4]);

    // when the second SPAN is executed, its entry is added to the table
    expected_value *= row_values[2];
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[5]);

    // when the user op is executed, the table is not affected
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[6]);

    // when the second SPAN block ends, its entry is removed from the table
    expected_value *= row_values[2].inv();
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[7]);

    // when the JOIN block ends, its entry is removed from the table
    expected_value *= row_values[0].inv();
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[8]);

    // at this point the table should be empty, and thus, all subsequent values must be ONE
    assert_eq!(expected_value, ONE);
    for i in 9..(p1.len() - NUM_RAND_ROWS) {
        assert_eq!(ONE, p1[i]);

fn decoder_p1_split() {
    let span1 = CodeBlock::new_span(vec![Operation::Mul]);
    let span2 = CodeBlock::new_span(vec![Operation::Add]);
    let program = CodeBlock::new_split(span1, span2);

    let mut trace = build_trace_from_block(&program, &[1]);
    let alphas = rand_array::<Felt, AUX_TRACE_RAND_ELEMENTS>();
    let aux_columns = trace.build_aux_segment(&[], &alphas).unwrap();
    let p1 = aux_columns.get_column(P1_COL_IDX);

    let a_9 = Felt::new(9);
    let row_values = [
        BlockStackTableRow::new_test(ONE, ZERO, false).to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),
        BlockStackTableRow::new_test(a_9, ONE, false).to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),

    // make sure the first entry is ONE
    assert_eq!(ONE, p1[0]);

    // when SPLIT operation is executed, entry for the SPLIT block is added to the table
    let mut expected_value = row_values[0];
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[1]);

    // when the true branch SPAN is executed, its entry is added to the table
    expected_value *= row_values[1];
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[2]);

    // when the user op is executed, the table is not affected
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[3]);

    // when the SPAN block ends, its entry is removed from the table
    expected_value *= row_values[1].inv();
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[4]);

    // when the SPLIT block ends, its entry is removed from the table
    expected_value *= row_values[0].inv();
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[5]);

    // at this point the table should be empty, and thus, all subsequent values must be ONE
    assert_eq!(expected_value, ONE);
    for i in 6..(p1.len() - NUM_RAND_ROWS) {
        assert_eq!(ONE, p1[i]);

fn decoder_p1_loop_with_repeat() {
    let span1 = CodeBlock::new_span(vec![Operation::Pad]);
    let span2 = CodeBlock::new_span(vec![Operation::Drop]);
    let body = CodeBlock::new_join([span1, span2]);
    let program = CodeBlock::new_loop(body);

    let mut trace = build_trace_from_block(&program, &[0, 1, 1]);
    let alphas = rand_array::<Felt, AUX_TRACE_RAND_ELEMENTS>();
    let aux_columns = trace.build_aux_segment(&[], &alphas).unwrap();
    let p1 = aux_columns.get_column(P1_COL_IDX);

    let a_9 = Felt::new(9); // address of the JOIN block in the first iteration
    let a_17 = Felt::new(17); // address of the first SPAN block in the first iteration
    let a_25 = Felt::new(25); // address of the second SPAN block in the first iteration
    let a_33 = Felt::new(33); // address of the JOIN block in the second iteration
    let a_41 = Felt::new(41); // address of the first SPAN block in the second iteration
    let a_49 = Felt::new(49); // address of the second SPAN block in the second iteration
    let row_values = [
        BlockStackTableRow::new_test(ONE, ZERO, true).to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),
        BlockStackTableRow::new_test(a_9, ONE, false).to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),
        BlockStackTableRow::new_test(a_17, a_9, false).to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),
        BlockStackTableRow::new_test(a_25, a_9, false).to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),
        BlockStackTableRow::new_test(a_33, ONE, false).to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),
        BlockStackTableRow::new_test(a_41, a_33, false).to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),
        BlockStackTableRow::new_test(a_49, a_33, false).to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),

    // make sure the first entry is ONE
    assert_eq!(ONE, p1[0]);

    // --- first iteration ----------------------------------------------------

    // when LOOP operation is executed, entry for the LOOP block is added to the table
    let mut expected_value = row_values[0];
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[1]);

    // when JOIN operation is executed, entry for the JOIN block is added to the table
    expected_value *= row_values[1];
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[2]);

    // when the first SPAN is executed, its entry is added to the table
    expected_value *= row_values[2];
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[3]);

    // when the user op is executed, the table is not affected
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[4]);

    // when the first SPAN block ends, its entry is removed from the table
    expected_value *= row_values[2].inv();
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[5]);

    // when the second SPAN is executed, its entry is added to the table
    expected_value *= row_values[3];
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[6]);

    // when the user op is executed, the table is not affected
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[7]);

    // when the second SPAN block ends, its entry is removed from the table
    expected_value *= row_values[3].inv();
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[8]);

    // when the JOIN block ends, its entry is removed from the table
    expected_value *= row_values[1].inv();
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[9]);

    // --- second iteration ---------------------------------------------------

    // when REPEAT operation is executed, the table is not affected
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[10]);

    // when JOIN operation is executed, entry for the JOIN block is added to the table
    expected_value *= row_values[4];
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[11]);

    // when the first SPAN is executed, its entry is added to the table
    expected_value *= row_values[5];
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[12]);

    // when the user op is executed, the table is not affected
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[13]);

    // when the first SPAN block ends, its entry is removed from the table
    expected_value *= row_values[5].inv();
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[14]);

    // when the second SPAN is executed, its entry is added to the table
    expected_value *= row_values[6];
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[15]);

    // when the user op is executed, the table is not affected
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[16]);

    // when the second SPAN block ends, its entry is removed from the table
    expected_value *= row_values[6].inv();
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[17]);

    // when the JOIN block ends, its entry is removed from the table
    expected_value *= row_values[4].inv();
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[18]);

    // when the LOOP block ends, its entry is removed from the table
    expected_value *= row_values[0].inv();
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p1[19]);

    // at this point the table should be empty, and thus, all subsequent values must be ONE
    assert_eq!(expected_value, ONE);
    for i in 20..(p1.len() - NUM_RAND_ROWS) {
        assert_eq!(ONE, p1[i]);

// ================================================================================================

fn decoder_p2_span_with_respan() {
    let (ops, _) = build_span_with_respan_ops();
    let span = CodeBlock::new_span(ops);
    let mut trace = build_trace_from_block(&span, &[]);
    let alphas = rand_array::<Felt, AUX_TRACE_RAND_ELEMENTS>();
    let aux_columns = trace.build_aux_segment(&[], &alphas).unwrap();
    let p2 = aux_columns.get_column(P2_COL_IDX);

    let row_values = [
        BlockHashTableRow::new_test(ZERO, span.hash().into(), false, false)
            .to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),

    // make sure the first entry is initialized to program hash
    let mut expected_value = row_values[0];
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[0]);

    // as operations inside the span execute (including RESPAN), the table is not affected
    for i in 1..22 {
        assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[i]);

    // at cycle 22, the END operation is executed and the table is cleared
    expected_value *= row_values[0].inv();
    assert_eq!(expected_value, ONE);
    for i in 22..(p2.len() - NUM_RAND_ROWS) {
        assert_eq!(ONE, p2[i]);

fn decoder_p2_join() {
    let span1 = CodeBlock::new_span(vec![Operation::Mul]);
    let span2 = CodeBlock::new_span(vec![Operation::Add]);
    let program = CodeBlock::new_join([span1.clone(), span2.clone()]);

    let mut trace = build_trace_from_block(&program, &[]);
    let alphas = rand_array::<Felt, AUX_TRACE_RAND_ELEMENTS>();
    let aux_columns = trace.build_aux_segment(&[], &alphas).unwrap();
    let p2 = aux_columns.get_column(P2_COL_IDX);

    let row_values = [
        BlockHashTableRow::new_test(ZERO, program.hash().into(), false, false)
            .to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),
        BlockHashTableRow::new_test(ONE, span1.hash().into(), true, false)
            .to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),
        BlockHashTableRow::new_test(ONE, span2.hash().into(), false, false)
            .to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),

    // make sure the first entry is initialized to program hash
    let mut expected_value = row_values[0];
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[0]);

    // when JOIN operation is executed, entries for both children are added to the table
    expected_value *= row_values[1] * row_values[2];
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[1]);

    // for the next 2 cycles, the table is not affected
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[2]);
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[3]);

    // when the first SPAN block ends, its entry is removed from the table
    expected_value *= row_values[1].inv();
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[4]);

    // for the next 2 cycles, the table is not affected
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[5]);
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[6]);

    // when the second SPAN block ends, its entry is removed from the table
    expected_value *= row_values[2].inv();
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[7]);

    // when the JOIN block ends, its entry is removed from the table
    expected_value *= row_values[0].inv();
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[8]);

    // at this point the table should be empty, and thus, all subsequent values must be ONE
    assert_eq!(expected_value, ONE);
    for i in 9..(p2.len() - NUM_RAND_ROWS) {
        assert_eq!(ONE, p2[i]);

fn decoder_p2_split_true() {
    let span1 = CodeBlock::new_span(vec![Operation::Mul]);
    let span2 = CodeBlock::new_span(vec![Operation::Add]);
    let program = CodeBlock::new_split(span1.clone(), span2);

    let mut trace = build_trace_from_block(&program, &[1]);
    let alphas = rand_array::<Felt, AUX_TRACE_RAND_ELEMENTS>();
    let aux_columns = trace.build_aux_segment(&[], &alphas).unwrap();
    let p2 = aux_columns.get_column(P2_COL_IDX);

    let row_values = [
        BlockHashTableRow::new_test(ZERO, program.hash().into(), false, false)
            .to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),
        BlockHashTableRow::new_test(ONE, span1.hash().into(), false, false)
            .to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),

    // make sure the first entry is initialized to program hash
    let mut expected_value = row_values[0];
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[0]);

    // when SPLIT operation is executed, entry for the true branch is added to the table
    expected_value *= row_values[1];
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[1]);

    // for the next 2 cycles, the table is not affected
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[2]);
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[3]);

    // when the SPAN block ends, its entry is removed from the table
    expected_value *= row_values[1].inv();
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[4]);

    // when the SPLIT block ends, its entry is removed from the table
    expected_value *= row_values[0].inv();
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[5]);

    // at this point the table should be empty, and thus, all subsequent values must be ONE
    assert_eq!(expected_value, ONE);
    for i in 6..(p2.len() - NUM_RAND_ROWS) {
        assert_eq!(ONE, p2[i]);

fn decoder_p2_split_false() {
    let span1 = CodeBlock::new_span(vec![Operation::Mul]);
    let span2 = CodeBlock::new_span(vec![Operation::Add]);
    let program = CodeBlock::new_split(span1, span2.clone());

    let mut trace = build_trace_from_block(&program, &[0]);
    let alphas = rand_array::<Felt, AUX_TRACE_RAND_ELEMENTS>();
    let aux_columns = trace.build_aux_segment(&[], &alphas).unwrap();
    let p2 = aux_columns.get_column(P2_COL_IDX);

    let row_values = [
        BlockHashTableRow::new_test(ZERO, program.hash().into(), false, false)
            .to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),
        BlockHashTableRow::new_test(ONE, span2.hash().into(), false, false)
            .to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),

    // make sure the first entry is initialized to program hash
    let mut expected_value = row_values[0];
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[0]);

    // when SPLIT operation is executed, entry for the false branch is added to the table
    expected_value *= row_values[1];
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[1]);

    // for the next 2 cycles, the table is not affected
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[2]);
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[3]);

    // when the SPAN block ends, its entry is removed from the table
    expected_value *= row_values[1].inv();
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[4]);

    // when the SPLIT block ends, its entry is removed from the table
    expected_value *= row_values[0].inv();
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[5]);

    // at this point the table should be empty, and thus, all subsequent values must be ONE
    assert_eq!(expected_value, ONE);
    for i in 6..(p2.len() - NUM_RAND_ROWS) {
        assert_eq!(ONE, p2[i]);

fn decoder_p2_loop_with_repeat() {
    let span1 = CodeBlock::new_span(vec![Operation::Pad]);
    let span2 = CodeBlock::new_span(vec![Operation::Drop]);
    let body = CodeBlock::new_join([span1.clone(), span2.clone()]);
    let program = CodeBlock::new_loop(body.clone());

    let mut trace = build_trace_from_block(&program, &[0, 1, 1]);
    let alphas = rand_array::<Felt, AUX_TRACE_RAND_ELEMENTS>();
    let aux_columns = trace.build_aux_segment(&[], &alphas).unwrap();
    let p2 = aux_columns.get_column(P2_COL_IDX);

    let a_9 = Felt::new(9); // address of the JOIN block in the first iteration
    let a_33 = Felt::new(33); // address of the JOIN block in the second iteration
    let row_values = [
        BlockHashTableRow::new_test(ZERO, program.hash().into(), false, false)
            .to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),
        BlockHashTableRow::new_test(ONE, body.hash().into(), false, true)
            .to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),
        BlockHashTableRow::new_test(a_9, span1.hash().into(), true, false)
            .to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),
        BlockHashTableRow::new_test(a_9, span2.hash().into(), false, false)
            .to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),
        BlockHashTableRow::new_test(a_33, span1.hash().into(), true, false)
            .to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),
        BlockHashTableRow::new_test(a_33, span2.hash().into(), false, false)
            .to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),

    // make sure the first entry is initialized to program hash
    let mut expected_value = row_values[0];
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[0]);

    // --- first iteration ----------------------------------------------------

    // when LOOP operation is executed, entry for loop body is added to the table
    expected_value *= row_values[1];
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[1]);

    // when JOIN operation is executed, entries for both children are added to the table
    expected_value *= row_values[2] * row_values[3];
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[2]);

    // for the next 2 cycles, the table is not affected
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[3]);
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[4]);

    // when the first SPAN block ends, its entry is removed from the table
    expected_value *= row_values[2].inv();
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[5]);

    // for the next 2 cycles, the table is not affected
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[6]);
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[7]);

    // when the second SPAN block ends, its entry is removed from the table
    expected_value *= row_values[3].inv();
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[8]);

    // when the JOIN block ends, its entry is removed from the table
    expected_value *= row_values[1].inv();
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[9]);

    // --- second iteration ---------------------------------------------------

    // when REPEAT operation is executed, entry for loop body is again added to the table
    expected_value *= row_values[1];
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[10]);

    // when JOIN operation is executed, entries for both children are added to the table
    expected_value *= row_values[4] * row_values[5];
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[11]);

    // for the next 2 cycles, the table is not affected
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[12]);
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[13]);

    // when the first SPAN block ends, its entry is removed from the table
    expected_value *= row_values[4].inv();
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[14]);

    // for the next 2 cycles, the table is not affected
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[15]);
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[16]);

    // when the second SPAN block ends, its entry is removed from the table
    expected_value *= row_values[5].inv();
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[17]);

    // when the JOIN block ends, its entry is removed from the table
    expected_value *= row_values[1].inv();
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[18]);

    // when the LOOP block ends, its entry is removed from the table
    expected_value *= row_values[0].inv();
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p2[19]);

    // at this point the table should be empty, and thus, all subsequent values must be ONE
    assert_eq!(expected_value, ONE);
    for i in 20..(p2.len() - NUM_RAND_ROWS) {
        assert_eq!(ONE, p2[i]);

// ================================================================================================

fn decoder_p3_trace_empty_table() {
    let stack = [1, 2];
    let operations = vec![Operation::Add];
    let mut trace = build_trace_from_ops(operations, &stack);

    let rand_elements = rand_array::<Felt, AUX_TRACE_RAND_ELEMENTS>();
    let aux_columns = trace.build_aux_segment(&[], &rand_elements).unwrap();

    // no rows should have been added or removed from the op group table, and thus, all values
    // in the column must be ONE
    let p3 = aux_columns.get_column(P3_COL_IDX);
    for &value in p3.iter().take(p3.len() - NUM_RAND_ROWS) {
        assert_eq!(ONE, value);

fn decoder_p3_trace_one_batch() {
    let stack = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8];
    let ops = vec![
    let mut trace = build_trace_from_ops(ops.clone(), &stack);
    let alphas = rand_array::<Felt, AUX_TRACE_RAND_ELEMENTS>();
    let aux_columns = trace.build_aux_segment(&[], &alphas).unwrap();
    let p3 = aux_columns.get_column(P3_COL_IDX);

    // make sure the first entry is ONE
    assert_eq!(ONE, p3[0]);

    // make sure 3 groups were inserted at clock cycle 1; these entries are for the two immediate
    // values and the second operation group consisting of [SWAP, MUL, ADD]
    let g1_value =
        OpGroupTableRow::new(ONE, Felt::new(3), ONE).to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas);
    let g2_value =
        OpGroupTableRow::new(ONE, Felt::new(2), Felt::new(2)).to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas);
    let g3_value = OpGroupTableRow::new(ONE, Felt::new(1), build_op_group(&ops[9..]))
        .to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas);
    let expected_value = g1_value * g2_value * g3_value;
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p3[1]);

    // for the next 3 cycles (2, 3, 4), op group table doesn't change
    for i in 2..5 {
        assert_eq!(expected_value, p3[i]);

    // at cycle 5, when PUSH(1) is executed, the entry for the first group is removed from the
    // table
    let expected_value = expected_value / g1_value;
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p3[5]);

    // for the next 3 cycles (6, 7, 8), op group table doesn't change
    for i in 6..9 {
        assert_eq!(expected_value, p3[i]);

    // at cycle 9, when PUSH(2) is executed, the entry for the second group is removed from the
    // table
    let expected_value = expected_value / g2_value;
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p3[9]);

    // at cycle 10, op group 0 is completed, and the entry for the next op group is removed from
    // the table
    let expected_value = expected_value / g3_value;
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p3[10]);

    // at this point, the table should be empty and thus, running product should be ONE
    assert_eq!(expected_value, ONE);
    for i in 11..(p3.len() - NUM_RAND_ROWS) {
        assert_eq!(ONE, p3[i]);

fn decoder_p3_trace_two_batches() {
    let (ops, iv) = build_span_with_respan_ops();
    let mut trace = build_trace_from_ops(ops, &[]);
    let alphas = rand_array::<Felt, AUX_TRACE_RAND_ELEMENTS>();
    let aux_columns = trace.build_aux_segment(&[], &alphas).unwrap();
    let p3 = aux_columns.get_column(P3_COL_IDX);

    // make sure the first entry is ONE
    assert_eq!(ONE, p3[0]);

    // --- first batch ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // make sure entries for 7 groups were inserted at clock cycle 1
    let b0_values = [
        OpGroupTableRow::new(ONE, Felt::new(11), iv[0]).to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),
        OpGroupTableRow::new(ONE, Felt::new(10), iv[1]).to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),
        OpGroupTableRow::new(ONE, Felt::new(9), iv[2]).to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),
        OpGroupTableRow::new(ONE, Felt::new(8), iv[3]).to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),
        OpGroupTableRow::new(ONE, Felt::new(7), iv[4]).to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),
        OpGroupTableRow::new(ONE, Felt::new(6), iv[5]).to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),
        OpGroupTableRow::new(ONE, Felt::new(5), iv[6]).to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),
    let mut expected_value: Felt = b0_values.iter().fold(ONE, |acc, &val| acc * val);
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p3[1]);

    // for the next 7 cycles (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), an entry for an op group is removed from the
    // table
    for (i, clk) in (2..9).enumerate() {
        expected_value /= b0_values[i];
        assert_eq!(expected_value, p3[clk]);

    // at cycle 9, when we execute a NOOP to finish the first batch, op group table doesn't change;
    // also, at this point op group table must be empty
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p3[9]);
    assert_eq!(expected_value, ONE);

    // --- second batch ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // make sure entries for 3 group are inserted at clock cycle 10 (when RESPAN is executed)
    // group 3 consists of two DROP operations which do not fit into group 0
    let batch1_addr = ONE + Felt::new(8);
    let op_group3 = build_op_group(&[Operation::Drop; 2]);
    let b1_values = [
        OpGroupTableRow::new(batch1_addr, Felt::new(3), iv[7]).to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),
        OpGroupTableRow::new(batch1_addr, Felt::new(2), iv[8]).to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),
        OpGroupTableRow::new(batch1_addr, Felt::new(1), op_group3)
            .to_value(&trace.main_trace, &alphas),
    let mut expected_value: Felt = b1_values.iter().fold(ONE, |acc, &val| acc * val);
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p3[10]);

    // for the next 2 cycles (11, 12), an entry for an op group is removed from the table
    for (i, clk) in (11..13).enumerate() {
        expected_value *= b1_values[i].inv();
        assert_eq!(expected_value, p3[clk]);

    // then, as we executed ADD and DROP operations for group 0, op group table doesn't change
    for i in 13..19 {
        assert_eq!(expected_value, p3[i]);

    // at cycle 19 we start executing group 3 - so, the entry for the last op group is removed
    // from the table
    expected_value *= b1_values[2].inv();
    assert_eq!(expected_value, p3[19]);

    // at this point, the table should be empty and thus, running product should be ONE
    assert_eq!(expected_value, ONE);
    for i in 20..(p3.len() - NUM_RAND_ROWS) {
        assert_eq!(ONE, p3[i]);