miden-core 0.3.0

Miden VM core components
use super::{
    errors::{AdviceSetError, InputError},
    Felt, FieldElement, Word,
use core::convert::TryInto;
use winter_utils::collections::{BTreeMap, Vec};

mod advice;
pub use advice::AdviceSet;

// ================================================================================================

/// Input container for Miden VM programs.
/// Miden VM programs can receive inputs in two ways:
/// 1. The stack can be initialized to some set of values at the beginning of the program. These
///    inputs are public and must be shared with the verifier for them to verify a proof of the
///    correct execution of a Miden program. There is no limit to the number of elements at the top
///    of the stack which can receive an initial value.
/// 2. The program may request nondeterministic advice inputs from the prover. These inputs are
///    secret inputs. This means that the prover does not need to share them with the verifier.
///    There are two types of advice inputs: (1) a single advice tape which can contain any number
///    of elements and (2) a list of advice sets, which are used to provide nondeterministic
///    inputs for instructions which work with Merkle trees.
/// TODO: add more detailed explanation.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ProgramInputs {
    stack_init: Vec<Felt>,
    advice_tape: Vec<Felt>,
    advice_map: BTreeMap<[u8; 32], Vec<Felt>>,
    advice_sets: BTreeMap<[u8; 32], AdviceSet>,

impl ProgramInputs {
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    /// Returns [ProgramInputs] instantiated with the specified initial stack values, advice tape
    /// values, and advice sets.
    /// The initial stack values are put onto the stack in the order as if they were pushed onto
    /// the stack one by one. The result of this is that the last value in the `stack_init` slice
    /// will end up at the top of the stack.
    /// # Errors
    /// Returns an error if:
    /// - The number initial stack values is greater than 16.
    /// - Any of the initial stack values or the advice tape values are not valid field elements.
    /// - Any of the advice sets have the same root.
    pub fn new(
        stack_init: &[u64],
        advice_tape: &[u64],
        advice_sets: Vec<AdviceSet>,
    ) -> Result<Self, InputError> {
        Self::with_advice_map(stack_init, advice_tape, BTreeMap::new(), advice_sets)

    /// Returns [ProgramInputs] instantiated with the specified initial stack values, advice tape,
    /// key-value advice map, and advice sets.
    /// The initial stack values are put onto the stack in the order as if they were pushed onto
    /// the stack one by one. The result of this is that the last value in the `stack_init` slice
    /// will end up at the top of the stack.
    /// # Errors
    /// Returns an error if:
    /// - The number initial stack values is greater than 16.
    /// - Any of the initial stack values or the advice tape values are not valid field elements.
    /// - Any of the advice sets have the same root.
    pub fn with_advice_map(
        stack_init: &[u64],
        advice_tape: &[u64],
        advice_map: BTreeMap<[u8; 32], Vec<Felt>>,
        advice_sets: Vec<AdviceSet>,
    ) -> Result<Self, InputError> {
        // convert initial stack values into field elements
        let mut init_stack_elements = Vec::with_capacity(stack_init.len());
        for &value in stack_init.iter().rev() {
            let element = value
                .map_err(|_| InputError::NotFieldElement(value, "initial stack value"))?;

        // convert advice tape values into field elements
        let mut advice_tape_elements = Vec::with_capacity(advice_tape.len());
        for &value in advice_tape {
            let element = value
                .map_err(|_| InputError::NotFieldElement(value, "advice tape value"))?;

        // put advice sets into a map
        let mut advice_sets_elements = BTreeMap::new();
        for advice_set in advice_sets {
            let key = advice_set.root().into_bytes();
            if advice_sets_elements.insert(key, advice_set).is_some() {
                return Err(InputError::DuplicateAdviceRoot(key));

        Ok(Self {
            stack_init: init_stack_elements,
            advice_tape: advice_tape_elements,
            advice_sets: advice_sets_elements,

    /// Returns [ProgramInputs] initialized with stack inputs only.
    /// The provided inputs are pushed onto the stack one after the other. Thus, the first
    /// element in the `stack_init` list will be the deepest in the stack.
    /// Advice tape and advice sets for the returned inputs are blank.
    /// # Errors
    /// Returns an error if:
    /// - The number initial stack values is greater than 16.
    /// - Any of the initial stack values is not valid field elements.
    pub fn from_stack_inputs(stack_init: &[u64]) -> Result<Self, InputError> {
        Self::new(stack_init, &[], vec![])

    /// Returns [ProgramInputs] with no input values.
    pub fn none() -> Self {
        Self {
            stack_init: Vec::new(),
            advice_tape: Vec::new(),
            advice_map: BTreeMap::new(),
            advice_sets: BTreeMap::new(),

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    /// Returns a reference to the initial stack values.
    pub fn stack_init(&self) -> &[Felt] {

    /// Returns a reference to the advice tape.
    pub fn advice_tape(&self) -> &[Felt] {

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    /// Decomposes these [ProgramInputs] into their raw components.
    pub fn into_parts(
    ) -> (
        BTreeMap<[u8; 32], Vec<Felt>>,
        BTreeMap<[u8; 32], AdviceSet>,
    ) {
        let Self {
        } = self;

        (stack_init, advice_tape, advice_map, advice_sets)