mft 0.4.2

A Fast (and safe) parser for the Windows Master File Table (MFT) format
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This is a parser for the MFT (master file table) format.

Supported rust version is latest stable rust (minimum 1.34) or nightly.


Python bindings are available as well at (and at PyPi

## Features
 - Implemented using 100% safe rust - and works on all platforms supported by rust (that have stdlib).
 - Supports JSON and CSV outputs.
 - Supports extracting resident data streams.

## Installation (associated binary utility):
  - Download latest executable release from
    - Releases are automatically built for for Windows, macOS, and Linux. (64-bit executables only)
  - Build from sources using  `cargo install mft`
# `mft_dump` (Binary utility):
The main binary utility provided with this crate is `mft_dump`, and it provides a quick way to convert mft snapshots to different output formats.

Some examples
  - `mft_dump <evtx_file>` will dump contents of mft entries as JSON.
  - `mft_dump -o csv <evtx_file>` will dump contents of mft entries as CSV. 
  - `mft_dump --extract-resident-streams <output_directory> -o json <input_file>` will extract all resident streams in MFT to files in <output_directory>.

# Library usage:
use mft::MftParser;
use mft::attribute::MftAttributeContent;
use std::path::PathBuf;

fn main() {
    // Change this to a path of your MFT sample. 
    let fp = PathBuf::from(format!("{}/samples/MFT", std::env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap())); 
    let mut parser = MftParser::from_path(fp).unwrap();
    for entry in parser.iter_entries() {
        match entry {
            Ok(e) =>  {
                for attribute in e.iter_attributes().filter_map(|attr| attr.ok()) {
                    match {
                        MftAttributeContent::AttrX10(standard_info) => {
                            println!("\tX10 attribute: {:#?}", standard_info)         
                        MftAttributeContent::AttrX30(filename_attribute) => {
                            println!("\tX30 attribute: {:#?}", filename_attribute)         
                        _ => {
                            println!("\tSome other attribute: {:#?}", attribute)
            Err(err) => eprintln!("{}", err),

## Thanks/Resources: