metrics 0.20.1

A lightweight metrics facade.
use std::slice::Iter;

use crate::SharedString;
use alloc::vec::Vec;

/// Metadata for a metric key in the form of a key/value pair.
/// Metrics are always defined by a name, but can optionally be assigned "labels", which are
/// key/value pairs that provide metadata about the key.  Labels are typically used for
/// differentiating the context of when an where a metric are emitted.
/// For example, in a web service, you might wish to label metrics with the user ID responsible for
/// the request currently being processed, or the request path being processed.  Another example may
/// be that if you were running a piece o code that was turned on or off by a feature toggle, you may
/// wish to include a label in metrics to indicate whether or not they were using the feature toggle.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Debug, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct Label(pub(crate) SharedString, pub(crate) SharedString);

impl Label {
    /// Creates a [`Label`] from a key and value.
    pub fn new<K, V>(key: K, value: V) -> Self
        K: Into<SharedString>,
        V: Into<SharedString>,
        Label(key.into(), value.into())

    /// Creates a [`Label`] from a static key and value.
    pub const fn from_static_parts(key: &'static str, value: &'static str) -> Self {
        Label(SharedString::const_str(key), SharedString::const_str(value))

    /// Key of this label.
    pub fn key(&self) -> &str {

    /// Value of this label.
    pub fn value(&self) -> &str {

    /// Consumes this [`Label`], returning the key and value.
    pub fn into_parts(self) -> (SharedString, SharedString) {
        (self.0, self.1)

impl<K, V> From<&(K, V)> for Label
    K: Into<SharedString> + Clone,
    V: Into<SharedString> + Clone,
    fn from(pair: &(K, V)) -> Label {
        Label::new(pair.0.clone(), pair.1.clone())

/// A value that can be converted to a vector of [`Label`]s.
pub trait IntoLabels {
    /// Consumes this value, turning it into a vector of [`Label`]s.
    fn into_labels(self) -> Vec<Label>;

impl IntoLabels for Vec<Label> {
    fn into_labels(self) -> Vec<Label> {

impl IntoLabels for Iter<'_, Label> {
    fn into_labels(self) -> Vec<Label> {

impl<T: ?Sized, L> IntoLabels for &T
    Self: IntoIterator<Item = L>,
    L: Into<Label>,
    fn into_labels(self) -> Vec<Label> {
        self.into_iter().map(|l| l.into()).collect()

mod label_tests {
    use super::*;

    fn slice_labels() {
        let labels = [("x", "a"), ("y", "b")];

        fn from_slice_to_labels(labels: &[(&'static str, &'static str)]) -> Vec<Label> {

        let expected = vec![Label::new("x", "a"), Label::new("y", "b")];
        assert_eq!(from_slice_to_labels(&labels), expected);