metaldb 1.0.0

Persistent storage implementation based on RocksDB.
use std::{borrow::Cow, num::NonZeroU64};

use crate::BinaryKey;

pub fn key_bytes<K: BinaryKey + ?Sized>(key: &K) -> Vec<u8> {

const SEPARATOR_CHAR: u8 = 0;
const MIGRATION_CHAR: u8 = b'^';

/// Represents the address of an index in the database.
/// An address has a string *name* and an optional byte *key*. An index is uniquely identified
/// by its address. Different addresses correspond to different indexes. Addresses with the same
/// name and differing keys are said to belong to the same *group* (see also [`Group`]). Groups
/// can be used for a potentially unbounded group of indexes that can be identified by a certain
/// key (for example, `ListIndex` with the transaction history of a wallet keyed by the
/// `PublicKey` of the wallet).
/// In contrast with [`ResolvedAddress`], `IndexAddress` is a high-level logical construct;
/// it does not directly map to key-value storage abstractions (column families and their keys).
/// [`Group`]: indexes/group/struct.Group.html
/// [`ResolvedAddress`]: struct.ResolvedAddress.html
/// # Examples
/// `IndexAddress` can be used implicitly, since `&str` and `(&str, &impl BinaryKey)` can both
/// be converted into an address.
/// ```
/// use metaldb::{access::CopyAccessExt, IndexAddress, TemporaryDB, Database};
/// let db = TemporaryDB::new();
/// let fork = db.fork();
/// // Using a string address:
/// let map = fork.get_map::<_, String, u8>("map");
/// // Using an address within an index family:
/// let list = fork.get_list::<_, String>(("index", &3_u32));
/// // Using `IndexAddress` explicitly:
/// let addr = IndexAddress::from_root("data").append_key(&vec![1, 2, 3]);
/// let set = fork.get_key_set::<_, u64>(addr);
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Default)]
pub struct IndexAddress {
    pub(super) name: String,
    pub(super) id_in_group: Option<Vec<u8>>,
    pub(super) in_migration: bool,

impl IndexAddress {
    /// Creates new `IndexAddress` with the specified name.
    pub fn from_root<S: Into<String>>(root: S) -> Self {
        Self {
            name: root.into(),
            id_in_group: None,
            in_migration: false,

    /// Returns the name part of `IndexAddress`.
    pub fn name(&self) -> &str {

    /// Returns the bytes part of `IndexAddress`.
    pub fn id_in_group(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {

    /// Prepends a name part to `IndexAddress`. The name is separated from the existing name
    /// by a dot `.`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use metaldb::IndexAddress;
    /// let addr = IndexAddress::from_root("foo");
    /// let prefixed = addr.prepend_name("prefix");
    /// assert_eq!(, "");
    /// ```
    pub fn prepend_name(self, prefix: &str) -> Self {
        let name = if {
        } else {
            // Because `concat` is faster than `format!("...")` in all cases.
            [prefix, ".",].concat()

        Self { name, ..self }

    /// Appends a name part to `IndexAddress`. The name is separated from the existing name
    /// by a dot `.`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use metaldb::IndexAddress;
    /// let addr = IndexAddress::from_root("foo");
    /// let suffixed = addr.append_name("suffix");
    /// assert_eq!(, "foo.suffix");
    /// ```
    pub fn append_name(self, suffix: &str) -> Self {
        let name = if {
        } else {
            // Because `concat` is faster than `format!("...")` in all cases.
            [, ".", suffix].concat()

        Self { name, ..self }

    /// Appends a key to the `IndexAddress`.
    pub fn append_key<K: BinaryKey + ?Sized>(self, suffix: &K) -> Self {
        let bytes = if let Some(ref bytes) = self.id_in_group {
            concat_keys!(bytes, suffix)
        } else {

        Self {
            id_in_group: Some(bytes),

    pub(crate) fn set_in_migration(&mut self) {
        self.in_migration = true;

    /// Full address with a separator between `name` and `bytes` represented as byte array.
    pub(crate) fn fully_qualified_name(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
        /// Separator between the name and the additional bytes in family indexes.
        const INDEX_NAME_SEPARATOR: &[u8] = &[SEPARATOR_CHAR];
        const MIGRATION_PREFIX: &[u8] = &[MIGRATION_CHAR];

        match (self.in_migration, self.id_in_group()) {
            (true, Some(bytes)) => {
                concat_keys!(MIGRATION_PREFIX,, INDEX_NAME_SEPARATOR, bytes)
            (false, Some(bytes)) => concat_keys!(, INDEX_NAME_SEPARATOR, bytes),
            (true, None) => concat_keys!(MIGRATION_PREFIX,,
            (false, None) =>,

    /// Returns the common prefix of fully qualified names for the child indexes.
    pub(crate) fn qualified_prefix(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
        let mut prefix = self.fully_qualified_name();
        if self.id_in_group.is_none() {

    /// Infers the name part of the fully qualified name that was obtained with
    /// `fully_qualified_name`. This is the part corresponding to ``.
    /// `min_name_len` specifies the minimum known length of the name part.
    /// # Return value
    /// Returns the restored name part of the index address and a bool flag indicating whether
    /// the index is a part of a group.
    pub(super) fn parse_fully_qualified_name(
        qualified_name: &[u8],
        min_name_len: usize,
    ) -> (String, bool) {
        let (cutoff_index, is_in_group) = qualified_name[min_name_len..]
            .position(|&byte| byte == SEPARATOR_CHAR)
                || (qualified_name.len(), false),
                |pos| (pos + min_name_len, true),

        let name = if qualified_name[0] == MIGRATION_CHAR {
            // The `^` initial char is not mapped to the resolved CF name.
        } else {
            "BUG: non-ASCII chars in the name part of a fully qualified index name \
             (qualified name = {:?}, inferred name part = {})",

        let name = unsafe {
            // SAFETY:
            // Safe by construction; metadata keys before the `\0` separator
            // correspond to the index names, which consist of a subset of
            // ASCII chars.
        (name, is_in_group)

    /// Converts a migration namespace into the form that all indexes in the namespace
    /// begin with.
    pub(super) fn qualify_migration_namespace(namespace: &str) -> Vec<u8> {
        ["^", namespace, "."].concat().into_bytes()

    pub(super) fn migrate_qualified_name(qualified_name: &[u8]) -> &[u8] {
            qualified_name[0], MIGRATION_CHAR,
            "Qualified name {:?} is not in migration",

impl From<&str> for IndexAddress {
    fn from(name: &str) -> Self {

impl From<String> for IndexAddress {
    fn from(name: String) -> Self {

impl<'a, K: BinaryKey + ?Sized> From<(&'a str, &'a K)> for IndexAddress {
    fn from((name, key): (&'a str, &'a K)) -> Self {
        Self {
            name: name.to_owned(),
            id_in_group: Some(key_bytes(key)),
            in_migration: false,

/// Resolved address of a view.
/// While an [`IndexAddress`] is a logical location of a view, a `ResolvedAddress`
/// represents its location in the key-value storage. The mapping between `IndexAddress`es
/// and `ResolvedAddress`es is internal to the database logic.
/// [`IndexAddress`]: struct.IndexAddress.html
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ResolvedAddress {
    /// Name of the column family where the view is stored.
    pub name: String,
    /// Index identifier within a column family. If set to `None`, then the column family contains
    /// a single view. If `id` is `Some(_)`, then its value should be used to split key spaces
    /// for different views in the same column family. In other words, key spaces for two addresses
    /// with equal `name` and `id`s `Some(x)` and `Some(y)`, `x != y`, must not intersect.
    pub id: Option<NonZeroU64>,

impl ResolvedAddress {
    pub(crate) fn new(name: impl Into<String>, id: Option<NonZeroU64>) -> Self {
        Self {
            name: name.into(),

    /// Creates a system view. System views are low-level (i.e., they are not wrapped in indexes).
    pub(crate) fn system(name: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
        Self::new(name, None)

    pub(crate) fn id_to_bytes(&self) -> Option<[u8; 8]> {|id| id.get().to_le_bytes())

    /// Returns `key` prefixed by the `id`.
    pub(crate) fn keyed<'k>(&self, key: &'k [u8]) -> Cow<'k, [u8]> {
        match {
            None => Cow::Borrowed(key),
            Some(id) => {
                let mut bytes = Vec::with_capacity(8 + key.len());

// This conversion is only useful for tests, since all user-created indexes should have an ID set.
impl From<&str> for ResolvedAddress {
    fn from(name: &str) -> Self {

fn address_resolution() {
        let (name, is_in_group) = IndexAddress::parse_fully_qualified_name(b"some.list", 0);
        assert_eq!(name, "some.list");
        let (name, is_in_group) = IndexAddress::parse_fully_qualified_name(b"some.list", 9);
        assert_eq!(name, "some.list");
        let (name, is_in_group) =
            IndexAddress::parse_fully_qualified_name(b"some.list\0key\xa0", 9);
        assert_eq!(name, "some.list");