metaldb 1.0.0

Persistent storage implementation based on RocksDB.

Interfaces to work with persisted data.


A Database is a container for data persistence. Internally, a Database is a collection of named key-value stores (aka column families) with reading isolation and atomic writes. The database is assumed to be embedded, that is, the application process has exclusive access to the DB during operation. You can interact with the Database from multiple threads by cloning its instance.

This crate provides two database types: RocksDB and TemporaryDB.

Snapshot and Fork

Snapshots and forks facilitate access to the database.

If you need to read the data, you can create a Snapshot using the snapshot method of the Database instance. Snapshots provide read isolation, so you are guaranteed to work with consistent values even if the data in the database changes between reads. Snapshot provides all the necessary methods for reading data from the database, so &Snapshot is used as a storage view for creating a read-only representation of the indexes.

If you need to make changes to the database, you need to create a Fork using the fork method of the Database. Like Snapshot, Fork provides read isolation, but also allows creating a sequence of changes to the database that are specified as a Patch. A patch can be atomically merged into a database. Different threads may call merge concurrently.

BinaryKey and BinaryValue traits

If you need to use your own data types as keys or values in the storage, you need to implement the BinaryKey or BinaryValue traits respectively. These traits have already been implemented for most standard types.


Indexes are structures representing data collections stored in the database. This concept is similar to tables in relational databases. The interfaces of the indexes are similar to ordinary collections (like arrays, maps and sets).

Each index occupies a certain set of keys in a single column family of the Database. On the other hand, multiple indexes can be stored in the same column family, provided that their key spaces do not intersect. Isolation is commonly achieved with the help of Groups or keyed [IndexAddress]es.

This crate provides the following index types:

  • Entry is a specific index that stores only one value. Useful for global values, such as configuration. Similar to a combination of Box and Option.
  • ListIndex is a list of items stored in a sequential order. Similar to Vec.
  • SparseListIndex is a list of items stored in a sequential order. Similar to ListIndex, but may contain indexes without elements.
  • MapIndex is a map of keys and values. Similar to BTreeMap.
  • KeySetIndex and ValueSetIndex are sets of items, similar to BTreeSet and HashSet accordingly.


The database provides tooling for data migrations. With the help of migration, it is possible to gradually accumulate changes to a set of indexes (including across process restarts) and then atomically apply or discard these changes.