messagebird-async 0.2.1

Wrapper around the message bird SMS API
# messagebird-async

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MessageBird is a service for sending SMS at its core

## Example

### Send a SMS Message

Sending a sms to a specified target is implemented in `examples/`:

export MESSAGEBIRD_ACCESSKEY=abio8usad..dfahdk
export SMS_RECIPIENT=1234556

The `SMS_RECIPIENT` should NOT contain leading zeros nor the `+`. The countrycode is still necessary.

cargo run --example send

or copy & paste:

extern crate log;
extern crate env_logger;
extern crate futures;
extern crate messagebird_async;
extern crate tokio_core;

use futures::future::Future;
use messagebird_async::errors::*;
use messagebird_async::sms;
use messagebird_async::sms::*;

fn main() -> Result<(), MessageBirdError> {

    let msisdn_str = std::env::var("SMS_RECIPIENT".to_string())
        .expect("SMS_RECIPIENT should contain the number without prefix");
    let msisdn: Msisdn = Msisdn::from_str(msisdn_str.as_str())
        .expect("SMS_RECIPIENT did not contain a valid number");

    info!("example: sending a message");
    let sendable = sms::send::SendParameters::builder()

    let accesskey = AccessKey::from_env()?;
    let fut = RequestSend::new(&sendable, &accesskey);
    let fut = fut.and_then(|sent_msg: Message| {
        info!("{:?}", sent_msg);
    let mut core = tokio_core::reactor::Core::new().unwrap();|_| ()))

## Features

Currently the planned features only include to send SMS and query SMS stati.

## RoadMap

- [x] serde impl for all relevant datatypes
- [x] roundtrip decode encode tests
- [x] use [`crate serde_plain`] for `trait ToString` and `trait FromStr` for objects which are used in query filters and payload www urlencode
- [x] future for SMS sending and retrieval based on []
- [x] send SMS example using [tokio] as executor
- [ ] future for listing SMS
- [ ] listing SMS examples using [tokio] as executor
- [ ] write proper documentation
- [ ] future for callback on SMS reception
- [ ] callback example using [tokio] as executor

## MessageBird APIs

- [ ] [`SMS`]( (WIP)
- [ ] [`Contacts`]( (low prio)
- [ ] [`MMS`]( (*)
- [ ] [`Conversation`]( (*)
- [ ] [`VoiceMessaging`]( (*)
- [ ] [`VoiceCalling`]( (*)

\* = not planned, unless external contributors step up

## License

MIT or Apache-2.0

If neither of those works for you, feel free to request so via a github issue.

## Donations

Since I am not affiliated with MessageBird in any kind (other than being their customer)
I'd be delighted if you'd leave a tipp
