memflowup 0.1.0-beta9

setup tool for the memflow physical memory introspection framework
memflowup-0.1.0-beta9 is not a library.

memflow setup tool

This tool is meant to provide a really quick way to setup various memflow connectors, OS layers, utilities, and more.

Install through cargo:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh


See help:

memflowup -h

Run interactively:

memflowup interactive

Install a set of connectors non-interactively:

memflowup install memflow-qemu-procfs memflow-coredump

Same with development (0.2) channel:

memflowup install -d memflow-qemu memflow-coredump

Update all connectors that are installed system-wide (-s) from development channel (-d):

memflowup update -s -d

Reinstall a connector:

memflowup install memflow-kvm -s -d --reinstall