mdbook-numeq 0.4.0

An mdbook preprocessor for automatically numbering centered equations.
# mdbook-numeq

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An [mdBook]( preprocessor to automatically number centered equations and later create a link to these equations for a "LaTeX" type experience.

## Installation

Assuming you have mdBook and [mdbook-katex]( installed, install the crate with

$ cargo install mdbook-numeq

Then add it as a preprocessor to your `book.toml`:


This crate uses the [`htmlID`]( command which is disabled by default.
It must enabled by adding `trust = true` to the options of the mdbook-katex preprocessor:

trust = true

## Usage

Just add `{{numeq}}` at the end of your centered equation, e.g. (assuming you set the delimiters for centered equations to `\[ ... \]` in the [mdbook-katex preprocessor options](

 a= b {{numeq}}

and your equation will be automatically numbered:

> *a = b           (1)*

You can optionally provide a label `{{numeq}}{mylabel}`, in which case an anchor will be created.
You can then link to the equation using `{{eqref: mylabel}}`.

## Options

By default, the numbering is per (sub)chapter, meaning the counter is reset to zero at the beginning of each (sub)chapter.
You can choose a global numbering throughout the book by setting the `global` option to true:

global = true

Then, equations will be numbered, say, 1 to 5 in Chapter 1, then 6 to 9 in Chapter 2, etc.

You can choose to add the chapter number as a prefix to the counter by setting the `prefix` option to true (which makes more sense when `global` is false, but both options are independent).

prefix = true

For example, in Chapter 3.2, equations will then be numbered 3.2.1, 3.2.2, etc.

Additionally, the `depth` option controls how many layers of prefix should be applied.
Leaving it unspecified or setting `depth = 0` means the full prefix is always used.
Setting, e.g., `depth = 1`, equations will be numbered 3.1, 3.2 etc. throughout Chapter 3 and all its subchapters.
Note that prefixes are always `depth`-long and trailing zeros are added if needed (e.g., if `depth = 3` then prefix 3.0.0 is used in Chapter 3, prefix 3.1.0 is used in Chapter 3.1, etc.)

Although it should only make sense to use `depth` strictly larger than 0 with `prefix = true`, these two options are independent.
Note that when `depth` is set to any number strictly greater than 0, option `global` is ignored and the equation counter is reset for each prefix.
This means that setting

global = true
prefix = false
depth = 1

is equivalent to

global = false
prefix = false

and the equation counter is reset for each (sub)chapter and no prefix is prepended.