mcfly 0.6.0

McFly replaces your default ctrl-r shell history search with an intelligent search engine that takes into account your working directory and the context of recently executed commands. McFly's suggestions are prioritized in real time with a small neural network.
use crate::shell_history;
use clap::AppSettings;
use clap::{crate_authors, crate_version, value_t};
use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand};
use directories_next::{ProjectDirs, UserDirs};
use std::env;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::time::SystemTime;
use std::time::UNIX_EPOCH;

pub enum Mode {

pub enum KeyScheme {

pub enum InitMode {

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum InterfaceView {

pub enum ResultSort {

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum HistoryFormat {
    /// bash format - commands in plain text, one per line, with multi-line commands joined.
    /// HISTTIMEFORMAT is assumed to be empty.

    /// zsh format - commands in plain text, with multiline commands on multiple lines.
    /// McFly does not currently handle joining these lines; they're treated as separate commands.
    /// If --zsh-extended-history was given, `extended_history` will be true, and we'll strip the
    /// timestamp from the beginning of each command.
    Zsh { extended_history: bool },

    /// fish's pseudo-yaml, with commands stored as 'cmd' with multiple lines joined into one with
    /// '\n', and with timestamps stored as 'when'.  ('paths' is ignored.)
    /// (Some discussion of changing format:

pub struct Settings {
    pub mode: Mode,
    pub debug: bool,
    pub fuzzy: i16,
    pub session_id: String,
    pub mcfly_history: PathBuf,
    pub output_selection: Option<String>,
    pub command: String,
    pub dir: String,
    pub results: u16,
    pub when_run: Option<i64>,
    pub exit_code: Option<i32>,
    pub old_dir: Option<String>,
    pub append_to_histfile: bool,
    pub refresh_training_cache: bool,
    pub lightmode: bool,
    pub key_scheme: KeyScheme,
    pub history_format: HistoryFormat,
    pub limit: Option<i64>,
    pub skip_environment_check: bool,
    pub init_mode: InitMode,
    pub delete_without_confirm: bool,
    pub interface_view: InterfaceView,
    pub result_sort: ResultSort,
    pub disable_menu: bool,

impl Default for Settings {
    fn default() -> Settings {
        Settings {
            mode: Mode::Add,
            output_selection: None,
            command: String::new(),
            session_id: String::new(),
            mcfly_history: PathBuf::new(),
            dir: String::new(),
            results: 10,
            when_run: None,
            exit_code: None,
            old_dir: None,
            refresh_training_cache: false,
            append_to_histfile: false,
            debug: false,
            fuzzy: 0,
            lightmode: false,
            key_scheme: KeyScheme::Emacs,
            history_format: HistoryFormat::Bash,
            limit: None,
            skip_environment_check: false,
            init_mode: InitMode::Bash,
            delete_without_confirm: false,
            interface_view: InterfaceView::Top,
            result_sort: ResultSort::Rank,
            disable_menu: false,

impl Settings {
    pub fn parse_args() -> Settings {
        let matches = App::new("McFly")
            .about("Fly through your shell history")
                .help("Session ID to record or search under (defaults to $MCFLY_SESSION_ID)")
                .help("Shell history file to read from when adding or searching (defaults to $MCFLY_HISTORY)")
                .help("Shell history file format, 'bash', 'zsh', 'zsh-extended' or 'fish' (defaults to 'bash')")
                .about("Add commands to the history")
                    .help("Exit code of command")
                    .help("Also append new history to $HISTFILE/$MCFLY_HISTFILE (e.q., .bash_history)"))
                    .help("The time that the command was run (default now)")
                    .help("Directory where command was run (default $PWD)")
                    .help("The previous directory the user was in before running the command (default $OLDPWD)")
                    .help("The command that was run (default last line of $MCFLY_HISTORY file)")
                .about("Search the history")
                    .help("Directory where command was run")
                    .help("Number of results to return")
                    .help("Fuzzy-find results. 0 is off; higher numbers weight shorter/earlier matches more. Try 2"))
                    .help("Delete entry without confirm"))
                    .help("Write results to file, including selection mode, new commandline, and any shell-specific requests")
                    .help("The command search term(s)")
                .about("Record a directory having been moved; moves command records from the old path to the new one")
                    .help("The old directory path")
                    .help("The new directory path")
                .about("Train the suggestion engine (developer tool)")
                    .help("Directory where command was run")
                .about("Prints the shell code used to execute mcfly")
                    .help("Shell to init — one of bash, zsh, or fish")
                    .possible_values(&["bash", "zsh", "fish"])

        let mut settings = Settings::default();
        if matches.is_present("init") {
            settings.skip_environment_check = true;

        settings.debug = matches.is_present("debug") || env::var("MCFLY_DEBUG").is_ok();
        settings.limit = env::var("MCFLY_HISTORY_LIMIT")
            .and_then(|o| o.parse::<i64>().ok());

        settings.interface_view = match env::var("MCFLY_INTERFACE_VIEW") {
            Ok(val) => match val.as_str() {
                "TOP" => InterfaceView::Top,
                "BOTTOM" => InterfaceView::Bottom,
                _ => InterfaceView::Top,
            _ => InterfaceView::Top,

        settings.result_sort = match env::var("MCFLY_RESULTS_SORT") {
            Ok(val) => match val.as_str() {
                "RANK" => ResultSort::Rank,
                "LAST_RUN" => ResultSort::LastRun,
                _ => ResultSort::Rank,
            _ => ResultSort::Rank,

        settings.session_id = matches
            .map(|s| s.to_string())
            .unwrap_or_else( ||
                    .unwrap_or_else(|err| {
                        if !settings.skip_environment_check
                            "McFly error: Please ensure that MCFLY_SESSION_ID contains a random session ID ({})",
                        else {
        settings.mcfly_history = PathBuf::from(
                .map(|s| s.to_string())
                .unwrap_or_else(|| {
                    env::var("MCFLY_HISTORY").unwrap_or_else(|err| {
                        if !settings.skip_environment_check {
                                "McFly error: Please ensure that MCFLY_HISTORY is set ({})",
                        } else {
        settings.history_format = match matches.value_of("history_format") {
            None => HistoryFormat::Bash,
            Some("bash") => HistoryFormat::Bash,
            Some("zsh") => HistoryFormat::Zsh {
                extended_history: false,
            Some("zsh-extended") => HistoryFormat::Zsh {
                extended_history: true,
            Some("fish") => HistoryFormat::Fish,
            Some(format) => panic!("McFly error: unknown history format '{}'", format),

        match matches.subcommand() {
            ("add", Some(add_matches)) => {
                settings.mode = Mode::Add;

                settings.when_run = Some(
                    value_t!(add_matches, "when", i64).unwrap_or(
                            .unwrap_or_else(|err| {
                                panic!("McFly error: Time went backwards ({})", err)
                            .as_secs() as i64,

                settings.append_to_histfile = add_matches.is_present("append_to_histfile");

                if add_matches.value_of("exit").is_some() {
                    settings.exit_code =
                        Some(value_t!(add_matches, "exit", i32).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit()));

                if let Some(dir) = add_matches.value_of("directory") {
                    settings.dir = dir.to_string();
                } else {
                    settings.dir = env::var("PWD").unwrap_or_else(|err| {
                            "McFly error: Unable to determine current directory ({})",

                if let Some(old_dir) = add_matches.value_of("old_directory") {
                    settings.old_dir = Some(old_dir.to_string());
                } else {
                    settings.old_dir = env::var("OLDPWD").ok();

                if let Some(commands) = add_matches.values_of("command") {
                    settings.command = commands.collect::<Vec<_>>().join(" ");
                } else {
                    settings.command = shell_history::last_history_line(

                // CD shows PWD as the resulting directory, but we want it from the source directory.
                if settings.command.starts_with("cd ")
                    || settings.command.starts_with("pushd ")
                    || settings.command.starts_with("j ")
                    settings.dir = settings.old_dir.to_owned().unwrap_or(settings.dir);

            ("search", Some(search_matches)) => {
                settings.mode = Mode::Search;
                if let Some(dir) = search_matches.value_of("directory") {
                    settings.dir = dir.to_string();
                } else {
                    settings.dir = env::var("PWD").unwrap_or_else(|err| {
                            "McFly error: Unable to determine current directory ({})",

                if let Ok(results) = env::var("MCFLY_RESULTS") {
                    if let Ok(results) = u16::from_str(&results) {
                        settings.results = results;
                if let Ok(results) = value_t!(search_matches.value_of("results"), u16) {
                    settings.results = results;

                if let Ok(fuzzy) = env::var("MCFLY_FUZZY") {
                    if let Ok(fuzzy) = i16::from_str(&fuzzy) {
                        settings.fuzzy = fuzzy;
                    } else if fuzzy.to_lowercase() != "false" {
                        settings.fuzzy = 2;
                if let Ok(fuzzy) = value_t!(search_matches.value_of("fuzzy"), i16) {
                    settings.fuzzy = fuzzy;
                } else if search_matches.is_present("fuzzy") {
                    settings.fuzzy = 2;

                settings.delete_without_confirm = search_matches
                    || env::var("MCFLY_DELETE_WITHOUT_CONFIRM").is_ok();
                settings.output_selection = search_matches
                    .map(|s| s.to_owned());

                if let Some(values) = search_matches.values_of("command") {
                    settings.command = values.collect::<Vec<_>>().join(" ");
                } else {
                    settings.command = shell_history::last_history_line(
                    .trim_start_matches("#mcfly: ")

            ("train", Some(train_matches)) => {
                settings.mode = Mode::Train;
                settings.refresh_training_cache = train_matches.is_present("refresh_cache");

            ("move", Some(move_matches)) => {
                settings.mode = Mode::Move;
                settings.old_dir = Some(String::from(
                        .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("McFly error: Expected value for old_dir_path")),
                settings.dir = String::from(
                        .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("McFly error: Expected value for new_dir_path")),

            ("init", Some(init_matches)) => {
                settings.mode = Mode::Init;
                match init_matches.value_of("shell").unwrap() {
                    "bash" => {
                        settings.init_mode = InitMode::Bash;
                    "zsh" => {
                        settings.init_mode = InitMode::Zsh;
                    "fish" => {
                        settings.init_mode = InitMode::Fish;
                    _ => unreachable!(),

            ("", None) => println!("No subcommand was used"), // If no subcommand was used it'll match the tuple ("", None)
            _ => unreachable!(), // If all subcommands are defined above, anything else is unreachable!()

        settings.lightmode = match env::var_os("MCFLY_LIGHT") {
            Some(_val) => true,
            None => false,

        settings.disable_menu = match env::var_os("MCFLY_DISABLE_MENU") {
            Some(_val) => true,
            None => false,

        settings.key_scheme = match env::var("MCFLY_KEY_SCHEME").as_ref().map(String::as_ref) {
            Ok("vim") => KeyScheme::Vim,
            _ => KeyScheme::Emacs,


    // Use ~/.mcfly only if it already exists, otherwise create 'mcfly' folder in XDG_CACHE_DIR
    pub fn mcfly_training_cache_path() -> PathBuf {
        let cache_dir = Settings::mcfly_xdg_dir().cache_dir().to_path_buf();


    // Use ~/.mcfly only if it already exists, otherwise create 'mcfly' folder in XDG_DATA_DIR
    pub fn mcfly_db_path() -> PathBuf {
        let data_dir = Settings::mcfly_xdg_dir().data_dir().to_path_buf();


    fn mcfly_xdg_dir() -> ProjectDirs {
        ProjectDirs::from("", "", "McFly").unwrap()

    fn mcfly_base_path(base_dir: PathBuf) -> PathBuf {

    fn mcfly_dir_in_home() -> Option<PathBuf> {
        let user_dirs_file = UserDirs::new()

        if user_dirs_file.exists() {
        } else {