mbedtls 0.7.0

Idiomatic Rust wrapper for MbedTLS, allowing you to use MbedTLS with only safe code while being able to use such great Rust features like error handling and closures. Building on MbedTLS's focus on embedded use, this crate can be used in a no_std environment.
/* Copyright (c) Fortanix, Inc.
 * Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 <LICENSE-GPL or
 * https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html> or the Apache License, Version
 * 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0>, at your
 * option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
 * according to those terms. */

extern crate mbedtls;

use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, Write};
use std::net::{TcpListener, TcpStream};

use mbedtls::pk::Pk;
use mbedtls::rng::CtrDrbg;
use mbedtls::ssl::config::{Endpoint, Preset, Transport};
use mbedtls::ssl::{Config, Context};
use mbedtls::x509::Certificate;
use mbedtls::Result as TlsResult;

#[path = "../tests/support/mod.rs"]
mod support;
use support::entropy::entropy_new;
use support::keys;

fn listen<E, F: FnMut(TcpStream) -> Result<(), E>>(mut handle_client: F) -> Result<(), E> {
    let sock = TcpListener::bind("").unwrap();
    for conn in sock.incoming().map(Result::unwrap) {
        println!("Connection from {}", conn.peer_addr().unwrap());

fn result_main() -> TlsResult<()> {
    let mut entropy = entropy_new();
    let mut rng = CtrDrbg::new(&mut entropy, None)?;
    let mut cert = Certificate::from_pem(keys::PEM_CERT)?;
    let mut key = Pk::from_private_key(keys::PEM_KEY, None)?;
    let mut config = Config::new(Endpoint::Server, Transport::Stream, Preset::Default);
    config.set_rng(Some(&mut rng));
    config.push_cert(&mut *cert, &mut key)?;
    let mut ctx = Context::new(&config)?;

    listen(|mut conn| {
        let mut session = BufReader::new(ctx.establish(&mut conn, None)?);
        let mut line = Vec::new();
        session.read_until(b'\n', &mut line).unwrap();

fn main() {