maybe_xml 0.1.0

XML processing library


MaybeXml is a library to scan and evaluate XML-like data into tokens. In effect, the library provides a non-validating lexer. The interface is similar to many XML pull parsers.

The library does 3 things:

  1. A Scanner receives byte slices and identifies the start and end of tokens like tags, character content, and declarations.

  2. An Evaluator transforms bytes from an input source (like instances of types which implement std::io::BufRead) into complete tokens via either a cursor or an iterator pull style API.

    From an implementation point of view, when a library user asks an Evaluator for the next token, the Evaluator reads the input and passes the bytes to an internal Scanner. The Evaluator buffers the scanned bytes and keeps reading until the Scanner determines a token has been completely read. Then all of the bytes which represent the token are returned to the library user as a variant of a token type.

  3. Each token type provides methods which can provide views into the underlying bytes. For instance, a tag token could provide a name() method which returns a TagName. The TagName provides a method like to_str() which can be called to get a str representation of the tag name.


The purpose of the library is to provide a way to read XML documents including office suite documents, RSS/Atom feeds, config files, SVG, and web service messages.


By default, features which depend on the Rust std library are included.

maybe_xml = "0.1"

Alloc Only

If the host environment has an allocator but does not have access to the Rust std library:

maybe_xml = { version = "0.1", default-features = false, features = ["alloc"]}

Most of the library, except for Evaluators which rely on std types (such as std::io::BufRead), is still available.

No allocator

If the host environment does not have an allocator:

maybe_xml = { version = "0.1", default-features = false }

The Scanner and the borrowed versions of the tokens are available.


The following is a short example showing the iterator API. The full example with all the module imports and error handling is in the source file.

use maybe_xml::token::owned::{Token, StartTag, Characters, EndTag};

let mut input = std::io::BufReader::new(r#"<ID>Example</ID>"#.as_bytes());

let eval = maybe_xml::eval::bufread::BufReadEvaluator::from_reader(input);

let mut iter = eval.into_iter()
    .map(|token| match token {
        Token::StartTag(start_tag) => {
            if let Ok(str) = start_tag.to_str() {
            } else {
        Token::EndTag(end_tag) => {
            if let Ok(str) = end_tag.to_str() {
            } else {
        _ => token,

let token =;
assert_eq!(token, Some(Token::StartTag(StartTag::from("<id>"))));
match token {
    Some(Token::StartTag(start_tag)) => {
        assert_eq!(, "id");
    _ => panic!("unexpected token"),
assert_eq!(, Some(Token::Characters(Characters::from("Example"))));
assert_eq!(, Some(Token::EndTag(EndTag::from("</id>"))));
assert_eq!(, Some(Token::Eof));
assert_eq!(, None);


Licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT License at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.