Module maybe_rayon::prelude

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The rayon prelude imports the various ParallelIterator traits. The intention is that one can include use rayon::prelude::* and have easy access to the various traits and methods you will need.


FromParallelIterator implements the creation of a collection from a ParallelIterator. By implementing FromParallelIterator for a given type, you define how it will be created from an iterator.
An iterator that supports “random access” to its data, meaning that you can split it at arbitrary indices and draw data from those points.
IntoParallelIterator implements the conversion to a ParallelIterator.
IntoParallelRefIterator implements the conversion to a ParallelIterator, providing shared references to the data.
IntoParallelRefMutIterator implements the conversion to a ParallelIterator, providing mutable references to the data.
Conversion trait to convert an Iterator to a ParallelIterator.
ParallelDrainFull creates a parallel iterator that moves all items from a collection while retaining the original capacity.
ParallelDrainRange creates a parallel iterator that moves a range of items from a collection while retaining the original capacity.
ParallelExtend extends an existing collection with items from a ParallelIterator.
Parallel version of the standard iterator trait.
Parallel extensions for slices.
Parallel extensions for mutable slices.
Parallel extensions for strings.