mavspec_rust_spec 0.3.3

Core interfaces for MAVSpec's Rust code generation toolchain.

MAVSpec: Rust Specification

Core interfaces for MAVSpec's Rust code generation toolchain. Supports no-std (including no-alloc) targets. Provides optional Serde support.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ repository issues

This crate is a part of MAVSpec code generation toolchain for MAVLink. While nothing prevents from using this crate directly, such approach is not encouraged (and not documented). We suggest to import this module from Mavspec as mavspec::rust::gen.

This project is a member of Mavka family.

Cargo Features

  • alloc β€” enables global allocator. Incompatible with no-alloc targets.
  • std β€” enables Rust standard library. Enables alloc. Incompatible with no-std targets.
  • serde β€” enables Serde support. It will be included with corresponding std/alloc features (or without them).


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