mathcat 0.1.26

MathCAT: Math Capable Assistive Technology ('Speech and braille from MathML')
//! XPath underlies rule matching and speech generation. The version of xpath used is based on xpath 1.0
//! and includes the ability to define functions and variables.
//! The variables defined are all the preferences and also variables set in speech rules via the `variables` keyword.
//! The function defined here are:
//! * `IsNode(node, kind)`:  returns true if the node matches the "kind".
//!    Valid values are "leaf", "2D", "simple", "common_fraction", "trig_name".
//! * `ToOrdinal(number, fractional, plural)`: converts the number to an ordinal (e.g, third)
//!   * `number` -- the number to translate
//!   * `fractional` -- true if this is a fractional ordinal (e.g, "half")
//!   * `plural` -- true if answer should be plural
//! * `ToCommonFraction(mfrac)` -- converts the fraction to an ordinal version (e.g, 2 thirds)
//! * `IsLargeOp(node)` -- returns true if the node is a large operator (e.g, integral or sum)
//! * `IsBracketed(node, left, right, requires_comma)` -- returns true if the first/last element in the mrow match `left`/`right`.
//!    If the optional `requires_comma` argument is given and is `true`, then there also must be a "," in the mrow (e.g., "f(x,y)")
//! * `DEBUG(xpath)` -- _Very_ useful function for debugging speech rules.
//!    This can be used to surround a whole or part of an xpath expression in a match or output.
//!    The result will be printed to standard output and the result returned so that `DEBUG` does not affect the computation.    

use sxd_document::dom::{Element, ChildOfElement};
use sxd_xpath::{Value, Context, context, function::*, nodeset::*};
use crate::definitions::DEFINITIONS;
use regex::Regex;
use crate::pretty_print::mml_to_string;
use std::cell::Ref;
use phf::phf_set;

use crate::canonicalize::{as_element, name};

// useful utility functions
// note: child of an element is a ChildOfElement, so sometimes it is useful to have parallel functions,
//   one for Element and one for ChildOfElement.

// @returns {String} -- the text of the (leaf) element otherwise an empty string
fn get_text_from_element(e: &Element) -> String {
    if e.children().len() == 1 {
        if let ChildOfElement::Text(t) = e.children()[0] {
            return t.text().to_string();
    return "".to_string();

// Same as 'is_tag', but for ChildOfElement
fn get_text_from_COE(coe: &ChildOfElement) -> String {
    let element = coe.element();
    return match element {
        Some(e) => get_text_from_element(&e),
        None => "".to_string(),

// make sure that there is only one node in the NodeSet
// Returns the node or an Error
pub fn validate_one_node<'n>(nodes: Nodeset<'n>, func_name: &str) -> Result<Node<'n>, Error> {
    if nodes.size() == 0 {
        return Err(Error::Other(format!("Missing argument for {}", func_name)));
    } else if nodes.size() > 1 {
        return Err( Error::Other(format!("{} arguments for {}; expected 1 argument", nodes.size(), func_name)) );
    return Ok( nodes.iter().next().unwrap() );

// Return true if the element's name is 'name'
fn is_tag(e: &Element, name: &str) -> bool {
    return == name;

// Same as 'is_tag', but for ChildOfElement
fn is_COE_tag(coe: &ChildOfElement, name: &str) -> bool {
    let element = coe.element();
    return element.is_some() && is_tag(&element.unwrap(), name);  

/// Should be an internal structure for implementation of the IsNode, but it was useful in one place in a separate module.
/// This should probably be restructured slightly.
pub struct IsNode;

impl IsNode {
    /// implements ClearSpeak's definition of "simple"
    /// this is fairly detailed, so we define a few local functions (at end) to help out
    /// Also, it doesn't help that the structure is a bit complicated Elements->ChildOfElement->Element/Text
    pub fn is_simple(elem: &Element) -> bool {
        if is_trivially_simple(elem) {
            return true;

        if is_negative_of_trivially_simple(elem) {
            // -3 or -x
            return true;

        if !is_tag(elem, "mrow") || elem.children().is_empty() {
            return false;

        // x y or -x or -3 x or -x y or -3 x y or x° or n° or -x° or -n°
        if is_times_mi(elem) {
            return true;    // x y
        } else if is_degrees(elem) {
            return true;    // x° or n°
        } else if is_function(elem) {
            return true;

        return false;

        // returns the element's text value
        fn to_str<'a>(e: &'a Element) -> &'a str {
            // typically usage assumes 'e' is a leaf
            // bad MathML is the following isn't true
            if e.children().len() == 1 {
                let text_node = e.children()[0];
                if let Some(t) = text_node.text() {
                    return t.text();
            return "";

        // same as 'to_str' but for ChildOfElement
        fn coe_to_str<'a>(coe: &'a ChildOfElement) -> &'a str {
            // typically usage assumes 'coe' is a leaf
            let element_node = coe.element();
            if let Some(e) = element_node {
                // bad MathML is the following isn't true
                if e.children().len() == 1 {
                    let text_node = e.children()[0];
                    if let Some(t) = text_node.text() {
                        return t.text();
            return "";

        // returns true if the string is just a single *char* (which can be multiple bytes)
        fn is_single_char(str: &str) -> bool {
            let mut chars =  str.chars();
            let first_char =;
            let second_char =;
            return first_char.is_some() && second_char.is_none();

        // checks the single element to see if it is simple (mn, mi that is a single char, common fraction)
        fn is_trivially_simple(elem: &Element) -> bool {
            if is_tag(elem, "mn")  {
                return true;
            if is_tag(elem, "mi") && is_single_char(to_str(elem)) {
                // "simple" only if it is a single char (which can be multiple bytes)
                return true;

            // FIX: need to consult preference Fraction_Ordinal
            if IsNode::is_common_fraction(elem, 10, 19) {
                return true;
            return false;

        // true if the negative of a single element that is simple
        fn is_negative_of_trivially_simple(elem: &Element) -> bool {
            if is_tag(elem, "mrow") && elem.children().len() == 2 {
                let children = elem.children();
                // better be negative of something at this point...
                if is_COE_tag(&children[0], "mo") && is_equal(&children[0], '-') &&
                   children[1].element().is_some() && is_trivially_simple(&children[1].element().unwrap()) {
                    return true;
            if is_tag(elem, "negative") && elem.children().len() == 1 {
                let child = elem.children()[0];
                if let Some(e) = child.element() {
                    return is_trivially_simple(&e);

            return false;

        // return true if ChildOfElement has exactly text 'ch'
        fn is_equal(coe: &ChildOfElement, ch: char) -> bool {
            return coe_to_str(coe).starts_with(ch);

        // true if mrow(xxx, &it;, mi) or mrow(xxx, &it; mi, &it;, mi) where mi's have len==1
        fn is_times_mi(mrow: &Element) -> bool {
            assert!( is_tag(mrow, "mrow") );
            let children = mrow.children();
            if !(children.len() == 3 || children.len() == 5) {
                return false;
            if children[0].element().is_none() {
                return false;

            let first_child = children[0].element().unwrap();
            if !is_trivially_simple(&first_child) {
                if !is_negative_of_trivially_simple(&first_child) {
                    return false;
                if children.len() == 5 && !is_COE_tag(&first_child.children()[1], "mn") {
                    return false;      // '-x y z' is too complicated () -- -2 x y is ok

            if !(is_COE_tag(&children[1], "mo") && 
                    is_equal(&children[1], '\u{2062}') &&
                 is_COE_tag(&children[2], "mi") &&
                    coe_to_str(&children[2]).len()==1 ) {
                return false;

            if children.len() == 3 {
                return true;

            // len == 5
            return  is_COE_tag(&children[3], "mo") && 
                        is_equal(&children[3], '\u{2062}') &&       // invisible times
                    is_COE_tag(&children[4], "mi") &&
                        coe_to_str(&children[4]).len()==1 ;

        // return true if the mrow is var° or num°
        fn is_degrees(mrow: &Element) -> bool {
            assert!( is_tag(mrow, "mrow") );
            let children = mrow.children();
            return children.len() == 2 &&
                is_equal(&children[1], '°') &&
                (is_COE_tag(&children[0], "mi") ||
                 is_COE_tag(&children[0], "mn") );

        // fn_name &af; [simple arg or (simple arg)]
        fn is_function(mrow: &Element) -> bool {
            assert!( is_tag(mrow, "mrow") );
            let children = mrow.children();
            if children.len() != 3 {
                return false;
            if !(is_COE_tag(&children[1], "mo") && 
                 is_equal(&children[1], '\u{2061}') ) {    // invisible function application
                return false;
            if !is_COE_tag(&children[0], "mi") {
                return false;
            let function_arg = children[2].element().unwrap();
            if IsBracketed::is_bracketed(&function_arg, "(", ")", false, false) {
                return IsNode::is_simple(&function_arg.children()[1].element().unwrap());
            } else {
                return IsNode::is_simple(&function_arg);
    // returns true if the text of 'e' is in definitions.trig_function_names
    fn is_trig_name(e: &Element) -> bool {
        if != "mi" {
            return false;

        let mi_text = get_text_from_element(e);
        return DEFINITIONS.with(|definitions| {
            let definitions = definitions.borrow();
            return definitions.get_hashset("TrigFunctionNames").unwrap().contains(&mi_text);

    // Returns true if 'frac' is a common fraction
    // In this case, the numerator and denominator can be no larger than 'num_limit' and 'denom_limit'
    fn is_common_fraction(frac: &Element, num_limit: usize, denom_limit: usize) -> bool {
        lazy_static! {
            static ref ALL_DIGITS: Regex = Regex::new(r"\d+").unwrap();    // match one or more digits

        if !is_tag(frac, "mfrac") &&  !is_tag(frac, "fraction"){
            return false;
        let children = frac.children();
        if children.len() != 2 {
            return false;

        let num = children[0].element();
        let denom = children[1].element();
        if num.is_none() || denom.is_none() {
            return false;

        let num = num.unwrap();
        let denom = denom.unwrap();
        if !is_tag(&num, "mn") || !is_tag(&denom, "mn") {
            return false

        let num = get_text_from_element(&num);
        let denom = get_text_from_element(&denom);
        if num.is_empty() || denom.is_empty() {
            return false;

        return ALL_DIGITS.is_match(&num)   && is_small_enough(&num, num_limit) &&
               ALL_DIGITS.is_match(&denom) && is_small_enough(&denom, denom_limit);

        fn is_small_enough(val: &str, upper_bound: usize) -> bool {
            return if let Ok(value) = val.parse::<usize>() { value <= upper_bound } else { false };

    fn is_punctuation(node:  &Element) -> bool {
        lazy_static! {
            // list of chars from rule VI (p41) [various dashes are from Unicode, not green book]
            static ref PUNCTUATION: Regex = Regex::new(r"[':,–—―⸺⸻—…!\-.?‘’“”;']").unwrap();    // match one or more digits

        let text = get_text_from_element(node);
        return PUNCTUATION.is_match(&text);

static MATHML_LEAF_NODES: phf::Set<&str> = phf_set! {
	"mi", "mo", "mn", "mtext", "ms", "mspace", "mglyph",
    "annotation", "ci", "cn", "csymbol",    // content could be inside an annotation-xml (faster to allow here than to check lots of places)

// Should mstack and mlongdiv be included here?
static MATHML_2D_NODES: phf::Set<&str> = phf_set! {
    "mfrac", "msqrt", "mroot", "menclose",
    "msub", "msup", "msubsup", "munder", "mover", "munderover", "mmultiscripts",
    "mtable", "mtr", "mlabeledtr", "mtd",

pub fn is_leaf(element: Element) -> bool {
    return MATHML_LEAF_NODES.contains(name(&element));

impl Function for IsNode {
    // eval function for IsNode
    // errors happen for wrong number/kind of arg
    fn evaluate<'c, 'd>(&self,
                        _context: &context::Evaluation<'c, 'd>,
                        args: Vec<Value<'d>>)
                        -> Result<Value<'d>, Error>

        let mut args = Args(args);
        let kind = args.pop_string()?;
        // FIX: there is some conflict problem with xpath errors and error-chain
        //                .chain_err(|e| format!("Second arg to is_leaf is not a string: {}", e.to_string()))?;
        match kind.as_str() {
            "simple" | "leaf" | "common_fraction" | "trig_name" | "2D" | "nemeth_punctuation" => (), 
            _ => return Err( Error::Other(format!("Unknown argument value '{}' for IsNode",  kind.as_str())) ),

        let nodes = args.pop_nodeset()?;
        if nodes.size() == 0 {
            return Err(Error::Other("Missing argument for IsNode".to_string() ));
        return Ok(
                        if let Node::Element(e) = node {
                            match kind.as_str() {
                                "simple" => IsNode::is_simple(&e),
                                "leaf"   => MATHML_LEAF_NODES.contains(name(&e)),
                                "2D" => MATHML_2D_NODES.contains(name(&e)),
                                "trig_name" => IsNode::is_trig_name(&e),
                                "common_fraction" => IsNode::is_common_fraction(&e, usize::MAX, usize::MAX), 
                                "nemeth_punctuation" => IsNode::is_punctuation(&e),
                                _        => true,       // can't happen due to check above
                        } else {
                            // xpath is something besides an element, so no match


struct ToOrdinal;
impl ToOrdinal {
    // ordinals often have an irregular start (e.g., "half") before becoming regular.
    // if the number is irregular, return the ordinal form, otherwise return 'None'.
    fn compute_irregular_fractional_speech(number: &str, plural: bool) -> Option<String> {
        DEFINITIONS.with(|definitions| {
            let definitions = definitions.borrow();
            let words = if plural {
            } else {
            let number_as_int: usize = number.parse().unwrap(); // already verified it is only digits
            if number_as_int < words.len() {
                // use the words associated with this irregular pattern.
                return Some( words[number_as_int].clone() );
            return None;


     * Translates a number of up to twelve digits into a string representation.
     *   number -- the number to translate
     *   fractional -- true if this is a fractional ordinal (e.g, "half")
     *   plural -- true if answer should be plural
     * Returns the string representation of that number or an error message
    fn convert(number: &str, fractional: bool, plural: bool) -> String {
        lazy_static! {
            static ref NO_DIGIT: Regex = Regex::new(r"[^\d]").unwrap();    // match anything except a digit
        DEFINITIONS.with(|definitions| {
            let definitions = definitions.borrow();
            let numbers_large = definitions.get_vec("NumbersLarge").unwrap();
            // check to see if the number is too big or is not an integer or has non-digits
            if number.is_empty() || number.len() > 3*numbers_large.len() || number.contains(".,") {
                return String::from(number);
            if NO_DIGIT.is_match(number) {
                // this shouldn't have been part of an mn, so likely an error. Log a warning
                // FIX: log a warning that a non-number was passed to convert()
                return String::from(number);

            // first deal with the abnormalities of fractional ordinals (one half, etc). That simplifies what remains
            if fractional {
                if let Some(string) = ToOrdinal::compute_irregular_fractional_speech(number, plural) {
                    return string;

            // at this point, we only need to worry about singular/plural distinction

            // break into groups of three digits and add 10^3 word (thousands, millions, ...) after each chunk
            // FIX: add a pause between groups of three -- need to use TTS-specific pause

            // handle special case of trailing zeros
            // num_thousands_at_end represents the amount to shift NumbersLarge... (e.g., millions->thousands)
            let num_thousands_at_end = match number.rfind(|ch| ch > '0') { // last non-0 on right
                Some(n) => (number.len() - 1 - n) / 3 ,
                None => 0
            let (number,_) = number.split_at(number.len() - 3 * num_thousands_at_end); // drop the 0s

            // everything is simplified if we add zeros at the start so that block size is a factor of 3
            let number = match number.len() % 3 {
                0 => "".to_string() + number,
                1 => "00".to_string() + number,
                _ => "0".to_string() + number, // can only be "2" -- compiler doesn't know there aren't other options

            // At this point we have at least three "digits", and length is a multiple of 3
            // We have already verified that there are only ASCII digits, so we can subtract '0' to get an index
            const ASCII_0: usize = 48;
            let digits = number.as_bytes()
                        .map(|&byte| byte as usize - ASCII_0)

            let mut answer = String::with_capacity(255);  // reasonable max most of the time
            let large_words = numbers_large;
            if digits.len() > 3 { 
                // speak this first groups as cardinal numbers
                let words = [
                answer = digits[0..digits.len()-3]
                            .map(|(i, chunk)| {
                                if chunk[0] != 0 || chunk[1] != 0 || chunk[2] != 0 {
                                    ToOrdinal::hundreds_to_words(chunk, &words) + " " + 
                                        &large_words[num_thousands_at_end + digits.len()/3 - 1 - i] + " "
                                } else {
                            .join("");  // can't use " " because 1000567 would get extra space in the middle
                if num_thousands_at_end > 0 {
                    // add on "billionths", etc and we are done
                    let large_words = if plural {
                    } else {
                    return answer + &large_words.unwrap()[num_thousands_at_end];

            // all that is left is to speak the hundreds part, possibly followed by "thousands", "billions", etc
            let words = match (num_thousands_at_end > 0, plural) {
                (true, _) => [
                (false, true) => [
                (false, false) => [
            answer += &ToOrdinal::hundreds_to_words(&digits[digits.len()-3..], &words);
            if num_thousands_at_end > 0 {
                let large_words = if plural {
                } else {
                answer = answer + " " + &large_words[num_thousands_at_end];
            return answer;

    fn hundreds_to_words(number: &[usize], words: &[Ref<Vec<String>>; 3]) -> String {
        assert!( number.len() == 3 );
        return DEFINITIONS.with(|definitions| {
            let definitions = definitions.borrow();
            if number[0] != 0 && number[1] == 0 && number[2] == 0 {
                return words[0][number[0]].clone();

            let mut hundreds = definitions.get_vec("NumbersHundreds").unwrap()[number[0]].clone();
            if !hundreds.is_empty() {
                hundreds += " ";

            if number[1] != 0 && number[2] == 0 {
                return hundreds + &words[1][number[1]];

            if 10*number[1] < words[2].len() {
                // usurp regular ordering to handle something like '14'
                return hundreds + &words[2][10*number[1] + number[2]];
            } else {
                return hundreds + &definitions.get_vec("NumbersTens").unwrap()[number[1]] + " " + &words[2][number[2]];

impl Function for ToOrdinal {
    // convert a node to an ordinal number
    fn evaluate<'c, 'd>(&self,
                        _context: &context::Evaluation<'c, 'd>,
                        args: Vec<Value<'d>>)
                        -> Result<Value<'d>, Error>
        let mut args = Args(args);
        let node = validate_one_node(args.pop_nodeset()?, "ToOrdinal")?;
        return match node {
            Node::Text(t) =>  Ok( Value::String( ToOrdinal::convert(t.text(), false, false) ) ),
            Node::Element(e) => Ok( Value::String( ToOrdinal::convert(&get_text_from_element(&e), false, false) ) ),
            _   =>  Err( Error::ArgumentNotANodeset{actual: ArgumentType::String} ),

struct ToCommonFraction;

impl Function for ToCommonFraction {
    // convert a node to a common fraction (if the numerator and denominator are within given limits)
    fn evaluate<'c, 'd>(&self,
                        _context: &context::Evaluation<'c, 'd>,
                        args: Vec<Value<'d>>)
                        -> Result<Value<'d>, Error>
        let mut args = Args(args);

        // FIX: should probably handle errors by logging them and then trying to evaluate any children
        let node = validate_one_node(args.pop_nodeset()?, "ToCommonFraction")?;
        if let Node::Element(frac) = node {
            if !IsNode::is_common_fraction(&frac, usize::MAX, usize::MAX) {
                return Err( Error::Other( format!("ToCommonFraction -- argument is not an 'mfrac': {}': ", mml_to_string(&frac))) );
            // everything has been verified, so we can just get the pieces and ignore potential error results
            let children = frac.children();
            let num = children[0].element().unwrap();
            let num =   get_text_from_element( &num );
            let denom = children[1].element().unwrap();
            let denom = get_text_from_element( &denom );
            let mut answer = num.clone() + " ";
            answer += &ToOrdinal::convert(&denom, true, num!="1");
            return Ok( Value::String( answer ) );    
        } else {
            return Err( Error::Other( "ToCommonFraction -- argument is not an element".to_string()) );

struct Min;

 * Returns true the smallest of the two args
 * @param(num1) 
 * @param(num2)
 impl Function for Min {

    fn evaluate<'c, 'd>(&self,
                        _context: &context::Evaluation<'c, 'd>,
                        args: Vec<Value<'d>>)
                        -> Result<Value<'d>, Error>
        let mut args = Args(args);
        let num1 = args.pop_number()?;
        let num2 = args.pop_number()?;
        return Ok( Value::Number( num1.min(num2) ) );

struct Max;

impl Function for Max {

    fn evaluate<'c, 'd>(&self,
                        _context: &context::Evaluation<'c, 'd>,
                        args: Vec<Value<'d>>)
                        -> Result<Value<'d>, Error>
        let mut args = Args(args);
        let num1 = args.pop_number()?;
        let num2 = args.pop_number()?;
        return Ok( Value::Number( num1.max(num2) ) );

struct IsLargeOp;

 * Returns true if the node is a large op
 * @param(node)     -- node(s) to test -- should be an <mo>
 impl Function for IsLargeOp {

    fn evaluate<'c, 'd>(&self,
                        _context: &context::Evaluation<'c, 'd>,
                        args: Vec<Value<'d>>)
                        -> Result<Value<'d>, Error>
        let mut args = Args(args);
        let node = validate_one_node(args.pop_nodeset()?, "IsLargeOp")?;
        if let Node::Element(e) = node {
            if !is_tag(&e, "mo") {
                return Ok( Value::Boolean(false) );
            return DEFINITIONS.with(|definitions| {
                let definitions = definitions.borrow();
                let text = get_text_from_element(&e);
                return Ok( Value::Boolean(definitions.get_hashset("LargeOperators").unwrap().get(&text).is_some()) );
        } else {
            // xpath is something besides an element, so no match
            return Ok( Value::Boolean(false) );

struct BaseNode;

 * Returns true if the node is a large op
 * @param(node)     -- node(s) to test -- should be an <mo>

 impl BaseNode {
    /// Recursively find the base node
    /// The base node of a non scripted element is the element itself
    fn base_node(node: Element) -> Element {
        let name = name(&node);
        if ["msub", "msup", "msubsup", "munder", "mover", "munderover", "mmultiscripts"].contains(&name) {
            return BaseNode::base_node(as_element(node.children()[0]));
        } else {
            return node;
 impl Function for BaseNode {

    fn evaluate<'c, 'd>(&self,
                        _context: &context::Evaluation<'c, 'd>,
                        args: Vec<Value<'d>>)
                        -> Result<Value<'d>, Error>
        let mut args = Args(args);
        let node = validate_one_node(args.pop_nodeset()?, "BaseNode")?;
        if let Node::Element(e) = node {
            let mut node_set = Nodeset::new();
            return Ok( Value::Nodeset(node_set) );
        } else {
            // xpath is something besides an element, so no match
            return Err( Error::Other("Argument other than a node given to BaseNode".to_string()) );

struct IfThenElse;
 impl Function for IfThenElse {
    fn evaluate<'c, 'd>(&self,
                        _context: &context::Evaluation<'c, 'd>,
                        args: Vec<Value<'d>>)
                        -> Result<Value<'d>, Error>
        let args = Args(args);
        let if_val = &args[0];
        let then_val = &args[1];
        let else_val = &args[2];
        let is_true = match if_val {
            Value::Nodeset(nodes) => nodes.size() > 0,
            Value::Boolean(b) => *b,
            Value::Number(f) => *f != 0.0,
            Value::String(s) => !s.is_empty(),
        return Ok( if is_true {then_val.clone()} else {else_val.clone()});

struct Debug;

 * Returns true if the node is a large op
 * @param(node)     -- node(s) to test -- should be an <mo>
 impl Function for Debug {

    fn evaluate<'c, 'd>(&self,
                        _context: &context::Evaluation<'c, 'd>,
                        args: Vec<Value<'d>>)
                        -> Result<Value<'d>, Error>
        let mut args = Args(args);
        let xpath_str = args.pop_string()?;
        let eval_result = &args[0];
        debug!("  -- Debug: value of '{}' is ", xpath_str);
        match eval_result {
            Value::Nodeset(nodes) => {
                if nodes.size() == 0 {
                    debug!("0 nodes (false)");
                } else {
                    let singular = nodes.size()==1;
                    debug!("{} node{}. {}:", nodes.size(),
                        if singular {""} else {"s"},
                        if singular {"Node is"} else {"Nodes are"});
                        .for_each(|(i, node)| {
                            match node {
                                Node::Element(mathml) => debug!("#{}:\n{}",
                                        i, mml_to_string(mathml)),
                                _ => debug!("'{:?}'", node),
            _ => debug!("'{:?}'", eval_result),
        return Ok( eval_result.clone() );

/// Should be an internal structure for implementation of the IsBracketed, but it was useful in one place in a separate module.
/// This should probably be restructured slightly.
pub struct IsBracketed;
impl IsBracketed {
    pub fn is_bracketed(element: &Element, left: &str, right: &str, requires_comma: bool, requires_mrow: bool) -> bool {
        use crate::canonicalize::is_fence;
        if requires_mrow && !is_tag(element, "mrow") {
            return false;
        let children = element.children();
        let n_children = children.len();
        if (n_children == 0 ||
            !left.is_empty() && !right.is_empty() && n_children < 2) ||
            requires_comma && element.children().len() < 3 {
            // not enough argument for there to be a match
            return false;

        let first_child = as_element(children[0]);
        let last_child = as_element(children[children.len()-1]);
        // debug!("first_child: {}", crate::pretty_print::mml_to_string(&first_child));
        // debug!("last_child: {}", crate::pretty_print::mml_to_string(&last_child));
        if (left.is_empty()  && (name(&first_child) != "mo" || !is_fence(first_child))) ||
           (right.is_empty() && (name(&last_child) != "mo"  || !is_fence(last_child))) {
            return false;

        if !left.is_empty() && get_text_from_COE(&children[0]) != left ||
           !right.is_empty() && get_text_from_COE(&children[children.len()-1]) != right {
            // left or right don't match
            return false;

        if requires_comma {
            if let ChildOfElement::Element(contents) = children[1] {
                let children = contents.children();
                if !is_tag(&contents, "mrow") || children.len() <= 1 {
                    return false;
                // finally, we can check for a comma -- assume operand followed by a comma
                if get_text_from_COE(&children[1]).as_str() == "," {
                    return true;
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;


 * Returns true if the node is a bracketed expr with the indicated left/right chars
 * node -- node(s) to test
 * left -- string (like "[") or empty
 * right -- string (like "]") or empty
 * requires_comma - boolean, optional (check the top level of 'node' for commas)
// 'requiresComma' is useful for checking parenthesized expressions vs function arg lists and other lists
 impl Function for IsBracketed {
    fn evaluate<'c, 'd>(&self,
                        _context: &context::Evaluation<'c, 'd>,
                        args: Vec<Value<'d>>)
                        -> Result<Value<'d>, Error>
        let mut args = Args(args);
        let mut requires_comma = false;
        let mut requires_mrow = true;
        if args.len() == 5 {
            requires_mrow = args.pop_boolean()?;
        if args.len() >= 4 {
            requires_comma = args.pop_boolean()?;
        let right = args.pop_string()?;
        let left = args.pop_string()?;
        let node = validate_one_node(args.pop_nodeset()?, "IsBracketed")?;
        if let Node::Element(e) = node {
            return Ok( Value::Boolean( IsBracketed::is_bracketed(&e, &left, &right, requires_comma, requires_mrow) ) );

        // FIX: should having a non-element be an error instead??
        return Ok( Value::Boolean(false) );

pub struct IsInDefinition;
impl IsInDefinition {
    fn is_defined_in(element: &Element, set_name: &str) -> Result<bool, Error> {
        let text = get_text_from_element(element);
        if text.is_empty() {
            return Ok(false);
        return DEFINITIONS.with(|definitions| {
            let definitions = definitions.borrow();
            if let Some(set) = definitions.get_hashset(set_name) {
                return Ok( set.contains(&text) );
            return Err( Error::Other( format!("\n  IsInDefinition: '{}' is not defined in definitions.yaml", set_name) ) );



 * Returns true if the node is a bracketed expr with the indicated left/right chars
 * node -- node(s) to test
 * left -- string (like "[") or empty
 * right -- string (like "]") or empty
 * requires_comma - boolean, optional (check the top level of 'node' for commas
// 'requiresComma' is useful for checking parenthesized expressions vs function arg lists and other lists
 impl Function for IsInDefinition {
    fn evaluate<'c, 'd>(&self,
                        _context: &context::Evaluation<'c, 'd>,
                        args: Vec<Value<'d>>)
                        -> Result<Value<'d>, Error>
        let mut args = Args(args);
        let set_name = args.pop_string()?;
        let node = validate_one_node(args.pop_nodeset()?, "IsInDefinition")?;
        if let Node::Element(e) = node {
            return match IsInDefinition::is_defined_in(&e, &set_name) {
                Ok(result) => Ok( Value::Boolean( result ) ),
                Err(e) => Err(e)

        // FIX: should having a non-element be an error instead??
        return Ok( Value::Boolean(false) );

pub struct DistanceFromLeaf;
impl DistanceFromLeaf {
    fn distance(element: Element, use_left_side: bool, treat_2d_elements_as_tokens: bool) -> usize {
        // FIX: need to handle char level (i.e., chars in a leaf element)
        let mut element = element;
        let mut distance = 1;
        loop {
            if is_leaf(element) {
                return distance;
            if treat_2d_elements_as_tokens && MATHML_2D_NODES.contains(name(&element)) {
                return distance;
            let children = element.children();
            element = as_element( if use_left_side {children[0]} else {children[children.len()-1]} );
            distance += 1;


 * Returns distance from the current node to the leftmost/rightmost leaf (if char, then = 0, if token, then 1).
  if the node is a bracketed expr with the indicated left/right chars
 * node -- node(s) to test
 * left_side -- (bool) traverse leftmost child to leaf
 * treat2D_elements_as_tokens -- (bool) 2D notations such as fractions are treated like leaves 
impl Function for DistanceFromLeaf {
    fn evaluate<'c, 'd>(&self,
                        _context: &context::Evaluation<'c, 'd>,
                        args: Vec<Value<'d>>)
                        -> Result<Value<'d>, Error>
        let mut args = Args(args);
        let treat_2d_elements_as_tokens = args.pop_boolean()?;
        let use_left_side = args.pop_boolean()?;
        let node = validate_one_node(args.pop_nodeset()?, "DistanceFromLeaf")?;
        if let Node::Element(e) = node {
            return Ok( Value::Number( DistanceFromLeaf::distance(e, use_left_side, treat_2d_elements_as_tokens) as f64) );

        // FIX: should having a non-element be an error instead??
        return Err(Error::Other(format!("DistanceFromLeaf: first arg '{:?}' is not a node", node)));

pub struct EdgeNode;
impl EdgeNode {
    // Return the root of the ancestor tree if we are at the left/right side of a path from that to 'element'
    fn edge_node<'a, 'b>(element: Element<'a>, use_left_side: bool, stop_node_name: &'b str) -> Option<Element<'a>> {
        let element_name = name(&element);
        if element_name == "math" {
            return Some(element);

        let parent = element.parent().unwrap().element().unwrap();   // there is always a "math" node
        let parent_name = name(&parent);

        // first check to see if we have the special case of punctuation as last child of math/mrow element
        // it only matters if we are looking at the right edge

        // debug!("EdgeNode: there are {} preceding siblings",element.preceding_siblings().len() );
        if use_left_side  && !element.preceding_siblings().is_empty() {// not at left side
            return None;

        if !use_left_side && !element.following_siblings().is_empty() {  // not at right side
            // check for the special case that the parent is an mrow and the grandparent is <math> and we have punctuation
            let grandparent = parent.parent().unwrap().element().unwrap();
            if name(&grandparent) == "math" &&
               parent_name == "mrow" && parent.children().len() == 2 {      // right kind of mrow
                let text = get_text_from_element( &as_element(parent.children()[1]) );
                if text == "," || text == "." || text == ";" || text == "?" {
                    return Some(grandparent);
             return None;

        // at an edge -- check to see the parent is desired root
        if parent_name == stop_node_name || 
           (stop_node_name == "2D" && MATHML_2D_NODES.contains(name(&parent))) {
            return Some(parent);
        // debug!("EdgeNode: recurse to {}", parent_name);
        return EdgeNode::edge_node(parent, use_left_side, stop_node_name)

// EdgeNode(node, "left"/"right", stopNodeName)
// 		-- returns the stopNode if at left/right edge of named ancestor node. "stopNodeName' can also be "2D'
// 		   returns original node match isn't found
//  Note: if stopNodeName=="math", then punctuation is taken into account since it isn't really part of the math
impl Function for EdgeNode {
    fn evaluate<'c, 'd>(&self,
                        _context: &context::Evaluation<'c, 'd>,
                        args: Vec<Value<'d>>)
                        -> Result<Value<'d>, Error>
        let mut args = Args(args);
        let stop_node_name = args.pop_string()?;
        let use_left_side = args.pop_string()?.to_lowercase() == "left";
        let node = validate_one_node(args.pop_nodeset()?, "EdgeNode")?;
        if let Node::Element(e) = node {
            let result = match EdgeNode::edge_node(e, use_left_side, &stop_node_name) {
                Some(found) => found,
                None => e,
            let mut node_set = Nodeset::new();
            return Ok( Value::Nodeset(node_set) );

        // FIX: should having a non-element be an error instead??
        return Err(Error::Other(format!("EdgeNode: first arg '{:?}' is not a node", node)));

/// Add all the functions defined in this module to `context`.
pub fn add_builtin_functions(context: &mut Context) {
    // FIX: should be a static cache that gets regenerated on update
    context.set_function("min", Min);       // missing in xpath 1.0
    context.set_function("max", Max);       // missing in xpath 1.0
    context.set_function("NestingChars", crate::braille::NemethNestingChars);
    context.set_function("BrailleChars", crate::braille::BrailleChars);
    context.set_function("IsNode", IsNode);
    context.set_function("ToOrdinal", ToOrdinal);
    context.set_function("ToCommonFraction", ToCommonFraction);
    context.set_function("IsLargeOp", IsLargeOp);
    context.set_function("IsBracketed", IsBracketed);
    context.set_function("IsInDefinition", IsInDefinition);
    context.set_function("BaseNode", BaseNode);
    context.set_function("IfThenElse", IfThenElse);
    context.set_function("DistanceFromLeaf", DistanceFromLeaf);
    context.set_function("EdgeNode", EdgeNode);
    context.set_function("DEBUG", Debug);

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use std::{path::PathBuf};
    use sxd_document::parser;
    use crate::interface::{trim_element, get_element};

    fn init_word_list() {
        let result = crate::definitions::read_definitions_file(&[
        if let Err(e) = result {
            panic!("unable to read 'Rules/Languages/en/definitions.yaml\n{}", e.to_string());

    fn ordinal_one_digit() {
        assert_eq!("zeroth", ToOrdinal::convert("0", false, false));
        assert_eq!("second", ToOrdinal::convert("2", false, false));
        assert_eq!("ninth", ToOrdinal::convert("9", false, false));

        assert_eq!("zeroth", ToOrdinal::convert("0", false, true));
        assert_eq!("seconds", ToOrdinal::convert("2", false, true));
        assert_eq!("ninths", ToOrdinal::convert("9", false, true));

        assert_eq!("first", ToOrdinal::convert("1", true, false));
        assert_eq!("half", ToOrdinal::convert("2", true, false));
        assert_eq!("half", ToOrdinal::convert("02", true, false));
        assert_eq!("ninth", ToOrdinal::convert("9", true, false));

        assert_eq!("halves", ToOrdinal::convert("2", true, true));
        assert_eq!("halves", ToOrdinal::convert("002", true, true));
        assert_eq!("ninths", ToOrdinal::convert("9", true, true));

    fn ordinal_two_digit() {
        assert_eq!("tenth", ToOrdinal::convert("10", false, false));
        assert_eq!("seventeenth", ToOrdinal::convert("17", false, false));
        assert_eq!("thirty second", ToOrdinal::convert("32", false, false));
        assert_eq!("fortieth", ToOrdinal::convert("40", false, false));

        assert_eq!("tenths", ToOrdinal::convert("10", false, true));
        assert_eq!("sixteenths", ToOrdinal::convert("16", false, true));
        assert_eq!("eighty eights", ToOrdinal::convert("88", false, true));
        assert_eq!("fiftieths", ToOrdinal::convert("50", false, true));

        assert_eq!("eleventh", ToOrdinal::convert("11", true, false));
        assert_eq!("forty fourth", ToOrdinal::convert("44", true, false));
        assert_eq!("ninth", ToOrdinal::convert("9", true, false));
        assert_eq!("ninth", ToOrdinal::convert("00000009", true, false));
        assert_eq!("sixtieth", ToOrdinal::convert("60", true, false));

        assert_eq!("tenths", ToOrdinal::convert("10", true, true));
        assert_eq!("tenths", ToOrdinal::convert("0010", true, true));
        assert_eq!("elevenths", ToOrdinal::convert("11", true, true));
        assert_eq!("nineteenths", ToOrdinal::convert("19", true, true));
        assert_eq!("twentieths", ToOrdinal::convert("20", true, true));

    fn ordinal_three_digit() {
        assert_eq!("one hundred first", ToOrdinal::convert("101", false, false));
        assert_eq!("two hundred tenth", ToOrdinal::convert("210", false, false));
        assert_eq!("four hundred thirty second", ToOrdinal::convert("432", false, false));
        assert_eq!("four hundred second", ToOrdinal::convert("402", false, false));

        assert_eq!("one hundred first", ToOrdinal::convert("101", true, false));
        assert_eq!("two hundred second", ToOrdinal::convert("202", true, false));
        assert_eq!("four hundred thirty second", ToOrdinal::convert("432", true, false));
        assert_eq!("five hundred third", ToOrdinal::convert("503", true, false));

        assert_eq!("three hundred elevenths", ToOrdinal::convert("311", false, true));
        assert_eq!("four hundred ninety ninths", ToOrdinal::convert("499", false, true));
        assert_eq!("nine hundred ninetieths", ToOrdinal::convert("990", false, true));
        assert_eq!("six hundred seconds", ToOrdinal::convert("602", false, true));

        assert_eq!("seven hundredths", ToOrdinal::convert("700", true, true));
        assert_eq!("one hundredths", ToOrdinal::convert("100", true, true));
        assert_eq!("eight hundred seventeenths", ToOrdinal::convert("817", true, true));
    fn ordinal_large() {
        assert_eq!("one thousandth", ToOrdinal::convert("1000", false, false));
        assert_eq!("two thousand one hundredth", ToOrdinal::convert("2100", false, false));
        assert_eq!("thirty thousandth", ToOrdinal::convert("30000", false, false));
        assert_eq!("four hundred thousandth", ToOrdinal::convert("400000", false, false));

        assert_eq!("four hundred thousandth", ToOrdinal::convert("400000", true, false));
        assert_eq!("five hundred thousand second", ToOrdinal::convert("500002", true, false));
        assert_eq!("six millionth", ToOrdinal::convert("6000000", true, false));
        assert_eq!("sixty millionth", ToOrdinal::convert("60000000", true, false));

        assert_eq!("seven billionths", ToOrdinal::convert("7000000000", false, true));
        assert_eq!("eight trillionths", ToOrdinal::convert("8000000000000", false, true));
        assert_eq!("nine quadrillionths", ToOrdinal::convert("9000000000000000", false, true));
        assert_eq!("one quintillionth", ToOrdinal::convert("1000000000000000000", false, false));

        assert_eq!("nine billion eight hundred seventy six million five hundred forty three thousand two hundred tenths", ToOrdinal::convert("9876543210", true, true));
        assert_eq!("nine billion five hundred forty three thousand two hundred tenths", ToOrdinal::convert("9000543210", true, true));
        assert_eq!("zeroth", ToOrdinal::convert("00000", false, false));

    fn test_is_simple(message: &'static str, mathml_str: &'static str) {
		// this forces initialization
		crate::speech::SPEECH_RULES.with(|_| true);
        let package = parser::parse(mathml_str)
        .expect("failed to parse XML");
        let mathml = get_element(&package);
        assert!(IsNode::is_simple(&mathml), "{}", message);

    fn test_is_not_simple(message: &'static str, mathml_str: &'static str) {
		// this forces initialization
		crate::speech::SPEECH_RULES.with(|_| true);
        let package = parser::parse(mathml_str)
        .expect("failed to parse XML");
        let mathml = get_element(&package);
        assert!(!IsNode::is_simple(&mathml), "{}", message);
    fn is_simple() {
        test_is_simple("single variable", "<mi>x</mi>");
        test_is_simple("single number", "<mn>1.2</mn>");
        test_is_simple("negative number", "<mrow><mo>-</mo><mn>10</mn></mrow>");
        test_is_simple("negative variable", "<mrow><mo>-</mo><mi>x</mi></mrow>");
        test_is_simple("ordinal fraction", "<mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac>");
        test_is_simple("x y", "<mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>&#x2062;</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow>");
        test_is_simple("negative two vars", 
        test_is_simple("-2 x y", 
        test_is_simple("sin x", "<mrow><mi>sin</mi><mo>&#x2061;</mo><mi>x</mi></mrow>");
        test_is_simple("f(x)", "<mrow><mi>f</mi><mo>&#x2061;</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow>");

    fn is_not_simple() {
        test_is_not_simple("multi-char variable", "<mi>rise</mi>");
        test_is_not_simple("large ordinal fraction", "<mfrac><mn>30</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac>");
        test_is_not_simple("fraction with var in numerator", "<mfrac><mi>x</mi><mn>4</mn></mfrac>");
        test_is_not_simple("square root", "<msqrt><mi>x</mi></msqrt>");
        test_is_not_simple("subscript", "<msub><mi>x</mi><mn>4</mn></msub>");
        test_is_not_simple("-x y z", 

    fn at_left_edge() {
        let mathml = "<math><mfrac><mrow><mn>30</mn><mi>x</mi></mrow><mn>4</mn></mfrac></math>";
        let package = parser::parse(mathml).expect("failed to parse XML");
        let mathml = get_element(&package);
        let fraction = as_element(mathml.children()[0]);
        let mn = as_element(as_element(fraction.children()[0]).children()[0]);
        assert_eq!(EdgeNode::edge_node(mn, true, "2D"), Some(fraction));
        assert_eq!(EdgeNode::edge_node(mn, false, "2D"), None);

        let mi = as_element(as_element(fraction.children()[0]).children()[1]);
        assert_eq!(EdgeNode::edge_node(mi, true, "2D"), None);

    fn at_right_edge() {
        let mathml = "<math><mrow><mfrac><mn>4</mn><mrow><mn>30</mn><mi>x</mi></mrow></mfrac><mo>.</mo></mrow></math>";
        let package = parser::parse(mathml).expect("failed to parse XML");
        let mathml = get_element(&package);
        let fraction = as_element(as_element(mathml.children()[0]).children()[0]);
        let mi = as_element(as_element(fraction.children()[1]).children()[1]);
        assert_eq!(EdgeNode::edge_node(mi, true, "2D"), None);
        assert_eq!(EdgeNode::edge_node(mi, false, "2D"), Some(fraction));
        assert_eq!(EdgeNode::edge_node(mi, false, "math"), Some(mathml));

        let mn = as_element(as_element(fraction.children()[1]).children()[0]);
        assert_eq!(EdgeNode::edge_node(mn, true, "2D"), None);