maskerad_memory_allocators 2.0.0

custom allocators, for memory fragmentation prevention.
maskerad memory allocators
**custom allocators, for memory fragmentation prevention.**

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This Rust library is **nightly-only** and provides: 
- a **stack-based** allocator

This allocator is a vector-like data structure, which asks **n** number of bytes from the heap
when instantiated.

- a **double-buffered** allocator

It is a structure holding two stack-based allocators. One is active, the other is inactive.
When we allocate/reset with this allocator, the active stack-based allocator allocates/reset memory.
We can swap the allocators, the inactive one becomes active.

- a **double-ended** allocator

It works like a stack-based allocator, but allocations can occur on both sides. *Technically* it doesn't work
like that, but that's the idea.

All those type of allocators are available for structures implementing the **Copy** trait **OR** the **Drop** trait.

This library was made to **prevent memory fragmentation**. The allocators preallocate memory from the heap,
and we use those allocators to create objects.

### Installation

This library is available on [](

### Examples
Refer to the [documentation]( for some examples.

### Use case: game loops

With those types of allocators, memory is freed only when the allocator is dropped, we can just *reset*
the allocators.

it means we may **override currently used memory** !

Not in a game loop :
- We allocate at the beginning of the loop.
- We consume in the loop.
- We reset at the end of the loop.

At the start of the loop **n**, we can be sure that the data allocated in the loop **n - 1** is not longer used or needed.

It means that data allocated during frame **n** must only be usable during frame **n**, not **n + 1** !

If you need to use data created at frame **n** for the frame **n + 1**, the **double buffered allocator** can solve your problem.

### Potential benefices compared to heap allocation
It *can* be **faster**: Allocations and *frees* move a pointer, that's all.

It prevents **memory fragmentation**: Allocation is always contiguous, memory cannot be fragmented over time.

### Purpose of custom allocators

Time-constrained programs, like video-games, need to be as fast as possible.

A video-game, in its game loop, needs to :
- Read the player's input at frame **n**.
- Update the world state (AI, physics, object states, sounds...) at frame **n**.
- Draw the scene at frame **n** in the back buffer.
- Swap the back buffer (frame **n**) with the current buffer (frame **n - 1**).

In order to display **60** frames per second, this loop needs to be completed in **16** milliseconds (**0.016** seconds).

### Problems about general-purpose memory allocators
One possible bottleneck is **dynamic** memory allocation (allocation on the **heap**), which *can* be slow.

Moreover, memory can become **fragmented** over time :

Even though we have enough **total** memory, this memory is not **contiguous** so we can't
 allocate anything.
![memory fragmentation illustration](readme_ressources/memory_fragmentation.svg)

Custom memory allocators can help with both problems.

We can distinguish 3 types of memory allocation :
- **Persistent** memory allocation: data is allocated when the program is started, and freed when
the program is shut down. The [arena crate] or a stack-based allocator can help here.

- **Dynamic** memory allocation: data is allocated and freed during the lifetime of the program, but
we can't predict *when* this data is allocated and freed. An [Object Pool]
can be a good data structure to deal with this type of memory allocation.

- **One-Frame** memory allocation: Data is allocated, consumed and freed in a loop. This allocator
can be useful with this type of memory allocation.

## More informations on the subject
[Game Engine Architecture, chapter 5.2](

[Stack Overflow answer about memory fragmentation](

[Stack Overflow answer about stack-based allocators](

[SwedishCoding blogpost about custom memory allocators](

[Game Programming Patterns, Chapter 19, about Object Pools](

[Wikipedia article about Object Pools](

## License

Licensed under either of

 * Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE]LICENSE-APACHE or

at your option.

## Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed
as above, without any additional terms or conditions.