mars-core 1.0.0

Mars is a fully automated, on-chain credit protocol built on Terra and governed by a decentralised community of users and developers
use std::collections::HashMap;

use cosmwasm_std::{to_binary, Addr, QuerierResult, Uint128};

use crate::vesting;

pub struct VestingQuerier {
    /// vesting contract address to be used in queries
    pub vesting_address: Addr,
    /// maps human address and a block to a specific voting power
    pub voting_power_at: HashMap<(Addr, u64), Uint128>,
    /// maps a block to a specific voting power
    pub total_voting_power_at: HashMap<u64, Uint128>,

impl Default for VestingQuerier {
    fn default() -> Self {
        VestingQuerier {
            vesting_address: Addr::unchecked(""),
            voting_power_at: HashMap::new(),
            total_voting_power_at: HashMap::new(),

impl VestingQuerier {
    pub fn handle_query(
        contract_addr: &Addr,
        query: vesting::msg::QueryMsg,
    ) -> QuerierResult {
        if contract_addr != &self.vesting_address {
                "[mock]: made an vesting query but incentive contract address is incorrect, was: {}, should be {}",  

        match query {
            vesting::msg::QueryMsg::VotingPowerAt {
            } => {
                match self
                    .get(&(Addr::unchecked(user_address), block))
                    Some(voting_power) => Ok(to_binary(voting_power).into()).into(),
                    // If voting power is not set, return zero
                    None => Ok(to_binary(&Uint128::zero()).into()).into(),

            vesting::msg::QueryMsg::TotalVotingPowerAt { block } => {
                match self.total_voting_power_at.get(&block) {
                    Some(total_voting_power) => Ok(to_binary(total_voting_power).into()).into(),
                    // If voting power is not set, return zero
                    None => Ok(to_binary(&Uint128::zero()).into()).into(),

            _ => panic!("[mock]: unimplemented"),