mango-orm 0.6.33

ORM-like API MongoDB for Rust.



ORM-like API MongoDB for Rust

To simulate fields of type ForeignKey and ManyToMany, a simplified alternative (Dynamic Widgets) is used. For examples of how to add fields to the Model, see tests. For maximum convenience use mango-panel.


MongoDB Rust Driver version 1.2.5 is used.

Mango-panel is the recommended part of the entire ecosystem ( mango-orm, metamorphose, mango-panel ). For those who use mango-panel - Follow our updates.


  • mongodb
  • serde
  • chrono
  • image
  • lazy_static
  • rand
  • regex
  • rust-argon2
  • serde_json
  • slug
  • validator
  • uuid
  • metamorphose

Match field types and widget types

Field type: Widget type:
Option< bool > "checkBox"
- -
Option< String > "inputSlug"
- -
Option< String > "inputColor"
Option< String > "inputDate"
Option< String > "inputDateTime"
Option< String > "inputEmail"
Option< String > "inputPassword"
Option< String > "inputPhone"
Option< String > "inputText"
Option< String > "inputUrl"
Option< String > "inputIP"
Option< String > "inputIPv4"
Option< String > "inputIPv6"
- -
Option< String > "textArea"
- -
Option< String > "inputFile"
Option< String > "inputImage"
- -
Option< i32 > "numberI32"
Option< u32 > "numberU32"
Option< i64 > "numberI64"
Option< f64 > "numberF64"
- -
Option< String > "radioText"
Option< i32 > "radioI32"
Option< u32 > "radioU32"
Option< i64 > "radioI64"
Option< f64 > "radioF64"
- -
Option< i32 > "rangeI32"
Option< u32 > "rangeU32"
Option< i64 > "rangeI64"
Option< f64 > "rangeF64"
- -
Option< String > "selectText"
Option< String > "selectTextDyn"
Option< Vec< String > > "selectTextMult"
Option< Vec< String > > "selectTextMultDyn"
Option< i32 > "selectI32"
Option< i32 > "selectI32Dyn"
Option< Vec< i32 > > "selectI32Mult"
Option< Vec< i32 > > "selectI32MultDyn"
Option< u32 > "selectU32"
Option< u32 > "selectU32Dyn"
Option< Vec< u32 > > "selectU32Mult"
Option< Vec< u32 > > "selectU32MultDyn"
Option< i64 > "selectI64"
Option< i64 > "selectI64Dyn"
Option< Vec< i64 > > "selectI64Mult"
Option< Vec< i64 > > "selectI64MultDyn"
Option< f64 > "selectF64"
Option< f64 > "selectF64Dyn"
Option< Vec< f64 > > "selectF64Mult"
Option< Vec< f64 > > "selectF64MultDyn"
- -
Option< String > "hiddenText"
Option< i32 > "hiddenI32"
Option< u32 > "hiddenU32"
Option< i64 > "hiddenI64"
Option< f64 > "hiddenF64"

Widget attributes

// "model-name--field-name" ( The value is determined automatically )
id: String
label: String
widget: String
// The value is determined automatically
input_type: String,
name: String
value: String
// Hint: accept="image/jpeg,image/png,image/gif"
accept: String
placeholder: String
// Validating a field using a client-side regex
pattern: String
minlength: usize
maxlength: usize
required: bool
// For <input type="checkbox|radio">
checked: bool
unique: bool
disabled: bool
readonly: bool
step: String
min: String
max: String
// Hint: <value, Title> - <option value="value1">Title 1</option>
options: Vec<(String, String)>
// From one to four inclusive
// Example: r#"[["xs",150],["sm",300],["md",600],["lg",1200]]"#
thumbnails: Vec<(String, u32)>
// Example: r#"["title"]"# or r#"["username"]"# or r#"["email", "first_name", "last_name"]"#
slug_sources: Vec<String>
is_hide: bool
// "autofocus tabindex=\"some number\" size=\"some number\" ..."
other_attrs: String
// "class-name class-name ..."
css_classes: String
hint: String
// The value is determined automatically
warning: String
// The value is determined automatically
error: String
// Messages common to the entire Form
common_msg: String

Install mongodb (if not installed)

### Ubuntu, Mint:
$ sudo apt install mongodb
## OR
### Ubuntu 20.04, Mint 20.x:
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install dirmngr gnupg apt-transport-https ca-certificates
$ wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
$ sudo add-apt-repository 'deb [arch=amd64] focal/mongodb-org/4.4 multiverse'
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install mongodb-org
$ sudo systemctl enable --now mongod
# For check
$ mongod --version
$ mongo --eval 'db.runCommand({ connectionStatus: 1 })' 
$ reboot
### Configuration file:
$ sudo nano /etc/mongod.conf
### Systemd:
$ sudo systemctl status mongod
$ sudo systemctl start mongod
$ sudo systemctl stop mongod
$ sudo systemctl restart mongod
$ sudo systemctl enable mongod
$ sudo systemctl disable mongod
### Uninstall:
$ sudo systemctl stop mongod
$ sudo systemctl disable mongod
$ sudo apt --purge remove mongodb\*  # OR (for mongodb-org) - $ sudo apt --purge remove mongodb-org\**
$ sudo rm -r /var/log/mongodb
$ sudo rm -r /var/lib/mongodb
$ sudo rm -f /etc/mongod.conf
$ sudo apt-add-repository --remove 'deb [arch=amd64] focal/mongodb-org/4.4 multiverse' # for mongodb-org
$ sudo apt update

Example Usage:


mango-orm = "0.6"
metamorphose = "0.4"
regex = "1.5.6"
serde_json = "1.0.81"

default-features = false
features = ["sync"]
version = "1.2.5"

features = ["derive"]
version = "1.0.137"


// General settings for the project.
// Project name.
// Hint: PROJECT_NAM it is recommended not to change.
// Valid characters: _ a-z A-Z 0-9
// Max size: 21
// First character: a-z A-Z
pub const PROJECT_NAME: &str = "store";

// Unique project key.
// Hint: UNIQUE_PROJECT_KEY it is recommended not to change.
// Valid characters: a-z A-Z 0-9
// Size: 8-16
// Example: "7rzgacfqQB3B7q7T"
pub const UNIQUE_PROJECT_KEY: &str = "bhjRV8ry9X5LQBw";

// Settings for user accounts.
pub mod users {
    // Valid characters: _ a-z A-Z 0-9
    // Max size: 31
    // First character: a-z A-Z
    pub const SERVICE_NAME: &str = "accounts";
    // Valid characters: _ a-z A-Z 0-9
    // Max size: 21
    // First character: a-z A-Z
    pub const DATABASE_NAME: &str = "accounts";
    pub const DB_CLIENT_NAME: &str = "default";
    pub const DB_QUERY_DOCS_LIMIT: u32 = 1000;


use crate::{models, settings};
use mango_orm::{Monitor, ToModel, MONGODB_CLIENT_STORE};

// Migration Service `Mango`.
pub fn mango_migration() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Caching MongoDB clients.
        let mut client_store = MONGODB_CLIENT_STORE.write()?;
    // Monitor initialization.
    let monitor = Monitor {
        project_name: settings::PROJECT_NAME,
        unique_project_key: settings::UNIQUE_PROJECT_KEY,
        // Register models.
        models: vec![models::UserProfile::meta()?],
    // Run migration


use mango_orm::*;
use metamorphose::Model;
use regex::RegexBuilder;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

use crate::settings::{

// User profiles
    is_del_docs = false,
    is_use_add_valid = true,
    ignore_fields = "confirm_password"
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Default, Debug)]
pub struct UserProfile {
        widget = "inputText",
        label = "Username",
        placeholder = "Enter your username",
        unique = true,
        required = true,
        maxlength = 150,
        hint = "Valid characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 _ @ + .<br>Max size: 150"
    pub username: Option<String>,
        widget = "inputSlug",
        label = "Slug",
        unique = true,
        readonly = true,
        is_hide = true,
        hint = "To create a human readable url",
        slug_sources = r#"["username"]"#
    pub slug: Option<String>,
        widget = "inputText",
        label = "First name",
        placeholder = "Enter your First name",
        maxlength = 150
    pub first_name: Option<String>,
        widget = "inputText",
        label = "Last name",
        placeholder = "Enter your Last name",
        maxlength = 150
    pub last_name: Option<String>,
        widget = "inputEmail",
        label = "E-mail",
        placeholder = "Please enter your email",
        required = true,
        unique = true,
        maxlength = 320,
        hint = "Your actual E-mail"
    pub email: Option<String>,
        widget = "inputPhone",
        label = "Phone number",
        placeholder = "Please enter your phone number",
        unique = true,
        maxlength = 30,
        hint = "Your actual phone number"
    pub phone: Option<String>,
        widget = "inputPassword",
        label = "Password",
        placeholder = "Enter your password",
        required = true,
        minlength = 8,
        hint = "Valid characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 @ # $ % ^ & + = * ! ~ ) (<br>Min size: 8"
    pub password: Option<String>,
        widget = "inputPassword",
        label = "Confirm password",
        placeholder = "Repeat your password",
        required = true,
        minlength = 8,
        hint = "Repeat your password"
    pub confirm_password: Option<String>,
        widget = "checkBox",
        label = "is staff?",
        checked = true,
        hint = "User can access the admin site?"
    pub is_staff: Option<bool>,
        widget = "checkBox",
        label = "is active?",
        checked = true,
        hint = "Is this an active account?"
    pub is_active: Option<bool>,

impl AdditionalValidation for UserProfile {
    fn add_validation<'a>(
    ) -> Result<std::collections::HashMap<&'a str, &'a str>, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
        // Hint: error_map.insert("field_name", "Error message.")
        let mut error_map: std::collections::HashMap<&'a str, &'a str> =

        // Get clean data
        let hash = self.hash.clone().unwrap_or_default();
        let password = self.password.clone().unwrap_or_default();
        let confirm_password = self.confirm_password.clone().unwrap_or_default();
        let username = self.username.clone().unwrap_or_default();

        // Fields validation
        if hash.is_empty() && password != confirm_password {
            error_map.insert("confirm_password", "Password confirmation does not match.");
        if !RegexBuilder::new(r"^[a-z\d_@+.]+$")
                "Invalid characters present.<br>\
                 Valid characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 _ @ + .",



mod migration;
mod models;
mod settings;

use mango_orm::*;

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Run migration.

    let mut user = models::UserProfile {
        username: Some("testname".to_string()),
        email: Some("test@test.test".to_string()),
        password: Some("12345678".to_string()),
        confirm_password: Some("12345678".to_string()),
        is_staff: Some(false),
        ..Default::default() // or initialize the `hash` field - { hash: Some(String::new()) }

    // Get form with default data.
    // println!("Widget map:\n{:?}", models::UserProfile::to_wig().unwrap());
    // println!("Json-line:\n{}", models::UserProfile::to_json().unwrap());
    // println!("Html code:\n{}", models::UserProfile::to_html().unwrap());
    // Check.
    // let result = user.check()?;
    // println!("Is valid: {}", result.is_valid());
    // println!("Hash: {}", result.hash()?);
    // Get MongoDB ID from hash-line
    // println!("\nObject Id:\n{:?}\n", result.object_id()?);
    // println!("\n\nWidget map:\n{:?}", result.to_wig());
    // println!("\n\nJson:\n{}", result.to_json()?);
    // println!("\n\nHtml:\n{}", result.to_html());
    // println!("\n\nbson::Document:\n{:?}", result.to_doc());
    // Printing errors to the console ( for development ).
    // result.print_err();
    // Get form with current data.
    // println!("Widget map:\n{:?}", result.to_wig());
    // println!("Json-line:\n{}", result.to_json()?);
    // println!("Html code:\n{}", result.to_html());
    // Add or update a document in the database ( check() + save() ).
    let result =, None)?;
    println!("Is valid: {}", result.is_valid());
    println!("Hash: {}", result.hash()?);
    // Get MongoDB ID from hash-line
    // println!("\nObject Id:\n{:?}\n", result.object_id()?);
    // Printing errors to the console ( for development ).
    // Get form with current data.
    // println!("Widget map:\n{:?}", result.to_wig());
    // println!("Json-line:\n{}", result.to_json()?);
    // println!("Html code:\n{}", result.to_html());
    // Remove document from collection.
    // let output_data  = user.delete(None)?;
    // if !output_data.is_valid() {
    //     println!("{}", routput_data.err_msg());
    // }


  • v0.6.30 Renamed methods: wig(), json(), html() -> to_wig(), to_json(), to_html(). Updated Updated documentation.
  • v0.6.16 Renamed the Forms module to Widgets.
  • v0.6.15 Updating by version of dependencies.
  • v0.6.10 Updated test for dynamic widgets.
  • v0.6.7 Removed hiddenSlug field.
  • v0.6.6 Added is_hide parameter for Widgets.
  • v0.6.5 In the check() method, errors are redirected to the console, for fields of hidden type.
  • v0.6.4 Fixes for fields of slug type.
  • v0.6 1) Added inputSlug and hiddenSlug fields. 2) Fix - Added fields of hidden type to migration.
  • v0.5.4 Optimization for creating thumbnails, for default images.
  • v0.5.3 Improved cleaning of orphaned files.
  • v0.5 Support for the Form macro has been removed.


This project is licensed under the MIT and Apache Version 2.0