mango-orm 0.5.1

ORM-like API MongoDB for Rust.



ORM-like API MongoDB for Rust

To simulate fields of type ForeignKey and ManyToMany, a simplified alternative (Dynamic Widgets) is used. For examples of how to add fields to the Model, see tests. For maximum convenience use mango-panel.


  • mongodb
  • serde
  • chrono
  • image
  • lazy_static
  • rand
  • regex
  • rust-argon2
  • serde_json
  • validator
  • metamorphose

Match field types and widget types

Field type: Widget type:
bool "checkBox"
String "inputColor"
String "inputDate"
String "inputDateTime"
String "inputEmail"
String "inputFile"
String "inputImage"
i32 "numberI32"
u32 "numberU32"
i64 "numberI64"
f64 "numberF64"
String "inputPassword"
String "radioText"
i32 "radioI32"
u32 "radioU32"
i64 "radioI64"
f64 "radioF64"
i32 "rangeI32"
u32 "rangeU32"
i64 "rangeI64"
f64 "rangeF64"
String "inputPhone"
String "inputText"
String "inputUrl"
String "inputIP"
String "inputIPv4"
String "inputIPv6"
String "textArea"
String "selectText"
String "selectTextDyn"
Vec< String > "selectTextMult"
Vec< String > "selectTextMultDyn"
i32 "selectI32"
i32 "selectI32Dyn"
Vec< i32 > "selectI32Mult"
Vec< i32 > "selectI32MultDyn"
u32 "selectU32"
u32 "selectU32Dyn"
Vec< u32 > "selectU32Mult"
Vec< u32 > "selectU32MultDyn"
i64 "selectI64"
i64 "selectI64Dyn"
Vec< i64 > "selectI64Mult"
Vec< i64 > "selectI64MultDyn"
f64 "selectF64"
f64 "selectF64Dyn"
Vec< f64 > "selectF64Mult"
Vec< f64 > "selectF64MultDyn"
String "hiddenText"
i32 "hiddenI32"
u32 "hiddenU32"
i64 "hiddenI64"
f64 "hiddenF64"

Widget attributes

// "model-name--field-name" ( The value is determined automatically )
id: String
label: String
widget: String
// The value is determined automatically
input_type: String,
name: String
value: String
// Hint: accept="image/jpeg,image/png,image/gif"
accept: String
placeholder: String
// Validating a field using a client-side regex
pattern: String
minlength: usize
maxlength: usize
required: bool
// For <input type="checkbox|radio">
checked: bool
unique: bool
disabled: bool
readonly: bool
step: String
min: String
max: String
// Hint: <value, Title> - <option value="value1">Title 1</option>
options: Vec<(String, String)>
// From one to four inclusive
// Example: r#"[["xs",150],["sm",300],["md",600],["lg",1200]]"#
thumbnails: Vec<(String, u32)>
// "autofocus tabindex=\"some number\" size=\"some number\" ..."
other_attrs: String
// "class-name class-name ..."
css_classes: String
hint: String
// The value is determined automatically
warning: String
// The value is determined automatically
error: String
// Messages common to the entire Form
common_msg: String


1) Install mongodb (if not installed)

### Ubuntu, Mint:
$ sudo apt install mongodb
## OR
### Ubuntu 20.04, Mint 19.x:
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install dirmngr gnupg apt-transport-https ca-certificates
$ wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
$ sudo add-apt-repository 'deb [arch=amd64] focal/mongodb-org/4.4 multiverse'
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install mongodb-org
$ sudo systemctl enable --now mongod
$ mongo --eval 'db.runCommand({ connectionStatus: 1 })'    # For check
$ reboot
### Configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/mongod.conf
### Systemd:
$ sudo service mongod status
$ sudo service mongod start
$ sudo service mongod stop
$ sudo service mongod restart
$ sudo service mongod enable
$ sudo service mongod disable
### Uninstall:
$ sudo service mongod stop
$ sudo service mongod disable
$ sudo apt purge mongodb-org*
$ sudo rm -r /var/log/mongodb
$ sudo rm -r /var/lib/mongodb
$ sudo rm -f /etc/mongod.conf
$ sudo rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-4.4.list

2) Cargo.toml

mango-orm = "0.5"
metamorphose = "0.3"
chrono = "0.4"
image = "0.23"
lazy_static = "1.0"
rand = "0.7"
regex = "1.3"
rust-argon2 = "0.8"
serde_json = "1.0"
validator = "0.11"

default-features = false
features = ["sync"]
version = "1.0"

features = ["derive"]
version = "1.0"

Example Usage:


// General settings for the project.
// Project name.
// Hint: PROJECT_NAM it is recommended not to change.
// Valid characters: _ a-z A-Z 0-9
// Max size: 21
// First character: a-z A-Z
pub const PROJECT_NAME: &str = "store";

// Unique project key.
// Hint: UNIQUE_PROJECT_KEY it is recommended not to change.
// Valid characters: a-z A-Z 0-9
// Size: 8-16
// Example: "7rzgacfqQB3B7q7T"
pub const UNIQUE_PROJECT_KEY: &str = "bhjRV8ry9X5LQBw";

// Settings for user accounts.
pub mod users {
    // Valid characters: _ a-z A-Z 0-9
    // Max size: 31
    // First character: a-z A-Z
    pub const SERVICE_NAME: &str = "accounts";
    // Valid characters: _ a-z A-Z 0-9
    // Max size: 21
    // First character: a-z A-Z
    pub const DATABASE_NAME: &str = "users";
    pub const DB_CLIENT_NAME: &str = "default";
    pub const DB_QUERY_DOCS_LIMIT: u32 = 1000;


use crate::{models, settings};
use mango_orm::{Monitor, ToModel, MONGODB_CLIENT_STORE};

// Migration Service `Mango`.
pub fn mango_migration() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Caching MongoDB clients.
        let mut client_store = MONGODB_CLIENT_STORE.write()?;
    // Monitor initialization.
    let monitor = Monitor {
        project_name: settings::PROJECT_NAME,
        unique_project_key: settings::UNIQUE_PROJECT_KEY,
        // Register models.
        models: vec![models::UserProfile::meta()?],
    // Run migration


use mango_orm::*;
use metamorphose::Model;
use regex::RegexBuilder;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

use crate::settings::{

// User profiles
    is_del_docs = false,
    is_use_add_valid = true,
    ignore_fields = "confirm_password"
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Default, Debug)]
pub struct UserProfile {
        widget = "inputText",
        label = "Username",
        placeholder = "Enter your username",
        unique = true,
        required = true,
        maxlength = 150,
        hint = "Valid characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 _ @ + .<br>Max size: 150"
    pub username: Option<String>,
        widget = "inputText",
        label = "First name",
        placeholder = "Enter your First name",
        maxlength = 150
    pub first_name: Option<String>,
        widget = "inputText",
        label = "Last name",
        placeholder = "Enter your Last name",
        maxlength = 150
    pub last_name: Option<String>,
        widget = "inputEmail",
        label = "E-mail",
        placeholder = "Please enter your email",
        required = true,
        unique = true,
        maxlength = 320,
        hint = "Your actual E-mail"
    pub email: Option<String>,
        widget = "inputPhone",
        label = "Phone number",
        placeholder = "Please enter your phone number",
        unique = true,
        maxlength = 30,
        hint = "Your actual phone number"
    pub phone: Option<String>,
        widget = "inputPassword",
        label = "Password",
        placeholder = "Enter your password",
        required = true,
        minlength = 8,
        hint = "Valid characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 @ # $ % ^ & + = * ! ~ ) (<br>Min size: 8"
    pub password: Option<String>,
        widget = "inputPassword",
        label = "Confirm password",
        placeholder = "Repeat your password",
        required = true,
        minlength = 8,
        hint = "Repeat your password"
    pub confirm_password: Option<String>,
        widget = "checkBox",
        label = "is staff?",
        hint = "User can access the admin site?"
    pub is_staff: Option<bool>,
        widget = "checkBox",
        label = "is active?",
        hint = "Is this an active account?"
    pub is_active: Option<bool>,

impl AdditionalValidation for UserProfile {
    fn add_validation<'a>(
    ) -> Result<std::collections::HashMap<&'a str, &'a str>, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
        // Hint: error_map.insert("field_name", "Error message.")
        let mut error_map: std::collections::HashMap<&'a str, &'a str> =

        // Get clean data
        let hash = self.hash.clone().unwrap_or_default();
        let password = self.password.clone().unwrap_or_default();
        let confirm_password = self.confirm_password.clone().unwrap_or_default();
        let username = self.username.clone().unwrap_or_default();

        // Fields validation
        if hash.is_empty() && password != confirm_password {
            error_map.insert("confirm_password", "Password confirmation does not match.");
        if !RegexBuilder::new(r"^[a-z\d_@+.]+$")
                "Invalid characters present.<br>\
                 Valid characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 _ @ + .",



use mango_orm::*;

mod migration;
mod models;
mod settings;

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Run migration.
    let mut user = models::UserProfile {
        username: Some("testname".to_string()),
        email: Some("test@test.test".to_string()),
        password: Some("12345678".to_string()),
        confirm_password: Some("12345678".to_string()),
        is_staff: Some(false),
        is_active: Some(true),
        ..Default::default() // or initialize the `hash` field - { hash: Some(String::new()) }

    let result =, None)?;
    println!("Is valid: {}", result.is_valid());
    println!("Hash: {}", result.hash()?);
    println!("Widget map:\n{:?}", result.wig());
    println!("Json-line:\n{}", result.json()?);
    println!("Html:\n{}", result.html());
    println!("For admin panale: {}", result.json_for_admin()?);
    // ...


  • v0.5.1 (Updated
  • v0.5.0 (Support for the Form macro has been removed.)


This project is licensed under the MIT and Apache Version 2.0