mango-orm 0.4.2-alpha.1

ORM-like API MongoDB for Rust.
//! # Models.
//! Adapts the Structure for database queries using a programmatic or web interface.
//! `Meta` - Metadata of model (database name, collection name, etc).
//! `ToModel` - Transforms the Structure into a Model.

use crate::{
    forms::{html_controls::HtmlControls, Widget},
    models::validation::{AdditionalValidation, ValidationModel},

pub mod caching;
pub mod db_query_api;
pub mod output_data;
pub mod validation;

// #################################################################################################
// Metadata.
// ( Model parameters )
// *************************************************************************************************
#[derive(serde::Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Meta {
    pub model_name: String,
    pub project_name: String,
    pub unique_project_key: String,
    pub service_name: String,
    pub database_name: String,
    pub db_client_name: String,
    pub db_query_docs_limit: u32,
    pub collection_name: String,
    pub fields_count: usize,
    pub fields_name: Vec<String>,
    pub is_add_docs: bool,
    pub is_up_docs: bool,
    pub is_del_docs: bool,
    pub map_field_type: std::collections::HashMap<String, String>,
    pub map_widget_type: std::collections::HashMap<String, String>,
    // <field_name, (widget_type, value)>.
    pub map_default_values: std::collections::HashMap<String, (String, String)>,
    // List of field names that will not be saved to the database.
    pub ignore_fields: Vec<String>,

impl Default for Meta {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Meta {
            model_name: String::new(),
            project_name: String::new(),
            unique_project_key: String::new(),
            service_name: String::new(),
            database_name: String::new(),
            db_client_name: String::new(),
            db_query_docs_limit: 0_u32,
            collection_name: String::new(),
            fields_count: 0_usize,
            fields_name: Vec::new(),
            is_add_docs: true,
            is_up_docs: true,
            is_del_docs: true,
            map_field_type: std::collections::HashMap::new(),
            map_widget_type: std::collections::HashMap::new(),
            map_default_values: std::collections::HashMap::new(),
            // List of field names that will not be saved to the database.
            ignore_fields: Vec::new(),

// Model options and widget map for Form.
// *************************************************************************************************
pub trait ToModel: HtmlControls + AdditionalValidation + ValidationModel {
    // Get model key.
    // (To access data in the cache)
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    fn key() -> String;

    // Get metadata of Model.
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    fn meta() -> Result<Meta, Box<dyn std::error::Error>>;

    // Get map of widgets for model fields.
    // Hint: <field name, Widget>
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    fn widgets() -> Result<std::collections::HashMap<String, Widget>, Box<dyn std::error::Error>>;

    // Getter and Setter for field `hash`.
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    fn get_hash(&self) -> Option<String>;
    fn set_hash(&mut self, value: String);

    // Serialize an instance of the Model to a hash-line.
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    fn self_to_json(&self) -> Result<serde_json::value::Value, Box<dyn std::error::Error>>;

    // Convert hash-line to MongoDB ID.
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    fn hash_to_id(hash: &str) -> Result<mongodb::bson::oid::ObjectId, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {

    // Convert MongoDB ID to hash-line.
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    fn id_to_hash(id: mongodb::bson::oid::ObjectId) -> String {

    // Enrich the widget map with values for dynamic widgets.
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    fn vitaminize(
        project_name: &str,
        unique_project_key: &str,
        collection_name: &str,
        client: &mongodb::sync::Client,
        map_widgets: &mut std::collections::HashMap<String, Widget>,
    ) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
        // Init the name of the project's technical database.
        let db_mango_tech: String = format!("mango_tech__{}__{}", project_name, unique_project_key);
        // Access to the collection with values for dynamic widgets.
        let collection = client
        // Filter for searching a document.
        let filter = mongodb::bson::doc! {
            "collection": collection_name
        // Get a document with values for dynamic widgets.
        if let Some(doc) = collection.find_one(filter, None)? {
            let doc_dyn_values = doc.get_document("fields")?;
            // Updating the `options` parameter for fields with a dynamic widget.
            for (field_name, widget) in map_widgets {
                let widget_type = widget.widget.clone();
                if widget_type.contains("Dyn") {
                    let arr = doc_dyn_values.get_array(field_name)?;
                    let options: Vec<(String, String)> = arr
                        .map(|item| {
                            let arr = item.as_array().unwrap();
                    widget.options = options;
        } else {
                "Model: {} > Method: `vitaminize()` : \
                Document with values for dynamic widgets not found.",
