mangaplus-parser 0.2.4

Reads mangaplus data from stdin and outputs as JSON
# mangaplus-parser

- in binary (`cargo install mangaplus-parser`): parses the output (stdin) of mangaplus data and re-outputs as JSON for use with tools such as jq.
- in lib: offers a singular function to decode a slice, and a module for use with objects.

Build requirements:

- cargo

Recommended setup:

- install the musl stuff (`git clone git://`, follow INSTALL)
- install the musl toolchain (`rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl`)
- run `cargo build --release --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl`
- run `cp target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/mangaplus-parser ~/.local/bin` if you need that

Recommended installs:

- [`jq`]

Prebuilt binaries:

yeah I need to figure that out


curl --http2-prior-knowledge -H SESSION-TOKEN:$(uuidgen) '{}' | mangaplus-parser | jq .