malachite-base 0.3.2

A collection of utilities, including new arithmetic traits and iterators that generate all values of a type
/// Provides the constant 0.
pub trait Zero {
    const ZERO: Self;

/// Provides the constant 1.
pub trait One {
    const ONE: Self;

/// Provides the constant 2.
pub trait Two {
    const TWO: Self;

/// Provides the constant -1.
pub trait NegativeOne {
    const NEGATIVE_ONE: Self;

/// Provides the constant 1/2.
pub trait OneHalf {
    const ONE_HALF: Self;

/// The [Iverson bracket]( converts a [`bool`] to 0
/// or 1.
pub trait Iverson {
    fn iverson(b: bool) -> Self;

/// Converts a [`bool`] to 0 or 1.
/// This function is known as the [Iverson bracket](
/// $$
/// f(P) = \[P\] = \\begin{cases}
///     1 & \text{if} \\quad P, \\\\
///     0 & \\text{otherwise}.
/// \\end{cases}
/// $$
/// # Worst-case complexity
/// Constant time and additional memory.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use malachite_base::num::basic::traits::Iverson;
/// assert_eq!(u32::iverson(false), 0);
/// assert_eq!(i8::iverson(true), 1);
/// ```
impl<T: One + Sized + Zero> Iverson for T {
    fn iverson(b: bool) -> T {
        if b {
        } else {