malachite-base 0.2.3

A collection of utilities, including new arithmetic traits and iterators that generate all values of a type
use random::Seed;
use rounding_modes::{RoundingMode, ROUNDING_MODES};
use slices::{random_values_from_slice, RandomValuesFromSlice};
use std::iter::Cloned;

/// Uniformly generates random [`RoundingMode`]s.
pub type RandomRoundingModes = Cloned<RandomValuesFromSlice<'static, RoundingMode>>;

/// Uniformly generates random [`RoundingMode`]s.
/// The output length is infinite.
/// # Expected complexity
/// Constant time and additional memory.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// extern crate itertools;
/// use itertools::Itertools;
/// use malachite_base::random::EXAMPLE_SEED;
/// use malachite_base::rounding_modes::random::random_rounding_modes;
/// use malachite_base::rounding_modes::RoundingMode;
/// use malachite_base::rounding_modes::RoundingMode::*;
/// assert_eq!(
///     random_rounding_modes(EXAMPLE_SEED).take(10).collect_vec(),
///     &[Up, Exact, Ceiling, Up, Floor, Nearest, Exact, Up, Floor, Exact]
/// )
/// ```
pub fn random_rounding_modes(seed: Seed) -> RandomRoundingModes {
    random_values_from_slice(seed, &ROUNDING_MODES).cloned()